At last - someone agrees... 

Many years ago, I had a discussion with someone that was looking to make an "all-digital" studio. This guy, like me, was constantly rotating gear into and out of his studio, and was trying to find a way to make it happen. When I threw out my opinion, he looked at me like I had a lizard crawling out of my mouth. What did I suggest?... 

Simple - I suggested that he not worry about the "all-digital" aspect. An all-digital system is great if you have a stable, and limited, set of gear. But when you are constantly changing gear, working at several different sample rates and running with several effects processors of different vintage, it just isn't practical to be all-digital - in fact, it's not very fun, either.

In one of the most useful articles I've seen in recent years, Nick Peck wrote an article called "Keeping It Simple" in this month's EM (July 2004). In addition to great tips on hard drive maintenance and software selection, he nails down the perfect example of problems with an all-digital approach to a studio. This is a Most Highly Recommended article, and one that you shouldn't miss. 

Posted: Sun - June 27, 2004 at 11:31 AM          
