
It's checkup time

It's checkup time

Beyond getting those camp forms done, it's a good time to deal with any health concerns.


Ready to be on their own?

From letting your child take solo bike rides to parent-free trips to the mall, when is it time to let go?

It's TV-turnoff time

TV-Turnoff Week challenges families to shut down all their screens -- even computers, iPods and games.

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Summer fun: Outdoor activities

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Photos: Kid Stuff

Photos: Kid Stuff

Books, toys and more treats and gifts for the kids.
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Just you and me

Just you and me

Winning ways to take time out from the daily rush to find one-on-one time.

Play it safe

You can't prevent all accidents, but following some basic guidelines can help keep your kids out of harm's way.

Hunting for that summer job

If your teen wants to work this summer, now's the time to start looking for a job.

The DeVito sisters

3 sisters share 1 bedroom - happily

Experts say sharing a room can teach important life lessons

Helping kids measure up

It can be tough for kids who are tall or short for their age, but parents can help them take differences in stride.

Reading for a lifetime

Even in a world full of TV and video games, you can get kids hooked on books if you start early.

Disciplining other people's kids

Scolding your own children is one thing, but what if the little brats aren't yours?

Tapping the classics

Watching great movies with your kids can teach and entertain them, and you.

Helping your child make friends

Every kid feels friendless at times, but what if your child always feel that way?

Welcome to Webkinz world

Kids can care for virtual pets and play online, but how much is too much?

Facing up to bullying

Video beating is just one example of incidents large and small that happen every day.

Practice makes perfect

Donna Tanzi of Greenlawn believes learning music is an important part of her 10-year-old daughter's education. Getting her to practice, however, is a struggle.

Mind their manners

From holding doors to using napkins, most kids could use a refresher course.

So your child wants to be a star?

'American Idol' and other reality shows fuel kids' (and parents') dreams; but those expectations must be managed well.

Night at the museum

A sleepover makes history, Natural History, that is, as museum puts parents and kids up for a night.

Sick kid? Sick sitter?

Have a plan in place for back-up child care before you really need it.

A winter wanderland

Long Island has always been a summer playground, but outdoor enthusiasts needn't hibernate through the chill days of winter.

Pumping iron

Gym programs aim to help a generation of sedentary kids get fit

'We're on vacation!'

The kids are out of school, and you've got a week ahead of you to entertain them. What's a frazzled parent to do?

It's their party . . .

But you have to pay for it. Start now to plan a celebration fits your values -- and your budget.

High-tech for the younger set

From laptops to digital cameras, kids can have the same goodies as Mom and Dad.

Teach your kids the true spirit of holidays

Alexander Schachinger is only 4, but already his mother is doing her best to make sure he and his 2-year-old brother John understand what the holidays and gift giving are all about.

Memories made in Manhattan

The key to a fun, not frustrating, trip to the city? Don't try to do too much in one day.

The city beckons

Plan a family day trip to make the most of Manhattan this holiday season.

Volunteering together

If you've never considered volunteering because it's hard to fit one more thing into your family's jam-packed schedule, you're not alone. But even busy families can find time to help others.

Street smarts

How to teach your kids the safety skills every child should know without scaring them.

School conference time

Are you ready for a sit-down with your child's teacher? If not, then start preparing for it.

Make the most of parent-teacher conferences

Your parent-teacher conference is coming up, so use these tips to be prepared before, during and after the meeting.

Spenders or savers?

Start early to teach kids the discipline of saving up for things they want, experts say.

If it's lost, is there a cost?

When kids lose their high-priced gadgets, use the moment to teach them responsibility.

A haunt that's just a scream

They're creepy and they're kooky. Mysterious and spooky. They're altogether ooky ...

Broadway beckons

But is your child ready for the bright lights of Broadway theater?


Ready for Broadway's magic

How to know when your kids will be thrilled by those high-priced shows


What's hot for Halloween

Each year, Halloween costumes leap to life from the movies. This year, in a nod to "Superman Returns," one of the hot costumes is shaping up to be the Superman Inflato-Suit from Mattel.

Recommended for children

With a flood of new, quality show popping up, toddler TV isn't a Mickey Mouse operation anymore.


The great homework debate

Authors of two new books find little correlation between homework and academic achievement.


Juggling time

When it comes to kids' activities how much is too much?


Transition fears?

Try these strategies for easing first-day anxieties


If you get nothing else before school starts....Get organized

It's difficult to fathom, in the muggy days of August, that in a short while the stifling heat will be replaced by cool autumn air. With that, of course, come bright blue skies, crisp, delightful breezes and a flurry of falling leaves - of paper, that is!


Quiet at home? Must be sleepaway season

You sewed name tags, packed duffel bags, extended warm hugs and shed tears of goodbye. Now that sleepaway camp season is well under way, you may even have kicked up your heels in a little celebratory jig. After all, every mom and dad needs a break from parenting once in a while.

Combating summer brain drain

School's out and your kids are enjoying a well-deserved break. But while they're taking it easy, will they forget what they learned in school?

More Coverage
Summer camp guide Summer camp guide

Video: Newsday's night at the museum Video: Newsday's night at the museum (Newsday / Mark La Monica, Anne Machalinski)

Flash: Halloween Dress-Up Game Flash: Halloween Dress-Up Game (Newsday Interactive / Barbara Teleha) (Flash)

Paint Your Own Pumpkin Paint Your Own Pumpkin (Newsday Interactive / Barbara Teleha) (Flash)

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