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i-mate JAMin

So I have had my JAMin since the middle of February now and I thought I would give you a little update on how things are going


On the whole it has stood up well to my daily use, the case is a bit worn and so is the stop button.  My biggest issue is the head phone jack.  A few weeks ago is became loose so when you have the headphones in, it drops from Mono to Stereo to nothing which is a real pain in the butt.  Over the weekend it progressed even worse.  Now my JAMin is STUCK in headset mode, so I can’t actually use the device with the headphones in .. this is really not on and has really p!55ed me off.  How can HTC make the same mistake twice.  This is the exact same issue the old SPV’s had.  Why use parts that just can’t take it!

As for software, Windows Mobile 5 with AKU2 works okay, except for a really, really annoying issue that has surfaced.  I use London Underground a lot, and what I have started to notice is that when I go out of signal and then back to signal, ActiveSync doesn’t work, and reports “waiting for network” . The ONLY way to fix this is a soft reset, however today on my M5000 that hasn’t worked!!!

Also the hotmail plug is not very good and consistently fails to get my mail.  It would be really good a) if it worked properly/all the time and b) to be able to schedule a download

I am running NewsBreak and I just love it.  It has a few things that would be nice to change but on the whole it rocks and apart from email is the mail thing I use.

My biggest mistake was buying Co-Pilot.  I have a bluetooth GPS adapter (I should have got one with a mini USB port charger, but you learn these things!) that works like a dream but Co-Pilot is just a nightmare (I should have stuck with my gut feeling to get Tom Tom).  I am constantly having issues with sound and custom POI’s I am considering dumping it and buying Tom Tom, or proper Sat-Nav for my car.

The JAMin does sometimes reboot for no reason and needs a soft reset almost daily.  I don’t know if this is the device or WM5.  I can’t play back video that I have downloaded or converted as it just stutters and is unwatchable (maybe the JAMin just doesn’t have the grunt it need to play video.  The M500 works okay!).  Music if fine.  The Camera seems to take terrible pictures for 2mb and the lag between button press and the image capture is just too long.  I can usually get 2 days between each charge, but I do use it a hell of a lot

All in all, I am glad that I have a JAMin, except for that fact that it is broken!!!!! I am just so unhappy about this!.  I am hoping that I can get something out Expansys /i-mate to help me get it fixed. The main problem is that the time it will take to fix, as this is my main phone and the M5000 I have been using has to go back!

 In retrospect I should have waited for the HTC TyTN (http://www.expansys.com/product.asp?code=TYTN) I knew it was coming and should have restisted temptation!

Posted: 05 July 2006 17:37 by Paul Flaherty
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