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  Information: Death Penalty Referendum

The following links provide information about the position of the Catholic Church regarding the Fall 2006 Referrendum on the Death Penalty in Wisconsin, including information from the Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC) and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Wisconsin Bishops' Letter on the Death Penalty
Archdiocesan Presbyteral Council Resoution Regarding "A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death"
Death Penalty Q & A
WCC Death Penalty Brochure
USCCB Death Penalty Brochure

Wisconsin Catholic Conference
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Archdiocese of Milwaukee - Catholic Social Action Office

Parish Resources:
Parish Bulletin Quotes
Note: The bulletin quotes are in a Microsoft Word document; once you have the file open click on the quote that you wish to use (this will highlight the text box with diagonal lines) then right-click on the border of the box (this will change highlighted box to a dotted line) and select Copy. You can then go to your bulletin file and Paste the quote into that document.

Group: Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan