Explore Long Island

Explore Long Island - Sag Harbor

Sag Harbor

Sag Harbor's wealth of imposing homes and public buildings stems mainly from its heyday as a whaling capital in the 1800s.

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Major Attractions
Long Island's best pizza Find out the top 10 pizza places on Long Island, as determined by Newsday.com readers.
Montauk Point Lighthouse It's more than just the lighthouse.

When Hollywood comes calling it means cash for LI

Actress Naomi Watts was on Shelter Island Thursday filming her latest flick, "Funny Games," a remake of the 1997 movie about two psychotic young men holding a family captive in a lakeside cabin.

Sag Harbor - The 'Un-Hampton' but not unsung

One more celebrity and Sag Harbor might have to stop calling itself the "un-Hampton."

Where the famous are never far away

OK, so nobody heads to the Hamptons for the history. But visitors who add museum-hopping to the usual whirl of sunning, shopping, dishing, noshing and star-gazing are guaranteed to encounter more celebrities (though granted, some may have been dead a century or two).

Easy going in Montauk

Infinitely farther from the Hamptons in temperament than in driving time, low-key Montauk has the easygoing aura of end-of-the-road resorts from Key West, Fla., to Homer, Alaska. One of the few indications it's even aware of its just-folks allure is the droll sign that's graced the window of Shagwong Restaurant about as long as anyone remembers: "Piano player wanted. Must have knowledge of opening clams.”

Watch your step, enjoy the view at Montauk Point

Each year more than 100,000 tourists from far and near scale the 137 tower steps at Montauk Point Lighthouse -- the equivalent of a spiraling 10-story trudge.
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