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EA teams with Big Brother studio for virtual TV

Virtual Me to allow people to take part in virtual versions of popular TV shows
EA and Endemol, the company behind Big Brother, are collaborating to produce a "a new digital entertainment concept" called Virtual Me.

The idea behind Virtual Me is to bring together TV and videogames, with people able to create avatars at VirtualMe.com (scheduled to launch in the coming months) and then participate in virtual versions of TV shows - e.g. talent shows like Fame Academy and game shows like Deal Or No Deal.

"Virtual Me combines cutting edge avatar creation technology from EA with popular TV formats from Endemol to give consumers a breakthrough way to meet, compete and socialize in online digital worlds. Avatar creation takes a leap forward with a high performing, easy-to-use tool that creates astonishingly life-like cyber-clones, with uniquely customized appearances and identities", EA has stated.

Virtual Me will debut in Endemol's Big Brother reality TV show.

"With Virtual Me we are at the forefront of a new, hybrid form of entertainment that takes gaming beyond the console. Endemol is a great partner to help us bring together the best of TV and video games for an offering that can appeal to mass market audiences and change the face of entertainment", Gerhard Florin, EA International's executive VP and general manager, tells us.

EA has said further that it is to work with Endemol to "develop entertainment formats and experiences for a wide range of platforms, including TV and online."
