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THQ gives tiny update on Big Huge RPG

Game name and details remain wrapped in secrecy as THQ confirms what we already knew
THQ has confirmed it has "entered into a development agreement" with Big Huge Games on a new RPG, shortly after we posted news saying as much earlier today.

Unfortunately, the announcement's a complete disappointment on the game detail front, the only new piece of information given being that the game is due out in 2009. It's not even been named.

So, 'un-named RPG' is in development for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, Big Huge Games securing the talent of Ken Rolston for the project. Rolston, who is assuming the role of lead designer on the game, is an RPG heavyweight who has worked on the Elder Scrolls series and also a number of pen and paper RPGs.

Rolston has said he's "flabbergasted by the talent, craft and boundless energy of the Big Huge Games team. In such splendid company, I'm privileged to embark on a bold pilgrimage to create a refreshingly original RPG experience."

We'll get more details "in the coming months", Rolston added.
