12:45 AM PDT, March 31, 2007
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When the attorney general testifies, he'll have precedent and the Constitution on his side.
A plea from the Palestinian finance minister for the world to lift sanctions.
Editorial: Though they won't cure gridlock in Los Angeles, traffic solutions such as making Pico and Olympic one-way streets are the kind of cheap thinking we need.

The fictional mascot for a line of rice and side-dishes likes his own product so much he bought the company.
Santa Ana's alleged attempt to falsify class sizes shows how California's mandatory class size reduction experiment has failed.

Solutions such as making Pico and Olympic one-way streets are the kind of cheap thinking we need.

A study that alters the timeline of mammals is another instance of how DNA findings color life history.

Friday, March 30, 2007
If Sacramento fails to find a quick solution to overcrowding, the streets may run with released felons.

Gov. Schwarzenegger should remove his cronies from the Board of Chiropractic Examiners

A federal court creatively interpreted the law to rule that health plans don't have to cover contraception. That could amount to discrimination.


Good morning Miss Sunshine
A cartoon by Mimi Pond

More cartoons by Mimi Pond

Astronomers are deciding the fate of the nine-planet solar system. Will Pluto make the final cut? A timeline of paradigm shifts that rocked our worlds.

Bloviating pundits and pols watch out: We're on to your mangled English. This week: "Robust"
- Previous Word Watches

Which High School Works Best?
We size up four leading ideas to fix failing urban districts.

Jon Healey's look at the love-hate relationship between Hollywood and technology.

The Times Favors Israel...No, Hezbollah!
A Jewish and Muslim leader bash the paper's coverage of the Middle East.

Economic sanctions are keeping Palestinians from building a life.

When the attorney general testifies before a Senate committee, he'll have precedent and the Constitution on his side.

Over the years, writers have applied the Japanese poetry style to America's pastime.

Friday, March 30, 2007
His wife said OK, but he declined an offer to simulate sex on camera. What happened?

Tehran broke international law again by abducting British soldiers; it's time for the world to enforce the rules.

Whether or not an applicant gets in is just a single step in life, says Stanford's admissions director.

Taking parenting tips from day-care studies reported in USA Today and the New York Times.

Thursday, March 29, 2007
If Europeans won't come to the aid of the kidnapped British sailors, what good is the European Union?

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