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Millennia: 2nd millennium
Centuries: 19th century - 20th century - 21st century
Decades: 1900s 1910s 1920s - 1930s - 1940s 1950s 1960s
Years: 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934
1935 1936 1937 1938 1939
Categories: Births - Deaths - Architecture
Establishments - Disestablishments

The 1930s (years from 19301939) were described as an abrupt shift to more radical and conservative lifestyles, as countries were struggling to find a solution to the Great Depression, also known as the World Depression.[1]

The decade started off economically unsteady, with the stock market dropping early in 1930. However, late in 1930, stocks and the economy dropped more, and this time it didn't get better. People began to feel the effects of the plunging stock market in 1931, and the situation grew progressively worse until reaching the low point in 1933. The gloomy conditions that arose led to a religious revival and the rise of conservatism that rejected the liberalism of the 1920s, which began to be viewed as a decade of "sin." After 1933, the economy began a gradual recovery which wouldn't reach the level of prosperity of 1930 until World War II. In both Central Europe and Eastern Europe, Fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism dominated as the solution, which adopted war-oriented economic policies, such as Stalin's Five Year Plans, all of them described as totalitarian regimes. In East Asia, the rise of militarism occurred.

In Western Europe, Australia and the United States, more progressive reforms occurred as opposed to the extreme measures sought elsewhere. Roosevelt's New Deal attempted to use government spending to combat large-scale unemployment and severely negative growth. Ultimately, it would be the beginning of World War II in 1939 that would end the depression.


[edit] Technology

Many technological advances occurred in the 1930s, including:

[edit] War, peace and politics

[edit] Economics

[edit] Literature and Art

[edit] Popular Culture

Cover of the Flip the Frog Annual Comic Book from 1930.
Cover of the Flip the Frog Annual Comic Book from 1930.

[edit] Others

Military Enigma.
Military Enigma.

[edit] People

[edit] World leaders

Reza Shah Pahlavi changed the name of Persia to Iran in 1935
Reza Shah Pahlavi changed the name of Persia to Iran in 1935

[edit] Entertainers

(ordered by first name)

[edit] Sports figures

[edit] British Commonwealth

[edit] United States

[edit] References

  1. ^ Heywood Fleisig (May 1976). "War-Related Debts and the Great Depression (in The Last Great Depression and the Present One)". The American Economic Review 66: 52 - 58. Retrieved on 2007-05-29. 
  2. ^ David M. Gordon; Richard Edwards; Michael Reich (December 1982). "Segmented Work, Divided Workers: The Historical Transformation of Labor in the United States". The Journal of Economic History 42: 958 - 959. Retrieved on 2007-05-29. 
  3. ^ Rainer Zitelmann (December 1989). "Hitler: Selbstverstandnis eines Revolutionars". The Journal of Modern History 61: 854 - 856. Retrieved on 2007-05-29. 
  4. ^ A. L. Unger (January 1969). "Stalin's Renewal of the Leading Stratum: A Note on the Great Purge". Soviet Studies 20: 321 - 330. Retrieved on 2007-05-29. 

[edit] External links

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