
7 hostages beheaded in Philippines

The heads of seven men believed to have been kidnapped by the al-Qaida-linked Abu Sayyaf group on a volatile southern island were delivered to a Philippine army detachment Thursday, the military said.

Moscow dorms shut before Hitler birthday

A leading Moscow university ordered its foreign students on Thursday to remain in their dormitories for the next three days because of fears of ethnic violence before Adolf Hitler's birthday, students said.

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Car bombs kill at least 172

BAGHDAD - Five car bombs tore through Iraq's capital yesterday, killing at least 172 people and injuring more than 220 in the deadliest day of violence in the city since U.S. and Iraqi forces launched a much-publicized security crackdown two months ago.

Election sparks battles in Nigeria

KANO, Nigeria - Nigerian soldiers killed at least 25 suspected Islamic militants yesterday while battling extremists who attacked a police station a day earlier, a military spokesman said.


MUGABE SAYS BRITS FAILED TO TOPPLE HIM. President Robert Mugabe declared yesterday he had overcome British-backed efforts to topple him, leading muted independence celebrations for a country beset by recent political violence and a plummeting economy. Looking robust, the Zimbabwean leader, 83, described the opposition Movement for Democratic Change as "the shameless local puppets" in a conspiracy by Britain, the former colonial ruler, to remove him from power.


Suspected insurgents killed. U.S. troops killed five suspected insurgents, captured 30 and recovered explosives during a raid in Anbar province west of Baghdad, a day after police uncovered 17 decomposing corpses beneath two school yards. The U.S. military also reported that a suspected insurgent was killed and eight captured in two raids north of Baghdad and that some were believed linked to al-Qaida in Iraq and to a militant cell that has used chlorine in car bombings.

Bush issues warning to Sudan

WASHINGTON - President George W. Bush warned Sudan's president yesterday that he has one "last chance" to end the violence in Darfur before the United States imposes strict economic sanctions and considers "even sterner" options against his country.

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