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What Falcons need

No way the Falcons should trade up for Calvin Johnson. As much as I would love to see him in a Falcons uniform, the Falcons have bigger needs. Getting Joe Horn and a healthy Finneran should help a lot.

The Falcons’ first pick should be a lineman. I’m hoping on the O line because Vick has to be better protected.

Falcons might need someone to replace Grady Jackson on the D line. Don’t see him playing for a team that he’s suing. Kerney’s emotion will be hard to replace.

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By Macadamia Knutt

April 25, 2007 4:45 PM | Link to this

It will be quite entertaining, seeing Joe Horn, on his Rascal, trying to chase down those errant passes of crackpipe’s. How was the offensive line doing when the falcons were at 5-2 last season? Vick had plenty of time to pass. He just couldn’t remember how the plays were supposed to go. Once it came to him, if it did, he didn’t have the talent to complete passes. 32nd in the league. Last place! That’s where they belong and that’s where they’ll stay as long as Crackpipe is the quarterback! He stank mo than gubment cheese.

By JeffD

April 25, 2007 4:51 PM | Link to this

I really don’t get BirdBabe’s posts.

She posts once a month and, in 10 sentences or less, simply summarizes the thoughts/articles of others. I don’t know why I keep clicking on her posts hoping to gain some insight.

I guess I’m just as simpleminded as he/she is.

By Titothebear

April 25, 2007 5:30 PM | Link to this

I love Bird Babe. I find her intersting, intelligent, highly knowlegeable about football and incredibly good looking. Don’t disparage my beloved I beseech you.

By Titothebear

April 25, 2007 5:31 PM | Link to this

I love Bird Babe. I find her intersting, intelligent, highly knowlegeable about football and incredibly good looking. Don’t disparage my beloved I beseech you.

By Nikki

April 25, 2007 5:31 PM | Link to this

The falcons should pick up a DT or DE. We have no pass rush. CJ is great—-at least against everyone except UGA. The birds have too many other issues. Besides, word on the street is that CJ doesn’t want to be a falcon anyway. It’s the place where WRs go to die.

By Newton Minnow

April 25, 2007 5:40 PM | Link to this

Calvin is tired of playing with untalented, cry baby, black quarterbacks. He wants to play with a Qb who is dedicated to passing and winning. He knows Vick is as useless as any of those morons he’s had to deal with at that trade school. Ramblinwreck 04, you takin’ it up the poopy do again!

By Najeh Davenpoop

April 25, 2007 6:09 PM | Link to this

Bird Babe, how do I apply for your job?

By Titothebear

April 25, 2007 6:25 PM | Link to this

Mr. Poop,

Bird Babe is irreplaceable! Football just wouldn’t be the same without my Bird Babe.

By 1 + 2 = 4

April 25, 2007 6:38 PM | Link to this

I don’t know alot about draft value or NFL salary cap concerns but here is my two cents: 1) Trade the #8 pick to Denver for its 1st Rd - 21st; 2nd Rd - 56th; and one of its 3rd Rd - 70th. This would give the Falcons 6 picks in the top 75. Everyone keeps saying Denver wants to move into the top 10 to get one of the top DEs (Jamal Anderson and Adam Carriker will both be on the board at #8). If they want to accomplish this, then hopefully the value of the 8th pick would warrant their surrendering the 2nd and 3rd Rd picks.

With the 21st pick the Falcons can grab Joe Staley (OT). And with 3 picks in the 2nd Rd, we can look for serious value players.

By Falcons Fan

April 25, 2007 7:26 PM | Link to this

If the birdbabe thinks that we shouldn’t go after Calvin Johnson, then by all means, let’s go after Calvin Johnson. Birdbabe has the football knowledge of a bird brain.

Do you find that “Intersting” Tito?

By Titothebear

April 25, 2007 8:50 PM | Link to this


Sir, I am very disturbed that anyone would assault my little pushkin in that manner. If she says forget about calvin Johnson, let’s start cleaning out the memory banks. Calvin who?

By volstar

April 25, 2007 9:49 PM | Link to this

Not sure if this is a draft where you want to trade down. There is a pretty steep dropoff after the first 12 or so players. Not a draft with an abundance of difference makers so there is not much difference from the middle first round guys and the second round prospects. If Atlanta can get either Peterson or Landry we should stand pat. In no case should the Falcons pursue another WR, Horn and 2 #1 picks is enough for that area…..move on to other need areas.

By Richie Rich

April 25, 2007 9:59 PM | Link to this

To the idiot who posted above that Calvin wants to play with a real QB, Who is the Raiders QB??? or how about Chris “50 percent of my passes get batted down” Simms?? I guess those guy’s are better than Vick??

By Newton Minnow

April 26, 2007 12:31 AM | Link to this

Hey comicbook boy,

Any, and all, quarterbacks in the NFL were better than vick. The Falcons finished last in passing in 2006. Calvin doesn’t want any part of that mess in Atlanta!

By destin

April 26, 2007 8:54 AM | Link to this

If Denver wants one of the top DE’s (Anderson or Carriker) at #8 they must feel that giving up multiple picks would be worth it. It just so happens that DE is our biggest hole. So why in the hell don’t ‘we’ fill it?

By mo

April 26, 2007 9:23 AM | Link to this

We need a DE first aqnd foremost. Then we need a DT. After that, we would need some depth at corner. And next, we need a guard.

The reason why I put the O-line position last is because I think the scheme last year caused for undersized linemen that were quick. Many of these linemen were put on calorie restrictions and with the wear and tear of the season, these linemen lost their steps.

Macadamia Knutt, in all the middle of his racist stupor, actually had a point. What happened after the first 7 games???

The reason why Macadamia’s point showed stupidity is that Vick was accurate and looked good the first 7 games. That is the same guy that played the last 9 games. Vick all of a sudden grew silly and started passing erratically. What happened?

Well, the line, on both sides of the ball, grew tired. The O-line lost a step. They wer still on calorie restrictions, to stay at their “ideal” weight. And they wre pushed around as a result of it.

By wfoskey

April 26, 2007 11:20 AM | Link to this

Better draft a qb. It’s just a matter of time before the thug is joining pacman on the commissioner’s suspended list. It is something every week!

By Zack in Roswell

April 26, 2007 11:26 AM | Link to this

What is going on with Vick? It’s one thing after another with that guy. Now there is illegal activity going on at some property he owns and his nephew lives…

I know that criticizing Vick in this town makes me a racist to some, but seriously there is a dark cloud over Vick. Why does he continue to put himself in positions to be criticized?

What the Falcons need is a mature QB that makes better decisions OFF the field. What a knuckle head!


April 26, 2007 12:15 PM | Link to this

If Vick can’t keep his name out of the papers for negative bs we might need to pick a QB with number 8…No longer do you hear anything about Pacman Jones…Now it’s Vick…Watch out for Goodall!

By Zack in Roswell

April 26, 2007 12:23 PM | Link to this

Now Vick is due in court for trespassing??? Why didn’t he just pay the stupid fine? Nobody would have ever known about this ridiculous offense, but Vick failed to pay the fine and now he has to go to court. Does he have bricks in his head or something?

The funny thing is that he doesn’t ever do anything that is a major crime, but he does so many dumb little things it makes you wonder when he will really screw up. It’s imaturity pure and simple.

By Dr. Doom

April 26, 2007 12:51 PM | Link to this

Doom feels that the verdict is in:

Micheal Vick is a complete Dumba$$ with a capital D! The falcons should strongly consider going after a quarterback in this weekend’s draft. Vick can’t throw accurately enough, he has no class, and is a wannabe drug addicted thug. We are trying to go to the Super bowl and it doesn’t appear that MC Vickboy is going to take us there.

I hope all you racebaiters and whiners are happy!

By mo

April 26, 2007 1:04 PM | Link to this

I smell witch hunt. Mike Vick has to walk on water to keep his job in Atlanta.

But when he leaves, he’ll just win the Super Bowl with another team.

By Dr. Doom

April 26, 2007 1:07 PM | Link to this


What witch hunt? These are responses to his actions. You’re right on one thing,though, he can go to another team and stir up trouble there!

By Macadamia Knutt

April 26, 2007 1:24 PM | Link to this

There’s been a raid on one of Mike Vick’s properties, in Virginia, and about fifty malnourished, and possibly abandoned, dogs were found. The person the police were looking for is someone in Vick’s family. They were not looking for him to discuss his treatment of animals. They have reason to believe he’s involved in drug trafficking. Anybody shocked? I’m not! We’ve not heard the last on this.

By Grampus

April 26, 2007 2:05 PM | Link to this

Michael Vick may the most innocent person on the planet from a legal standpoint, but he increasing appears to be either a harebrained dope or a self-absorbed a—hole who doesn’t feel he has to pay attention to what goes on around him. Maybe he is both, I don’t know, but so much stupid stuff has happened now he is never going to get a break from the media or a growing number of Falcon’s fans. Come on Mike! Shake the cobwebs out of your head and prove to us that are what you say you are, i.e., “Superman”.

By Morris

April 26, 2007 2:07 PM | Link to this

The Falcons have a big draft coming up and Michael Vick is in the papers for missing a meeting with Congress, a bunch of malnourishe dogs, and for trespassing while on a fishing trip. How lame brained and/or irresponsible is this? Let’s hope that whatever is affecting his cognitive processes isn’t contagious.

By mo

April 26, 2007 2:40 PM | Link to this

Dr Doom!

Yes, a WITCH HUNT!!!!!


Because, first of all, he missed a connecting flight because Airtran was late. When many called upon the AJC to stop making it look like a valid story, they went ahead and tried to refute him by pulling up an Airtran rep who said that they AUTOMATICALLY put him on a plane at 10:50PM. By that time, Vick was probably asleep in a hotel.

NOW, we are hearing about police raiding a home that VICK DOESN”T EVEN LIVE IN, and it is suspected of housing some illegal activity OF VICK’S NEPHEW!!!

The only thing connecting Vick to this house is that he owns it. He doesn’t live there. He is not the tenant. His nephew, though, is. That’s like Trump getting in trouble because his tenant did some illegal activity at Trump Towers.

Oh, and this whole missed Congress meeting was a meeting to talk about the value of after school programs. There was also a small ceremony to thank Vick on his service to the community. But you all make it sound like he was summoned to testify before Congress! He wasn’t.

So, in short, Vick isn’t stirring up trouble. You are. Vick isn’t charged with any crime. Vick didn’t make a bad decision. Even with the “trick water bottle”; there was absolutely no evidence of contraband in regards to the bottle. He could have been hiding condoms for all we know!

So it’s a witch hunt! And it’s a witch hunt that is keeps turning up empty.

But, let’s ask this question:

How is the investigation going with Patrick Kerney and that woman that was raped at his house while he was sleeping in the next room??? (Funny how the AJC is extremely silent on that.)

By ATLplayer

April 26, 2007 3:26 PM | Link to this

Haters!!!! Vick isn’t going anywhere…If you don’t like it, you are FREE to leave!!!!!!!!!! If you didn’t know it, there is 31 other teams out there for you to cheer for. You can start with the Texans and MATT SCHAUB!

OBTW, Bird Bade I hope your work is free. I can’t see ANYONE getting paid for this. That “FALCONS WILL MISS SCHAUB” stood for a month. Silly, Schaub didn’t play, how can you miss what you never had???? You act like he started ten games and won ALL TEN! How bouts he won zero! find a day job please.

By jason

April 26, 2007 3:32 PM | Link to this

Hiding condoms, does ron mexico use condoms ? Talk about a stupid comment…

By mo

April 26, 2007 3:42 PM | Link to this

Yes Jason… CONDOMS! If Mike Vick has herpes (and that’s not been proven) then it would be criminal not to use condoms.

But are you going to refute the subject of my post, or just call it stupid because I said “condoms?”

By jason

April 26, 2007 3:56 PM | Link to this

I never said a thing about criminal… I just thought it was funny that you said condoms of all things. By the way I don’t have a major problem with Vick. It’s just the little things he does… Whether his fault or not; he not only embarrasses himself, but also Atlanta. Then again when has the Falcons, or their fans not been embarrassed before.

By Bubba

April 26, 2007 4:15 PM | Link to this

Hi y’all! I wanna slap an ole black jersey on that Landry fella. Then I might’n get that thar Rice feller frum South Calinee. Mights even gets me a Bush from Lewisville. Hey y’all, put down your beers and watch this!!

By mo

April 26, 2007 4:33 PM | Link to this


What did Mike Vick do to embarrass you, the Falcons, or Atlanta? He missed a flight? His nephew is in trouble? What?

See, I am looking at what Vick does, not what Airtran, his nephew, his brother, or his dentist does. That has no bearing on his decision-making.

Now I will say this: If Vick gets caught with drugs or stolen merchandise I will be there to call it to the carpet.

If he does anything illegal, he should be punished. And we can question his decision-making.

Me? I saw possibly 3 faults with Vick’s off-field life:

1. He should have screamed to the rooftops that the bottle had no contraband.

2. He should have never flipped the bird to those New Orleans fans.

3. He MAY (not yet proven) have went fishing on a private lake.

But he didn’t wake up with some girl in his house screaming rape. He didn’t go out and train pit bulls to be killers. He doesn’t have a DUI. He has done nothing but those three things, and they should NOT embarrass you.

Remember, he’s an NFL quarterback, not the President of the United States! (And even our current President has acknowledged that he’s done far worse than Vick. Oh, and so did our former President Clinton.)

In other words… like I’ve said ad nauseum… this is a non-story.

By Loafer

April 26, 2007 5:18 PM | Link to this

Hey, Mo…read the headlines. Yes he is training pit-bulls to be killers.
And maybe your list is normal stuff in your neighborhood but not in mine. I don’t want a thug as my QB.

By F A Skippy

April 26, 2007 6:41 PM | Link to this

Here’s news….Vick is a low character person! I can’t say for sure he knew what was going on at his property but I can say it would be in character if he did! That brings me to the draft,some people have suggested taking Meriweather the safty from Miami with a two pick.So after all we’ve seen we take a guy who shot somebody and stomped a player in the head just last year ? Get real and get smart Griffin from texas is at least as athletic,twice as productive,and with none of the off field bs,I say trade up to the low first round and take him if we don’t get Landry at eight.

By mj

April 26, 2007 7:08 PM | Link to this

Hear dear ole Mikie supposed to be in NY on Sat for the draft with some other VT coachs and players. I feel sorry for AirTrans. They will have to make another excuse for his lame a—! He’s a pitiful excuse for a role model in the NFL world. He’s just so stupid that he can’t surround himself with people that will steer him in the right direction when it comes to decisions and commitments made. Arthur, I gave you more credit than this. You had better win with this Roy Munson at QB or you’ll get run out of town next. Bring back the Clampetts!!!!

By volstar

April 26, 2007 8:41 PM | Link to this

First off, if Kerney is guilty then he will get what is coming to him. And I would not care if the AJC wrote 1,000 articles on him. Because unlike you Vick-ites I want to see the right thing done and reported on by the AJC.

Next. I did not think the dog-fighting issue was something Vick could have known about. But after seeing the pics of the large pens all over the property I find it hard to believe he knew nothing about those animals. This is a story that is getting worse by the minute.

By F A Skippy

April 26, 2007 9:00 PM | Link to this

I’m p**… real p** ! After seeing the pens and the comments by the humane society if Vick is involved or had prior knowledge I want him off the team. I’ll never spend a dime to support a team that would condone this low life behavior and I’ll spend money to fight the team if needed.Did I mention I’m p** ?

By NekkedDawg

April 26, 2007 9:42 PM | Link to this

I never thought I would say this but how I long for the days of when the Smiths owned the Falcons. The current owner is over-involved and sticks his nose in places it doesn’t belong. The GM is an idiot. The coach was splendid in college but unproven. Recently the league hasn’t been nice to college coaches. The QB has a hard time keeping out of the headlines for the wrong reasons but never ceases to escape too much bad publicity no matter what he does. He alone is making a mockery of the league’s drug policies. Between him and the lineman the Humane Society will be staging protests at every home game. It hurts to be a Falcon fan.

By F A Skippy

April 26, 2007 9:50 PM | Link to this

NekkedDawg If Vick had any knowledge of the dog fighting he is finished.I’ll be among those protesters and any decent person should feel the same.

By volstar

April 26, 2007 10:12 PM | Link to this

CEO: “The Humane Society of the United States has heard troubling reports for some time that Michael Vick has been involved in organized dog fighting, and we fear that this investigation may validate that very disturbing allegation.”

“We have well-placed sources in the dog fighting underworld,” John Goodwin, deputy manager of animal fighting issues, told the Journal-Constitution. “His involvement has been brought to our attention numerous times. We pay people for information that leads to arrests.”

By Titothebear

April 26, 2007 10:20 PM | Link to this

It is time for the Falcons to cut ties with Mike Vick. He’s a horrible quarterback and he’s an even worse human being. His days as an NFL player are over. His time as an inmate in a penal facility will commence soon!

By volstar

April 26, 2007 10:36 PM | Link to this

Ken will weigh in as soon as he can dig up a white player who was involved in dog fighting at sometime in the past 50 years. Then he will use that as evidence that the AJC is out to get Vick and anybody who disagrees is an all-out skin head racist.

Not hard to figure these clowns out.

By P.J.

April 26, 2007 10:39 PM | Link to this

Okay, some are arguing that Vick may have no knowledge of dogs getting bred to fight, but if the home is in his name, he had to have signed the property insurance papers. I’m curious if animals are listed as staying on the property. If not, then he lied on his policy. If so, then he had knowledge.

Either way, he’s an unethical, immoral cad. And I’m someone who was once one of his most ardent defenders. No more. He’s narcissistic, unprofessional, and an all around jerk. He’s not the type of guy a team can rally around, and I’m sure there are many Falcons (current and ex) who can vouch for that.

By that's funny

April 26, 2007 10:51 PM | Link to this

Mo, put down the blunt and the cool-aid. Vick continues his downward spiral. I feel like I’m watching Mike Tyson. Does Kerney’s story somehow make this better? What a p**-poor arguement. If I honestly cheer for Vick, are people going to associate me with him? Will they think I’m dumb enough to forgive him for his blatent disrespect of the fans and this franchise? Mo this guy has literally put his middle finger in the air at you. Yet, you blindly follow him. Why? He’s not even that good on the field. Stop with all of these excuses.

By F A Skippy

April 26, 2007 10:52 PM | Link to this

               If Vick was involved or had knowledge of the dog fighting he is finished.So what about Harrington ? when Mckay signed him I thought it made sense.He has the kind of skills and smarts that may fit a Petrino offense well.The thing is can he shake off his past NFL experiences and absorb what Petrino has to teach ? if so it could get interesting.

By volstar

April 26, 2007 11:37 PM | Link to this

There is strong evidence that Vick not only knew about the dog fighting, but was an active participant in them as well. And this is from the CEO of the humane society……not from the AJC or any writers. Vick has declined to comment and that says a lot. If he was not involved he better step up and clear his name or else it is an admission of guilt.

By Titothebear

April 26, 2007 11:54 PM | Link to this

Mike Vick is done for! He won’t be quarterbacking the Falcons, or any other team, again. The man is a criminal and he will be indicted!

By Hunk Erdown

April 27, 2007 4:05 AM | Link to this

It is high time that Arthur Blank stood up and took control of this team. He tried to give Vick plenty of room to become a leader and it is time to admit that it was a bust. Vick is obviously on the short stack when it comes to brains, do you really believe that it was Mora’s offense that kept Vick from being able to handle audibles? Mike Vick simply does not poccess the intelligence to handle responsible decision making skills. Petrino thinks that he will change that? Wait and see how long that lasts. Vick is no leader and now we are going to bring in a bunch of draft picks that will be starving for good leadership. You’ve got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, and know when to run. It is time to fold em on Mr. Vick and run, not walk, away from him and the plague he has brought on this team.

Mr. Blank is quickly losing all credibility when it comes to his vows of owning a program with integrity. McKay has been talking out of both sides of his mouth when it comes to Vick. He claimed to have scolded him when the news came out about the bottle at the airport fiasco, then when the investigation mysteriously disappeared, he said he never even spoke to Vick on the subject. Its time to clean the slate in regards to Mr. Vick… Hopefully its not too late to trade his sorry butt to Big Al and his bunch of thugs. It would clear up enough payroll to actually build a team instead of a rap video featuring “Vick doggie dog”. And don’t worry about filling seats at the dome, there are plenty of players available to do that. The main thing that increased sales at the dome was not the hiring of Vick but the hope that Blank and his new ownership would bring integrity that we had not known with Rankin Smtih. Now Blank is losing all credibility by going down with a sinking ship known as the USS Vick.

Wake up Mr Blank, Vick is not only a coach killer but a whole team killer. He is your “franchise player” and he is making your franchise look pitiful.

By mo

April 27, 2007 6:48 AM | Link to this

So you are sure that Vick was training pit bulls!

You guys know much more than law enforcement, because there’s no evidence that Vick trained ANY dog!

Also, That’s Funny- Vick didn’t put the middle finger at me. He may have put it at you, but I was not in that section.

In short, people… until you have definitive evidence that Vick was involved in anything, you all need to just shut up and wait. Or go and root for another team, another quarterback, or another sport.

By mo

April 27, 2007 7:01 AM | Link to this


I live in one of the top zip codes in the Atlanta metropolitan area. I make plenty of money and plan to retire before I am 50. Don’t assume that just because I’m black that I live in an economically-depressed neighborhood. That’s called “Prejudice.”

Now I’ve seen the pictures. I’ve been to kennels, and these pictures look like a badly-run kennel to me. My family used to breed German Shepherds when I was younger and we had kennels that were lined up pretty similar to the ones you see in the picture. We had plenty of land and our dogs were not malnourished.

Breeding dogs can be very lucrative. One puppy was worth thousands of dollars. And there are good kennels and there are bad kennels.

But just because you see kennels and play areas doesn’t mean that someone is training dogs to kill. That’s a prejudicial remark with no solid evidence that backs it up. Wait until the evidence comes out before you say things, because that only make you sound dumb.

Oh, and as far as the Kerney investigation, I do not personally believe that he had anything to do with any rape. Just like I do not believe that Vick was making money on the side training killer dogs. (He did sign a multi-million dollar contract, did he?)

By J C

April 27, 2007 8:22 AM | Link to this

Do you think Oakland would be interested in Vick and the number 8 pick???? Let’s start over with a new quarterback since we have a new coach…. Do not think it could hurt anything…….

By Insight

April 27, 2007 9:05 AM | Link to this

It is readily apparent that many in Atlanta, including the contingent of AJC beat writers, want Vick gone. Much of it is driven by blind racism, ignorance, myopia and a rush to judgment. The spotlight that Vick’s personal life has been under is likely unparalleled in professional sports. Then you have the “functionally insane” that come on here and use Vick’s contrived indiscretions to issue a blanket indictment agianst all African Americans while trying to convince others that thy are not racist. Not surprisingly, there will always be those who revel in some one elses perceived misfortunes because it makes them look better in some demented way. I would be happy if Mike Vick left Atlanta so they can go back to the piece of sh!t team that they’ve always been. Macadamia Knutt is none other than the cretin who use to call himself tittothebear. Anyone who has ever visited this cesspool of a blog for even a second can readily recognize his rantings. You can disguise your name, but the rantings, the quoting of falcon stats and the effeminate persona is unmistakable. Anyone expecting a blog topic not to descend into a referendum on Mike Vick you are deceiving yourselves. The Falcon blogs are little more than a forum for unadulterated stupidity. It brings out the most virulent racists, morons, idiots and mentally challenged creatures in existence.

By Vick haters suck

April 27, 2007 10:12 AM | Link to this

Don’t you all see that they were looking for drugs and whatever else they could, they are looking for something to drag this man down, if you fans are not smart enough to know that if someone looked for something on all of you they would find something to PIN on you but…..opps I thought I was dealing with smart fans…dumba$$$es!!

By Observer

April 27, 2007 10:16 AM | Link to this

And why do you think they were looking for something? Uhh, police don’t just show up at the house snooping through your property without sufficient reason.

Not saying he did anything, but let’s not be naive and think there’s nothing to this and that “the man” is out to get him. Just wait for the evidence to come out (and there’s obviosly SOME evidence) and see where the chips fall…

By Vick haters suck

April 27, 2007 10:18 AM | Link to this

Ohh and Macadamia Knutt your a dumba$$ just like Steve Wyche, we were last in the league in passing because we had no time to past..2-1/2 to 3 seconds max, and also the lamest OC in the league or predictable at most. Steve is a beat writer with a vendetta against Vick but he CLAIMSSSS that he doesn’t well he’s the first to bring you bad news about Vick and last to bring you good news in which it kills him to write anything good or how about posting something in his favor JACKA$$$ I am sick with you worthless haters, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had Vick dolls at home that you poke holes into.

By Vick haters suck

April 27, 2007 10:22 AM | Link to this

Mo, your the only one with some knowledge, My question is, if you all hate Vick so much…..Why follow the Falcons if you know he’s leading the team? Get use to it A*******holes!!

By Vick haters suck

April 27, 2007 10:35 AM | Link to this

Ohh okay “Observer” Just like the evidence that surfaced in the water-bottle incident right…RIGHT!! We waited for that but he was guilty before the bottle was tested of drug smuggling…ITS A WITCH HUNT, “Observer” have you ever heard of the more money to make the more trouble you’ll take. Well this is evident, People hate Vick and they cover it up by saying..”I’M not a racist” Well I have to say..I’ve heard it before. And dam its more people on this team but he’s a TARGET!!! Please next time try and be more of an “Optimistic-Observer” before you post…


April 27, 2007 10:41 AM | Link to this

AJC Sport has become hate the home team press. More of a gossip page than sports. Look at the sport page for the last two week most negative thing. I will read the AJC sport but never again buy the paper they are out to sell dirt read it . what else can it be. Bad press on Braves, UGA, Tech, Falcon, Hawks,. All of the team have people on them and they are not saint’s. The Sport writers are out to destroy sport in this state. And it seem like they like it that way! This is home for most of us and all the bad stuff you write about these player those same player do good thing in this state. I love georgia and if you love some thing you don’t want to see them get doged out the way AJC Sport has been doing. Georgia on my mind love yea! Hope we can get great players this draft and hope AJC would show them some love!

By Vick haters suck

April 27, 2007 10:42 AM | Link to this

Vick is not Pacman Jones so stop trying to make him that.

By Keep it real

April 27, 2007 10:48 AM | Link to this

What has AJC Sport done for the people lately. Nothing but cut our home teams down.

By F A Skippy

April 27, 2007 10:53 AM | Link to this

Insight You’re a bit of a puzzle to me.I can tell you’re intelligent and a decent person.Please explain to me why you refuse to except that many of us simply think Vick is a person of low character.I have two dogs one is fifteen and this last story infuriates me.It’s not very plausable that Vick had no knowledege of what appears be an extensive operation.Do you think the humane society made the reports up or that it’s all a big misunderstanding ? I do agree that many of the old boys on these blogs are just what you say but ask yourself if you’re open minded and what level of behavior you’re willing to condone.If he is found to have had any knowledge of these barbaric and criminal acts he should never play another down in the NFL.

By Keep it real

April 27, 2007 10:53 AM | Link to this

AJC Sport seem to be trying to get Vick traded. Look at the timing of the last storeys. AJC Pure hate machine. Most are not good sport writer but dirt sell!

By jason

April 27, 2007 11:15 AM | Link to this

Mo, I don’t dislike MV. I think he is a great player, all the potential in the world to be the one of the greatest QBs in the game. I just think (my opinion) all he needs is some maturity. After all he is still a young man. As the face of an NFL franchise you do have to brace for scrutininy. You also have to no your surroundings; situational awareness. Just be more consistent making smarter decisions on and off the field. You are right; he has not been found guilty of anything, but has been accused of alot. Yeah,giving the finger last year; it was the wrong move, but I think I understand what he was feeling . He has picked this team up and put them on his back for a win. You just can’t win in this league without a team effort. And not having a team effort is not his fault.

By Insight

April 27, 2007 11:28 AM | Link to this

Skippy if Vick has committed a criminal act he, like anyone else, should be held responsible and be punished commensurate with the crime that he’s committed. The phrase ” No one is above the law” should not and cannot be allowed to be made just a popular cliche’. If so, anarchy would be prevalent throughout the land. A society without laws is not a society. Having said that, it seems obvious that Vick has been convicted, indicted and sentenced before all of the facts are made available. If Vick was, in fact, a part of this atrocity, then he IS stupid and, as you so aptly state, should not be allowed to continue his career in the NFL. You appear to be a decent, reasonable individual yourself. My comments were aimed at those who use the blogs to perpetuate their racial, political and social agenda because they are upset with the sataus quo. None of which should have antyhing to do with Vick or Falcon football. If a person is “upset” because they are suffering from xenophobia, there are hundreds of sites available to have exchange or dialogue with those who would agree whole heartedly with their world view. My question is why drag this drivel on to a football blog? If an indvidual doesn’t like being around, seeing or tolerating certain groups of people, they should try to find a place where they won’t have to “endure” said groups. While free speech allows them to do so, it doesn’t detract from the fact that it speaks volumes about their motives. I try to stay away from the Falcons blog because EVERY SINGLE ONE ends up being an “I HATE VICK” fest. It gets old very quickly. People have the right to dislike Vick, but not simply because he’s an African American. Now some will have you believe that it’s about his ability as a football player only. If you believe that you obviously have not been reading these blogs. People have used offensive terms like “Yard Apes”, “Porch Monkeys” and the like simpy because they have the “shield” of cyberspace to do what they would never attempt to do in public because they know that the consequences could be very bad for them. I promise you it would. You will have those who spout bravdo about wanting to meet some one so they can use these perjorative terms to some one’s face, but it ain’t going to happen. Any way, I’m out. I wish the Falcons well in the draft and I believe that they will have a successful season.

By mo

April 27, 2007 11:38 AM | Link to this


Yes, he is a young man, but he’s not being accused of anything but a possible charge of tresspassing because he went fishing in a private lake. He’s not being accused of fighting dogs. The CEO of the Humane Society said that there were rumors of Mike Vick fight dogs, because of the kennel on his property- and that they were pit bulls. But that CEO didn’t know that Vick doesn’t live there.

Mike Vick’s greatest problem is this: He has friends and relatives that he grew up with that makes some bad decisions. Mike has to go through the process that, unfortunately, many entertainers have to go through of cutting people lose whose decisions will be detrimental to his life and career. That’s a very hard thing to do.

But all I’m saying is to ask people to stop making accusations that even police are accusing. Vick’s cousin may be his employee in this dog fighting thing. But Vick’s cousin may just be acting alone. Or Vick’s cousin may not be fighting dogs, but raising them to sale to people who want to buy pit bulls.

I don’t know what’s going on yet. Neither does anyone else that posts on this board.

By jason

April 27, 2007 11:48 AM | Link to this

True, I finally had the chance to read the article. I think Mike has made well, immature decisions. I do not beleive that he would be apart of this. I would no doubt need to see proof.By the way how old is Mike? 25/26 ? Cutting those ties are; whether you are famous or not.

By mo

April 27, 2007 11:54 AM | Link to this

Vick’s trespassing charges has been dropped, so I’ll mark that off my list.

By jason

April 27, 2007 12:02 PM | Link to this

Just read on CNN about a possible trade up to the second spot for Calvin Johnson. Just speculation at this point, you know.

By Truth will prevail

April 27, 2007 12:02 PM | Link to this

You can go to the local tv site up there- WAVY.com and the local paper- Virginia-Pilot, to see the pictures and read about some of the things being confiscated from Mr Vick’s property there. Over 70 pit bulls, anti biotics and shots to help heal serious wounds, 4 dog tread mills, rope and hook scales used to weigh the dogs, rape poles (a steel pole or automobile axle) used to tether female dogs to make it easier for male dogs (several at a time in some cases) to breed them, all those dog pens, among other items commonly used in the dog fight business… and guess what? no dog food. These are just some of the items that have been disclosed. It has been alledged, annonimously, that one of the buildings houses a fighting pit surrounded by sets of small bleachers. I’m sure that poor old innocent Mike had no idea that any of this was on his property. SEVENTY (70) pit bulls?!?! Sure… its just a racially motivated conspiracy to frame Mr Vick. Several of the dogs had scars and fresher wounds, consistent with dog fighting, at varying stages of seriousness but mostly on their faces, chests, and front legs. In addition to the other items taken from the property were alledgedly taken some whips and small lengths of chain attached to handles. Many more items were confiscated with the local authorities saying they had no comment as to what they were, due to an ongoing investigation. Hopefully the truth will prevail, it will be hard to keep it all under wraps if it is all true, because typically there are many people involved in these types of operations, and immunity is sometimes offered in exchange for testimony.

When I was a young teenager, I was taken to a place in Alabama where people traded dogs, swine, birds, fighting roosters, yard chickens, and all sorts of livestock. After leaving there I was taken to a farm where there was supposed to be a “barn dance”. On another part of the property the men folk met at a very similar place as what is shown on Mr Vick’s property where there was c** fighting and then dog fights. It was pretty elaborate, for an old farm, with drinks being sold and gambling on the fights. I’ll never forget watching those animals that had been trained to kill each other for sport carry out their deeds. I had other opportunities to go to that place and others like it, but never went back. That was over 30 years ago, and I still remember it like it was yesterday.

By F A Skippy

April 27, 2007 12:15 PM | Link to this

Insight I’ve contacted people in the mix and the chances of Vick not being charged are slim.I know more but have given my word to hold off.For all you who think he is an innocent relative of the accused,I think that will be disproved in time.This isn’t about being young and stupid it’s about barbaric criminal acts by grown men.

By mo

April 27, 2007 12:28 PM | Link to this

Truth Will Prevail

I’m glad I’m off with nothing to do today, because I’ve seen the photos as well. So you can see a fighting pit on the property? If there’s fight pit and bleachers, then Mike Vick may be liable- especially if it’s in plain view. I didn’t see one though. Perhaps you can see what I cannot.

Or are you speculating again.

According to the evidence at first glance, I can see a nephew who is caring for dogs unscrupulously. It looks like he is selling dogs that has been damaged by poor care and selling them to unsuspecting buyers. I do not, though, see any evidence of dog fighting.

I also see the land and the facilities and there could be 70 or more dogs that could be housed there safely. See, it looks like every dog had their own space. He had barns and kennels and everything.

Oh, and some of the dogs were outside around the workers while they collected evidence. If they were fighting dogs, believe me, no worker would have the guts to just let the dogs walk around them while they work.

In short, I see the nephew being charged with animal neglect. His business has been shut down. But if they can prove that Vick contributed to the neglect of these animals, then Vick would be liable. I doubt it though.

By F A Skippy

April 27, 2007 12:33 PM | Link to this

Insight I’ve gone over your last posting and what I see is a very closed mind masking as an explansive thinker.What you do is espouse the same gereralized condemnations over and over without any apparent concern for their truthfulness to the current subject.The irony is that is a definition for prejudice. fearing not I’ll become my enemy in the moment that I speak…..Bob Dylan

By Truth will prevail

April 27, 2007 12:36 PM | Link to this

A friend of mine that is in a position to know just told me that the property, through Michael Vick, was a licensed kennel at least up until, if not currently, through 2005. Because of this and the fact that the animals were so mal-nourished, this alone would warrant very serious charges against the property owner, possible felony charges. A kennel owner/operator, even if he’s not currently licensed, is in a position to be held to higher standards than a regular property owner according to my friend.

By Insight

April 27, 2007 12:50 PM | Link to this

Skippy you are certainly entitled to your opinion. Perhaps the distinction between you and I is that I KNOW that they are only “OPINIONS.” Your words seem paradoxical. Remember I’m not seeking validation from you nor anyone else.

There is no truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world.

Thomas Jefferson

By Truth will prevail

April 27, 2007 1:03 PM | Link to this


You should have read what I wrote about the building before insinuating that I saw anything. Since you are off today and have plenty of time, use that time to be more accurate in what you say, please. Also, those dogs “walking around the workers” are on chains tied to auto axles planted in the ground. They are close enough to each other that the dogs can get close to each other but not come into contact with each other. This is what is written in the paper and captions for the photos. Those workers are out of range of the dogs, which again, are on chains. I hope you take more diligence than this when you rake over other posters, especially on issues like racism. People who take lightly making such allegations without due care and accuracy do so venomously, making the labor of love by heroes like MLK trivial in too many people’s eyes. Take the time to go to this web site and read it carefully- http://www.holidays.net/mlk/speech.htm Anyone with serious conviction on the subject should consider the love and spirit of the man who led the way on the subject. It is a banner worthy of holding up, but not watered down by folks who use it like a sword to attack anyone who merely makes a comment about a man that happens to be black. Charges of racism just don’t mean what they ought to anymore because of overuse and blatant misuse. Sure, there are people who are racist on these blogs, but there are people just as wrong on the other side of the fence because they lump anyone that they disagree with into the same melting pot. Have a great day, I have other things to do for a while.

By F A Skippy

April 27, 2007 1:09 PM | Link to this

Insight It’s been a long week in my world.Sometimes I see the things I’m inclined to. Your argument is reasonable,let the truth come out and justice be served. This is a very serious thing to animal activist and I’m one so I’ll do my part to insure these critters get justice. If the reports are true that fighting wounds and paraphernalia were found it looks very bad for him.Again if these things are true people like me will fight this case in every legal and public way.

By F A Skippy

April 27, 2007 1:59 PM | Link to this

This question posted by the ajc is a bad one. To ask if Vick can learn from his transgressions is past relevance,he’s had his free passes if he had knowledge,of criminal activity on his property he should be finished,no ifs or buts….finihed !!

By mo

April 27, 2007 2:29 PM | Link to this

Truth Will Prevail

Did I say address anything to you in regards to racism? I don’t care if you marched on Selma, if you are insinuating that someone did something wrong without knowing all of the evidence, you are contributing to injustice, period! I don’t care if you are white, black, brown, or purple.

What I am questioning is motive on these insinuations. Motive is not hard evidence either, but what other reason would there be? I can utilize deductive reasoning to come up with why there’s this big rush to judgment.

By Magneto

April 27, 2007 3:42 PM | Link to this


There’s something suspicious about a deductive reasoning skill that always lead to the same conclusion: They’re after Vick because he’s black.

That seems to be your conclusion for everything. Why don’t you try adding accountability for one’s actions and decisions and self control when you “evaluate” Vick’s situations.

By volstar

April 27, 2007 3:58 PM | Link to this

When will people learn that Vick has done all this to himself. There is no witch hunt, there is no motive. Until Vick and his backers can accept responsibility these transgressions will continue.

By F A Skippy

April 27, 2007 4:12 PM | Link to this

I’ll try to make this my last post on the subject for awhile.I think the point is missed here,Vick could be charged with a felony! this is not a bong at the airport or flipping off fans it would a felony that could see him land in prison for a good long time.In my view if the worst turns out to be true he would be a criminal not a guy who makes mistakes,a common, violent, criminal.

By duce

April 27, 2007 4:40 PM | Link to this

My first post, and the reason behind it is due to the number of people as well as �SPORTS WRITERS� saying it would be dumb to draft CJ. These people obviously don�t know the game of football. When a player of CJ�s caliber comes along, you do every thing possible to draft him, even more so when his position is the position that has been killing us the past few years. I�m a die hard UGA fan, but I would almost go Mike Ditka and trade every pick for CJ if I had to. But we won�t have to, we have 10 picks, trade one 2nd round, and as many as needed after that. If Blank, McKay, and Petrino ever read this, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE trade with Detroit for 2nd pick, and hope to God the Culpepper to Oakland, Green to Miami trade doesn�t happen. CJ is a once in a lifetime freak of nature that in my opinion should go #1, no matter what a teams need are. You don�t just draft players for the upcoming season. More often than not the players rarely play their first season anymore than special teams. Add the fact that Arthur Blank wants people of high morals on his team which is why Warrick Dunn is still around. Calvin Johnson�s character is even better than his football skills. I can understand taking Levi Brown, or Jamaal Anderson if we don�t move up, but with CJ, Roddy, Finneran, as wide outs, Dunn & Norwood, out of the backfield, Alge and even Joe Horn having a possession recievers mind set, The offense will be as potent as any in football under the Petrino system. Vick�s troubles as a passer would disappear, remember how many drops Jenkins, and White had last year alone, not to mention those 2 cannot get seperation from the DB�s even though Roddy started improving in the middle of the season. Falcons please don�t make the same mistake that Houston did by passing on a hometown prospect in Vince Young. The Ticket sales alone would be justify picking CJ. I know I�d get Season Tickets for the opportunity to watch Vick throwing to him every game.

By Titothebear

April 27, 2007 4:42 PM | Link to this

If we are tired of all Vick’s misadventures, how does Mister Blank feel? I suspect he’s had enough of Mike casting himself as a victim of circumstance. I don’t think Vick will take anouther snap for the Falcons or anyone else in the NFL. He is done!

By duce

April 27, 2007 4:49 PM | Link to this

Tito, you must be smoking them tweeds. remember the contract Vick signed?? Vick is not as bad as many Falcon bashers seem to think. His first year he threw for more than 3,000 yds. The Wide-outs, not being able to seperate and the mentally retarded coaching staff is what has been the problem.

By F A Skippy

April 27, 2007 4:53 PM | Link to this

Duce I like CJ alot,he could be one of the best ever but it will be tough to move up to the two spot where he’s likely to still be on the board.This is a team game and I’d rather have Okoye and Griffin the texas safty than CJ alone.What I’d like to see is take Okoye at eight and trade up to take Griffin late in the first.Last night on espn Moore said the big Arkansas de is the way Mckay will go.

By Truth will prevail

April 27, 2007 4:55 PM | Link to this


If you can’t even be the least bit honest in your debate, it is impossible to go any further. Those pit bulls are walking freely among the workers according to you? You say that there are facilities for 70 or more dogs to be housed safely, each in his own space and yet several of them are having to be rescued because they have gaping wounds and scars? They have no dog food but loads of antibiotics, drugs, and blood treatment shots to fix dogs who have been seriously injured? Where did those wounds come from? You compare Vick having a nephew living on his property building an elborate compound for pit bull fighting dogs, (all unbeknowinst to Vick) to Donald Trump having a tenant in Trump towers? I’m “contributing to injustice” for questioning Vick amongst this investigation being carried out by law enforcement, but you are justified in using “deductive reasoning” to determine that people are racist. Why is it that these racists are perfectly fine with Warrick Dunn and other players of color who show some class instead of showing up on AOL’s homepage showing his gang signs, looking like he just stepped out of a snoop dog video, as Vick is shown today? What I have said to you is my opinion, based on published reports in the news, not lies and half truths as you have tried to use against me. If you want to walk behind Vick with a doggie-doo bag trying to clean up all his sh!t and explaining how he is a victim of circumstance have at it, but you really should try to be honest, I know that may be tough for you, but give it a shot.

By ridiculous

April 27, 2007 5:09 PM | Link to this

People on here make it hard to have a real discussion about football. First off he never showed any gang signs. That goes to show how much ignorance is really displayed on this board. What does Vick clothes have to do with his play on the field which is the most important think? ABOSLUTELY NOTHING. This just goes to show how some people dont like him for other reasons other than his play on the field. Im glad its other places to talk about Falcons football that does not tolerate half of this nonsense. Tito seriously I can tell your either a little kid or a grown a* man who has no life what so ever. I dont understand people like you who consistently come on this blog. If you dont like Vick or the Falcons why even come on here go support a team you like its really simple. The ajc is a funny place to me. The so called sports writers and fans are quick to throw this kid under the bus before all the facts come out. Is it that hard to wait till all the facts are present before you want to trade or cut the guy. I love when people come on here acting as if they had some inside info on the situation. Hell if thats the case im sure you would have talked about it before it went down. I hope he is not involved in this unfortunate situation but i wont speculate on what happened or say they should do this or that with him untill all the facts are released which is something a lot of you should try. Hopefully he is found innocent but even if he is i know a lot of people wont care they will just find some other way to throw him under the bus again. Maybe this time if it is true he wasnt involed some people at the ajc will man up and admit they were wrong to jump the gun but i doubt it from what ive been saying on this site for the last year or so.

By duce

April 27, 2007 5:19 PM | Link to this

Skippy, I know just what you mean about more picks, but like I said if we don’t move up to #2 the Bucs will take him, and that is very bad news for us if CJ goes to our division rival. that is one reason. The fact that he may be the most talented WR coming out of college is why we should trade up for him. As I said in my first post, you do not draft most players to help you win the upcoming year, it takes a while. Johnson would contribute though, but the payoff to taking him now is 2 or 3 years down the road where by then he will be the best in the game. With 10 picks we have the ability to make a trade to get the #2 from Detroit, or even better is to trade Harrington, #’s 8, 39, 75 and/or 109th picks to get him if needed to the Raiders to ensure noone else takes him. I know I sound like a homer but we could more than likely to still get Charles Johnson from UGA with our #44 pick

By Truth will prevail

April 27, 2007 5:22 PM | Link to this

On my aol home page there is a picture of Vick with a link to 10 pictures. On the 6 of 10 picture he has his arms up in front of him and he is making signs with two fingers on each hand. I’m sorry if that is not “gang signs” but it is truly what I thought it was. What is it when he does that, showing how big of a bass he caught when he was fishing on that other guy’s lake?

By Titothebear

April 27, 2007 5:23 PM | Link to this

Now, let’s see. Vick failed to show for a meeting with Congress, He went to court to answer a charge of trespassing, his property was searched for drugs and about sixty dogs, all malnourished and some wounded and ill were found. An investigation into whether he’s participated in dog fighting is under way. Just another week for Vick. He’s finished! I predict he will never play in the NFL again!

By tito the bear lover

April 27, 2007 5:27 PM | Link to this

Well that last weak joke you attempted to make kind of made the point ridiculous was making as well as others on this board. Vick will never be what some people want him to be in ATL no matter what he does. I hope he ask’s for a trade so this sorry a* franchise can go back to sucking and you clowns can find someone else to blame.

By titothefag

April 27, 2007 5:33 PM | Link to this

Tito give it a rest. He will be starting next year and i predict you will still be here sucking dick and making up the most b****** you can think of. Give it a rest and go get some p*** .

By smh

April 27, 2007 5:37 PM | Link to this

Please whatever you do dont get into it with tito. The guy is a loser and he wont stop he wont give up he wont stop coming on here. Just ignore him and talk about football because this guy wont stop till he’s in the grave about how he hates Vick. I think we need to trade down and aquire more picks but thats just my opinion but only if Landry is gone. Terrance Moore was on espn saying they should stay away from him and since he feels that way i say draft him because Terrance Moore knows nothing about nothing.

By duce

April 27, 2007 5:41 PM | Link to this

Tito, why even waste your time posting messages to this board since it’s obvious you are not a Falcons Fan. If you are a fan it has to be the first time a fan actually wants to cut the best player on the team, and one of the most dynamic players in the NFL. On top of that you want them to lose????? do you live in Tampa/New Orleans or what. Everyone seems to have jumped on the bandwagon that Vick is not a good passer, while he is not Elway,/Marino/Manning, in reality the Jenkins/White WR corps, as well as Mora, Knapp are more responsible for Vick’s numbers. every week there were 10-15 passes that were just flat-out dropped. Vick cannot be responsible for the fact that his WR’s dropped so many balls that were good throws.

By F A Skippy

April 27, 2007 5:47 PM | Link to this

Duce interesting stuff but trade Harrington now ? not a good time considering all that’s going on.As far as CJ going to TB, for him it would be the best fit.I like Calvin as a player and person so if the move is made I’ll cheer him on but I still would probably save the picks though.Here’s a pretty strong list that would look good sunday morning. 1 Okoye 2 Griffin 3 C Johnson 4 M Bush 5 top O-L or wr on the board, then fill with best available player at one of the weak positions the rest of the way.

By Bushwacker

April 27, 2007 5:48 PM | Link to this

If Vick wasn’t smart enough to clean up “his house” after the water bottle incident knowing damn good and well what was happening in VA, HE PROVES ONCE AIAN HE IS TOO STUPID to LEAD an NFL Team. I bet you he does not show up for the ceremony for the VA TECH victimes this weekend either!!

By Bushwacker

April 27, 2007 5:48 PM | Link to this

If Vick wasn’t smart enough to clean up “his house” after the water bottle incident knowing damn good and well what was happening in VA, HE PROVES ONCE AIAN HE IS TOO STUPID to LEAD an NFL Team. I bet you he does not show up for the ceremony for the VA TECH victimes this weekend either!!

By bush a*

April 27, 2007 5:56 PM | Link to this

Bushwacker I find it funny that you call Vick stupid yet you can’t spell again. lmaoooooooooo. How can you call someone stupid yet your spelling is probably that of a 5 year old. As far as leading a NFL team correct me if im wrong but didn’t he lead this sorry team to two playoff appearances?. Damn if that isn’t proof that he can lead this team on the field then I guess your right but seeing that you can barely spell then I have to go against your dumb a*.

By Duce

April 27, 2007 7:15 PM | Link to this

Skippy I do like those picks you laid out, and most every year I would agree to quantity over quality (not that those picks aren’t quality players), it’s just that an opportunity to get CJ is one that cannot go without doing every thing possible to draft him. Think of it like this, I think we will be much better under the Petrino system but for arguments sake say we go 8-8 with the picks you put out there, and then think about going 8-8 with CJ as our number 1 WR, the future will be much brighter to have #21 under contract for 5-8 years. If after this year the Falcons start giving up on Vick, at least we will still have the best WR in the league. As far as Harrington, do you really think he will see any action outside of pre-season, or mop-up? DJ Shockley is a much better QB than Harrington, while not the runner Vick is, DJ is more mobile than 95% of any NFL QB right now. And the Raiders have to get a QB and Harrington may be that for them as long as Randy Moss is still in Oakland.

By Titothebear

April 27, 2007 7:29 PM | Link to this

Vick is finished in the NFL. He may find work in the Arena League, after he is released from prison, but I doubt it. I notice you cowards failed to sign in under your own monikers. Not all that surprising! Now, girls, get real comfortable with the idea of not seeing Vick on the field because he won’t be!

By War Eagle

April 27, 2007 7:59 PM | Link to this

Mo, two words describe Vick`s action as a Franchise player and $130 million man: NO ACCOUNTABILITY. Do you think his dope carry cousin living with him locally and in the house in Virginia, that MV has not sniffed or smoked as a Falcon?? Before you respond I am not a racist, just a realist

By Mike Sucks

April 28, 2007 12:12 AM | Link to this


By F A Skippy

April 28, 2007 1:20 AM | Link to this

Duce I can’t really quibble if we make the move for CJ,I mean it would be exciting,but for me New England is the model and good,high character players all over the roster is the best route to the superbowl.I don’t know if I like DJ better than Harrington. I remember him from college if he can regain that edge he would be a Petrino kind of player.Having said that we’re talking about a BIG if.

By UnhappyFan

April 28, 2007 4:04 PM | Link to this

When Vick goes and it appears likely he’ll go in flames, so too should the Falcon owner. Blanks and hence the Falcon reputation is shot. For such a hands on guy, he’s been an “absolute disaster”.. If the Falcons don’t go to the playoffs this time, Blank and Vick should go.

By Fans with $hit for brains and sport writers

April 28, 2007 8:14 PM | Link to this

B!tch on B!tch on and keep B!TCHING ! Vick is our QB love it or DIE B!TCHES!

By Falcon Master

April 29, 2007 6:28 PM | Link to this

Tito the Mouse & F A Skippy, ancient chinese proverb say, “having little ding dong make LITTLE man very ANGRY!!!! lol

By Macadamia Knutt

April 29, 2007 7:34 PM | Link to this

Mike Vick is a thug and it will be proven! He is done as a quarfterback in the NFL!

By Titothebear

April 29, 2007 7:37 PM | Link to this

Go ask yo mama how she likes the ding dong Boy!

By Fans with $hit for brains and sport writers

April 29, 2007 8:12 PM | Link to this

Time to get some real Falcons fans. we have a winner. Time for all the B!TCHING to come to a end. The team need our help now! All of this B!TCHING will not change a thing. AJC you can help the teams by not being down on our home teams. You can stand to be a better sport page for all the teams in Georgia. This is where you get paid from! McKay very good draft! Now let’s move on from this Vick thing and win some game this guy has been though HELL the last to weeks . Put yourself in his place. He has had a lot of heat some brought on by him I know the guy has learn from this now one want this kind of hell put on them. Time for the B!TCHING to end. If not that will tell if you are Fans. Fans we MUST do our part if we want a winner! 11-5


April 30, 2007 12:34 AM | Link to this

Peace to all true Falcons fans. Stop complaining because were are going through some lean times. Real fans may feel the pain of thier loosing teams, but they don’t make up news and hate Falcons more than the Saints fans. Be a fan or get another team and cheer. And the next time someone gets the idea that we need to trade Vick please put down your credentials as an pro football analyst with your post!

By Ken Strickland

April 30, 2007 11:32 AM | Link to this

When effectively assessing a problem, one must understand the principles of cause and effect. If you focus on the symptoms, the problem will persist until you identity, and effectly address the cause. It’s like a person with a severe cough who spends time and effort suppressing the cough rather than treating the cold. Over the last 2yrs, certain marginal fans have been guilty of that very thing. These marginal fans blame the GM, the owner, and the QB, not the coaching staff, for all of the teams problems.

If we sign FA’s, and they become injured, it’s the owner, QB, or the GM’s fault. If the entire secondary forgets how to defend the pass, it’s the owner, GM, or QB’s fault. If the OL can’t pass block, because the coaches devotes little practice time developing it, it’s the QB’s fault. If the DL, and secondary, forget how to stop the run, it’s the fault of the GM, owner, or QB. Not one of these marginal individuals blame the coaching staff for any of these problems. THEY ARE TOTALLY FOCUSED ON THE SYMTOMS, AND NOT THE CAUSE. A recent article indicated that the hiring of Petrino, and a competent staff, was the Falcons biggest upgrade. Yet, these marginal fans have ignored this assessment, and continue to focus on the symtoms,ie, QB, owner, and GM.

With this draft, Petrino and staff have identified the causes of our problems. They’ve done a good job of addressing them in this draft. There will be more upgrades and changes in next yrs draft. I don’t think they considered any FS other than Landry. That’s why they waited until the 2nd rd, and traded up to draft Houston. He was the the drafts best CB, next to Revis, in playing physical man coverage. The TE pick, which some are questioning, shows Petrino’s intent to employ an H-back. None of our current TE’s are H-back types. Since we already have an inside pass rushing DT in RColeman, we simply need a strong, athletic, point of attack type NT.

Remember, we claimed a DT off waivers shortly after Grady pulled his legal stunt. We can always get a DT during the 2nd FA signing period, plus teams will be releasing players after June 2nd for cap purposes. After all, sn’t that exactly how we ended up with Grady Jackson? The needs we didn’t fill in this draft, will be addressed in next yrs draft. The Atlanta Falcons are off to a very good start under the Petrino era. GO FALCONS!!!!!!!!

By bob

April 30, 2007 4:33 PM | Link to this

If it is not already too late, please someone tell McKay Abbate Abbate Abbate

By UnhappyFan

May 1, 2007 10:26 AM | Link to this

Just to add to why Blank- He as far as I know is the driver behind this one man team philosophy. Forget his one man choice, Vick LOL, for second.

Contrast this style to one of mathemtical need and new selection. W. Henry used this, like many teams in many sprots, and he has taken both his teams to number 1.

Blank has not. Simple.

By Lawrence Rutt

May 3, 2007 5:51 PM | Link to this

It might be safe to say that the Atlanta Falcons will be losers again this season. Your main reason for being losers are one the owner Arthur Blank who is worse than Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder combine and dumber too. And the QB who isn’t a leader except of the Ron Mexico Herpes club Michael Vick. Your owner wants to win so bad that he looks beyond the conduct or off the field incidents. Michael Vick needs to be sat down and suspended by the owner and the league he is in more hot water than a boiling lobster. Your choice of leadership in Vick will never amount to an average QB who will never win atleast Dan Marino was great but couldn’t win it. Vick isn’t in the same league let alone class as Marino. Michael Vick is a overpaid thug who doesn’t deserve to be a member of the NFL. Playing in the NFL isn’t a right it is earned and you must adhere to the policies of the league which Vick disregards. Michael Vick thinks he is so good he sells a few jerseys but Reggie Bush and Vince Young both rookies last year sold more. Michael Vick can be replaced and should be dropped from the Falcons pay roll. He is suppose to be a role model on the field as well as a role model citizen in the community which he is neither. He shows his love for the fans when they boo him and under the pressure he cracks and gives his rendition of an Atlanta Falcon and his conduct off the field is something else. First HERPES he lies in public about it and when he is sued by the victim settles out of court. See the smokinggun.com for the law suit and settlement. He got in trouble not convicted for a waterbottle with THC or Marijuana residue. Granted he said it was for his jewelery but a man with his money must have insurance. That’s like Bill Clinton saying I didn’t inhale or have sexual relations with his intern. RIGHT the Bull$#it is getting deep. Come on Falcon Fans you live in one of the greatest and most historic cities on Earth. You deserve to win and better than this loser of a QB that you continue to support. I live in Georgia now but I do not and will not support Vick or the Falcons as long as he wears their uniform. Vick is a CANCER to the NFL and a menace and embarassment to the City of Atlanta.

With the new conduct policy you don�t have to be charged or convicted. It is Privilege to play in the NFL and they are all role models. My role models don�t act or behave like RON Mexico/ Michael Vick. It�s a conduct policy if you don�t behave than you could be forced to sit out a few games. Michael Vick the finger, the airport water bottle, the Dogs in VA and oh yes let�s not forget his alias RON �Herpes� Mexico. His conduct isn�t going to get him a gold star for being good. He is in the cross hair of Art Godell�s sites and he is in the hot seat.

He is a cancer to the NFL and the reason why the Falcons are losers,suck and will never win a SB.

When Michael Vick realizes he needs to step up his level of play and admit he might be the problem to their losing. Only than will he be a good QB he is an above average QB who sits and prays he was as good as Vince Young. Vince Young has the NFL smarts and talent to inspire a sorry team with no talent to win 9 games. What did Michael Vick do this year oh yeah blame his receivers and give the people of Atlanta his version of the Atlanta Falcon. His team was talented last year, but his judgement on the field as well as off is questionable and not the best. He will never win anything other than being an overpaid (Atlanta Fans got screwed) 100 million for 10 years average 7 wins a season. Same story and excuse it is always someone else who is to blame and at Fault with Ron Mexico. first he didn�t have HERPES than he settles out of court. Two his receivers dropping the ball is his falut. Three the coach doesn�t understand his level of play. Ron be a man admit your SINS and take responsibility for your actions. You are the leader of an NFL team not a kid in a treehouse club. As for the sorry loser no Superbowl championship FALCONS stop defending the guy. Look at things for what they are not excuses. Ask yourself has he won more than 7 games a season? If you paid someone to cut your grass and they didn�t cut it properly would you replace them? Michael Vick isn�t worth the money being paid to him and he isn�t producing the Superbowl wins let alone more than 7 wins a year. What is the difference between him and the guys suspended from the NFL this year? Michael Vick hasn�t had as many run ins with the law but his conduct isn�t the greatest and the NFL commissioner is watching him. IT is only a matter of time before he gets suspended. Are you going to say that the commissioner is out to get Vick if he is suspended. Any QB who wins a few games can sell jersey�s and bring a few more fans to the stadium but a champion brings home the hardware. Drew Brees brought the Saint the one time lowly AINTS to the big dance and he is a winner. Vince Young did and Michael Vick can only watch him from home and say that�s where I should be in my level of play. Don�t defend the people who are guilty get rid of them and realize that Ron Mexico is Michael Vick.

Only than will the Falcons start down the path to win a championship.

By GoldenVulture

May 4, 2007 2:40 PM | Link to this

Vick should have been given a suspension from the NFL for two years for having a link to breeding dogs. If Vick is to be a full-time dog breeder he should stick to breeding dogs and quit his job as quarterback of the Falcons. Those poor starving dogs are the recipients of his negligence. How can his prize fighting dogs even be considered great if they havent been fed. Youve heard the old saying “breed em and feed em”, well Vick never got around to feeding those dogs so Vick is a failure as a dog breeder as well as a failure as a quarterback. Vick is just a failure in life, period.


May 4, 2007 2:41 PM | Link to this



May 4, 2007 2:47 PM | Link to this

WHAT DO YOU THINK? They could trade with cleveland then he could be a member of the dog pound.

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