Denise Flaim

Animal House

The 'Dog Whisperer's' style speaks volumes

November 15, 2007

If anyone is considered the demon boy of dog behavior by the professional training community, it would be Cesar Millan, whose "Dog Whisperer" show on the National Geographic Channel has made him a household name.

    Recent columns

  • Animal house: Rescuing turtles, finding them homes

    November 8, 2007

    Julie Maguire is looking for a few good ponds.

  • Giving rabies vaccine is sure way to protect pets

    October 29, 2007

    Rabies has been eradicated.

  • ANIMAL HOUSE: A vote against DeGeneres' antics

    October 22, 2007

    Everyone's siding with Ellen. Except maybe me.

  • The Degeneres dog flap from the other side

    October 19, 2007

    Everyone's siding with Ellen. Except maybe me.

  • Trendy puggles lose their appeal all too soon

    October 15, 2007

    Remember that old "Star Trek" episode, "The Trouble With Tribbles"?

  • Pets: Vick's pit bulls can be reformed?

    October 8, 2007

    For months, the media have been chronicling every divot in the Michael Vick dog-fighting case, from the suspended NFL star's flunked drug tests to his recent completion of an eight-hour "empathy course" at the Norfolk, Va., headquarters of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

  • Pet mailbag: Hair loss, dog shows, all the poop

    October 1, 2007

    It's been a while since we dipped into the mailbag. Here's a sampling of missives. Those who are fond of snacking while they read should take a pause before launching into the final question.

  • No time for pets by the hour

    September 24, 2007

    The FlexPetz are here.

  • Flaim: Weigh the risks of microchipping pets

    September 17, 2007

    Microchipping is sort of the pet world's equivalent of Mom and apple pie - what's not to like?

  • Ruffling feathers on whether to clip birds' wings

    September 10, 2007

    In regular human company, certain subjects - like those usual suspects, politics and religion - are just better left unplumbed.

  • The fallout from China recalls

    September 3, 2007

    If you think moms, dads and assorted grandparents are in a dither over Mattel's recall of

  • Taking dogs natural, with a little dietary help

    August 27, 2007

    The tremors from the pet-food recalls of this spring are still being felt: Last month, Wal-Mart stopped selling two brands of its made-in-China dog treats after customers reported concerns that their animals had fallen ill, though the store chain did not formally announce a recall.

  • ANIMAL HOUSE: Humane Society in the hot seat

    August 20, 2007

    The cat writers got their hackles up, if you'll pardon the mixed metaphor.

  • Animal rescuer or scammer? You should be the judge

    June 21, 2007

    Independent animal rescuers do a wonderful service, saving unwanted dogs and cats from kill shelters or homes where they are no longer wanted.

  • Attacks are not the bulldog norm

    May 22, 2006

    When I first heard about last month's mauling of 4-year-old Matthew Henriques of East Meadow - who received 250 stitches to his face, torso and legs after he encountered two roaming Rottweilers and an English bulldog - I had two gut reactions.

  • Duo on scent of a no-show dog

    March 16, 2006

    They are the Thelma and Louise of the Vivi vigil. And they're not giving up any time soon.

  • Are Pets at Risk to West Nile? Owners Take Precautions

    May 27, 2003

    Memorial Day weekend means summer, which means warm weather, which means mosquitoes. And that - for the worriers among us - means renewed concerns about the West Nile virus.

  • A Tough Tortoise to Live With

    March 4, 2003

    'An elephant in a shell."

  • Noisy Lovebird Seeks Attention

    January 28, 2003

    Q. My sister has a 6-year-old male lovebird who is peppy and very bright. I have come to live with her and the bird remembers me because I taught him how to talk and gave him a lot of my attention in the past. From the moment he hears me in the morning, he screams constantly. If I don't go let him out or give him the attention he craves, he will scream and flap his wings every six seconds for hours! It has left us with migraines.

  • Reacting to an Allergic Reaction

    January 21, 2003

    Q. Our future son-in-law is highly allergic to cats and has asthma. He's tried lots of things, to no avail, and has decided that the best thing is just to avoid cats and houses where they live. Unfortunately, ours is one of them.

  • Facing Up to a Pug's Personality

    January 14, 2003

    Q. We have a 3-year-old Pug named Latke, because our son thinks her face looks like a potato pancake.

  • What Shots Does a Cat Need?

    January 7, 2003

    In previous columns, I've talked about concerns about overvaccination, especially for dogs.

  • Turning a Cat Into a Companion

    November 5, 2002

    Cats are complicated creatures, with an innate independence that makes connecting to the humans in their lives very much a matter of choice.

  • Sorting Natural Diet Options

    October 29, 2002

    I've finally found the missing link.

  • The Other Tick-Borne Ailments

    October 22, 2002

    In these parts, there's one tick-borne disease that most dog owners have on their radar screen.

  • Pet Care Is a Two-Way Street

    September 17, 2002

    We could all use a Chet.

  • In the Company of Friends

    August 27, 2002

    'There's the cat lady."

  • FIV Vaccine Isn't a Sure Shot

    August 20, 2002

    In recent weeks, vets and cat owners alike have been abuzz over the newest vaccine to hit the market: Fel-O-Vax FIV, the first-ever vaccine for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, or FIV.

  • Worth Their Weight in Gold

    July 16, 2002

    In 1997, Deb Rogstad pulled over at a rest stop in Missouri with Quaid, her 3-year-old collie. The two were returning home to Denton, Texas, completing what would turn out to be a 2,000-mile trip to Indiana and back.

  • A Seal of Approval for Fish?

    July 2, 2002

    You'll never UPS a blue tang to Joseph Caparatta.

  • Training My Favorite Martian

    June 11, 2002

    My dog is possessed by aliens.

  • Not Much Fire in These Dragons

    May 28, 2002

    Move over, Iggy.

  • Animal Lovers vs. Landlords

    April 30, 2002

    SOME TRADITIONALLY incompatible pairings - such as oil and vinegar, or cats and dogs - can actually integrate quite nicely, whether you're talking about a vinaigrette or a household.

  • Punish Deed, Not the Breed

    April 16, 2002

    THE "KILLER DOG" headlines have faded. But their impact ripples.

  • Pet Care After You're Gone

    April 2, 2002

    A PIANO LANDS on you tomorrow. Who will take care of your cat?

  • It's an Itty Bitty Kitty

    March 5, 2002

    ABOUT EIGHT years ago, Beth Fillman rescued Zoey, a funny-looking cat with legs so short and stumpy that the vet, predicting she would be crippled, recommended euthanasia.

  • Making a Big Adjustment

    February 26, 2002

    START TALKING about chiropractic and animals, and you soon stumble on a knot of controversy as stubborn as any backache.

  • Local Rabbits' New Risk

    January 29, 2002

    THE WORLD is a scary place, filled with plenty of things to worry about.

  • The Power of a Pet

    January 16, 2002

    THEY WERE among the four-footed heroes of Sept. 11, but they were worlds away from the sooty search-and- rescue dogs that climbed the downtown wreckage, nosing pile after smoldering pile for someone, anyone.

  • New Spin on Forecasting

    January 15, 2002

    A SELF-PROCLAIMED "weather nut," Gary Stone of Centerport is obsessed with The Next Big Storm.

  • One Couple's Reptile Rapture

    December 11, 2001

    LOVE ME, love my turtles.

  • Engendering Responsibility

    December 4, 2001

    IN MOST CASES, the question isn't if a companion animal should be spayed or neutered. It's a matter of when.

  • Thinking Out of the Box

    November 27, 2001

    CATS TAKE TO litter boxes like ducks to water.

  • Giving Your Pet Some Class

    November 13, 2001

    MY FRIEND LIZ was describing the obedience class she had joined with her new puppy - and the moment she knew she had signed on for trouble.

  • A Healer of a Special Flock

    November 6, 2001

    YOU WOULDN'T THINK a flirt named CieCie would be living in a convent full of retired Dominican nuns, but then again, stranger things have happened.

  • Of Copy Cats and Ditto Dogs

    October 16, 2001

    IF IMITATION is the sincerest form of flattery, then some of veterinarian A.J. Kallet's clients want to pay their companions the ultimate compliment.

  • Louise to the Rescue

    October 2, 2001

    THE SAD stories seem endless, just like the mountains of rubble strewn over what was, little less than a month ago, the World Trade Center.

  • Outfoxed by a Special Love

    August 28, 2001

    MOST NIGHTS, you'll find Meg and Bruce Seifert of Huntington Station in a local park walking Kody.

  • Cost of Animal Care

    August 7, 2001

    AS STORIES GO, it was a heartstring tugger.

  • Little Dog Lost? Not Always

    July 24, 2001

    THE BACKYARD GATE is ajar, Fluffy is nowhere to be found, and all of a sudden you feel like a Scud missile is doing the macarena in your stomach.

  • Relief in Times of Disaster

    July 10, 2001

    YOU'VE SEEN THE pictures umpteen times - flood survivors, clutching kittens to their sodden chests; earthquake victims, picking over the plywood pieces that were once a home, their forlorn dog trailing behind them.

  • 'Pet' Peeve Worth Pondering

    June 5, 2001

    LOOK AT THE "P" word at the very top of this page.

  • Having a Run of Good Luck

    May 8, 2001

    WHAT'S NOT TO love about dog parks?

  • Lending Rabbit Owners an Ear

    March 27, 2001

    MARY ANN MAIER looks down at the issue of Victoria magazine spread open on her kitchen counter.

  • Looking for the Best Defense

    February 27, 2001

    YOU PROBABLY TAKE a shower every day, whether you need it or not, and change the oil on your car every 3,000 miles, just as the owner's manual recommends. And in all likelihood you vaccinate your dog and cat every year, as soon as that little postcard from the vet arrives in the mailbox.

  • Go for Massage, Hands Down

    January 30, 2001

    YOU SCRATCH my back, and I'll scratch yours.

  • The Unexpected Face of Grief

    November 7, 2000

    BLITZ WAS acting weird.

  • Where Guppies Are Yuppies

    October 3, 2000

    MOVE OVER, little ceramic castle: The neighborhood's gentrifying.

  • Housebreaking: Get a Leg Up

    September 19, 2000

    WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE between housebreaking and housewrecking?

  • From the Tunnel of Love?

    September 12, 2000

    TO RANCHERS IN TEXAS and other parts of the cattle-obsessed West, they are pesky varmints who can overrun an expanse of land faster than any suburban developer.

  • Natural Born Winners

    September 5, 2000

    WHILE THERE'S nothing wrong with being a couch potato-no matter what your species-most dogs benefit from flexing their muscles, both physically and mentally.

  • The Best Policy? Comparison

    August 22, 2000

    JASMINE recently underwent a hysterectomy, and she's currently battling congestive heart failure.

  • A Specter That Stalks Dogs

    August 15, 2000

    WE SMELL a rat-or maybe a squirrel, or a red fox, or a raccoon.

  • Collaring Key Training Tools

    August 8, 2000

    DOG TRAINING can be a pain in the neck.

  • A Pet of a Different Color

    August 1, 2000

    MOVE OVER, goldfish.

  • Heavenly Companionship

    July 18, 2000

    EUGENE O'NEILL'S "Last Will and Testament of an Extremely Distinguished Dog" is making the rounds of pet lovers' e-mails again.

  • Flowers Soothe Savage Beasts

    June 27, 2000

    ASPEN IS for calmness, impatiens is for cooperation. Clematis is for focus, mimulus for courage.

  • A Dog's Crate Expectations

    June 6, 2000

    WHEN I GOT my first dog, my idea of setting boundaries was to barricade her in the kitchen. I figured the chewed cabinets and clawed baseboards were simply the price I had to pay.

  • It's Rah-Rah-Rah for Raw

    May 30, 2000

    'TALKING ABOUT dog food these days is like talking about politics and religion," wrote Jen, a friend and dog breeder, in a recent e- mail to me. "I try to stay clear."

  • Want a Ferret? Go for It

    May 23, 2000

    LOVE HURTS. Especially if you're a ferret.

  • They're Spotted on the Street

    May 16, 2000

    TAKE A WALK on the wild side-and if you're a cat lover, you just might come home with a Bengal.

  • Making It the Perfect Match

    May 9, 2000

    READ A BOOK about purebred dogs, and you'll come across this sentence: "Buy from a reputable breeder."

  • A Deadlier Breed of Business

    May 2, 2000

    HOW MUCH is that doggy in the window?

  • Now, Just Point and Click

    April 24, 2000

    THIS SUMMER, Andrea Arden is going to chicken camp.

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