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YoungMinds Magazine Issue 87 - OUT NOW

.Issue 87: Being Heard - How young people participate in shaping services


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We need your help in order to continue to support babies, children and young people at risk through our work.

A donation of…


could pay for information on depression or self harm to be sent to parents and their children


could pay for a YoungMinds resources pack to 73 schools, increasing their awareness about children's mental health issues


could enable our Parents Information Service to take a telephone call from a parent or carer concerned about the mental state of a child or young person


could sustain a voluntary worker in our offices for a month, helping to reduce our administration costs


could pay towards the production, publication and launch of a new booklet for young people covering a specific mental health topic

Please give today. With your support, we will be able to do so much more for children, young people and their families. Please download a donation form, complete your details and send with your donation to YoungMinds.


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