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  Services: Post Abortion Counseling Referrals (Project Rachel)
  There Is Hope After Abortion

The Church is aware of the many factors which may have influenced your decision, and ... does not doubt that in many cases it was a painful and even shattering decision. The wound in your heart may not yet have healed. Certainly what happened was and remains terribly wrong. But do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. Try rather to understand what happened and face it honestly.

It's normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one's heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness. Some women, on their own or with professional help, are able to get beyond their grief, and find a measure of peace after abortion. But other women continue to feel isolated and alone in their sadness, regret, anger and self-recrimination.

For over 16 years, women and men have been coming to Project Rachel, the post-abortion ministry of the Catholic Church, for help in healing their emotional and spiritual wounds. The priests and counselors in the Project Rachel network understand the pain and loss that follow abortion. They have led thousands of grieving women and men from despair to hope and peace.

Project Rachel has trained priests and professional counselors who can help you to heal spiritually and emotionally, no matter what faith tradition is yours.

If you are hurting because of abortion, we invite you to begin this journey.

Contact: Vicki Thorn Phone: 414-483-4141
E-Mail: Group: Human Concerns