5:48 AM PDT, April 11, 2007
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Ronald Brownstein: A few years' delay in regulating dirty power plants could halt progress on global warming for decades.

Are the increasing restrictions placed on landlords too heavy, too light, or just right?
The shock jock was only mimicking rappers and comedians who make millions at the expense of black women.

Dodger fans are best left to their own strategies in the stadium's parking lot.
As City Atty. Rocky Delgadillo formalizes rules for injunctions, he should examine how easy it is to get on the list and how hard it is to get off.

Instead of letting fans follow their own parking strategies, the Dodgers created constricted parking zones and egregious traffic.

Congress should be able to see e-mail about official business, no matter which account it was sent from.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The president's rhetoric has shifted slightly, but the real danger is that he will concede too much too soon.

A plan to reduce the city's dependency on coal plants would have power lines cutting through wilderness preserves. The city should study its options.

Bush is no better than a schoolboy when it comes to playing games at recess.


Good morning Miss Sunshine
A cartoon by Mimi Pond

More cartoons by Mimi Pond

Astronomers are deciding the fate of the nine-planet solar system. Will Pluto make the final cut? A timeline of paradigm shifts that rocked our worlds.

Bloviating pundits and pols watch out: We're on to your mangled English. This week: "Robust"
- Previous Word Watches

Which High School Works Best?
We size up four leading ideas to fix failing urban districts.

Jon Healey's look at the love-hate relationship between Hollywood and technology.

The Times Favors Israel...No, Hezbollah!
A Jewish and Muslim leader bash the paper's coverage of the Middle East.

U.S. isolation of Damascus rests in a misunderstanding of Syria's position in the Mideast.

A few years' delay in regulating dirty power plants could halt progress on global warming for decades.

The shock jock was only mimicking rappers and comedians who make millions at the expense of black women.

Why the U.S. needs a bipartisan push to fund manned flights to the moon and beyond.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Under a Republican Congress, for-profit lenders pursued their own interests -- often with the help of colleges.

Sure, times have changed, but can't people shut off their cellphones and quiet down for a little while?

Such programs are bad for immigrants and hurt U.S. workers as well.

The Arizona senator is further to the right than current GOP darling Rudy Giuliani.

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Ronald Brownstein

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