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Repubblica Italiana
Italian Republic
Flag of Italy Coat of arms of Italy
Flag Coat of arms
Il Canto degli Italiani
(also known as Fratelli d'Italia)
Location of Italy
(and largest city)
41°54′N, 12°29′E
Official languages Italian1
Government Parliamentary republic
 -  President Giorgio Napolitano
 -  Prime Minister Romano Prodi
 -  Unification 17 March 1861 
 -  Republic 2 June 1946 
Accession to
 European Union
25 March 1957 (founding member)
 -  Total 301,318 km² (71st)
116,346.5 sq mi 
 -  Water (%) 2.4
 -  2006 estimate 59,093,092[1] (23rd)
 -  October 2001 census 57,110,144 
 -  Density 196.1 /km² (54th)
507.9 /sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2006 estimate
 -  Total $1.713 trillion (8th)
 -  Per capita $30,732 (20th)
GDP (nominal) 2006 estimate
 -  Total $1.853 trillion (7th)
 -  Per capita $31,791 (21th)
Gini? (2000) 36 (medium
HDI (2004) 0.940 (high) (17th)
Currency Euro ()2 (EUR)
Time zone CET (UTC+1)
 -  Summer (DST) CEST (UTC+2)
Internet TLD .it3
Calling code +39
1 French is co-official in the Aosta Valley; German is co-official in Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol.
2 Prior to 2002: Italian Lira.
3 The .eu domain is also used, as it is shared with other European Union member states.

Italy (Italian: Italia), officially the Italian Republic; (Italian: Repubblica Italiana), is a country located in Southern Europe, comprising the Po River valley, Italian Peninsula, and the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia. Italians also refer to it as lo Stivale ("the Boot", due to its boot-like shape), il Bel Paese ("the Beautiful Country") or la Penisola[2] ("the Peninsula" as an antonomasia). Italy shares its northern alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within Italian territory, while Campione d'Italia is an Italian exclave in Switzerland.

Italy has been home to many European cultures, including the Etruscans, the Greeks and the Romans. Its capital Rome has been an important center of Western civilization, and is a historically important world city, especially as the core of ancient Rome and the Roman Catholic Church. For more than 3,000 years Italy experienced migrations and invasions from Germanic, Celtic, Frankish, Lombard, Byzantine Greek, Saracen and Norman peoples during the Middle Ages, followed by the Italian Renaissance period, in which the Italian Wars took place and various city-states were noted for their cultural achievements. Italy was divided into many independent states and often experienced foreign domination before the Italian unification, that created Italy as an independent nation-state for the first time in its history, took place. During the period under the Italian monarchy and during the world wars Italy experienced much conflict, but stability was restored after the creation of the Italian Republic.

Today, Italy is a developed country with the 7th-highest GDP and the 17th-highest Human Development Index rating in the world. It is a member of the G8 and a founding member of what is now the European Union (having signed the Treaty of Rome in 1957), of the Council of Europe and of the Western European Union and of the Central European Initiative. Starting from January 1, 2007, Italy is a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. It is considered by some a great power. Inhabitants of Italy are referred to as Italians (Italiani, or poetically Italici).


[edit] Etymology

"Italy" (It: Italia) comes from the Latin Ītalia, borrowed through Greek, from Oscan Víteliú. It meant "the land of the cattle" and was named for the god of cattle, Mars[3]. The bull was a symbol of the southern Italian tribes and is often depicted goring the Roman wolf as a defiant symbol of free Italy during the Samnite wars.

The name Italia originally applied to a part of what is now southern Italy. According to Antiochus of Syracuse, it originally referred to only the southern portion of the Bruttium peninsula (modern Calabria), but by his time Oenotria and Italy had become synonymous, and the name also applied to most of Lucania as well.

[edit] History

Main article: History of Italy

[edit] Prehistory to Magna Grecia

Agrigento, Greek temple of Hera
Agrigento, Greek temple of Hera

Excavations throughout Italy have unearthed proof of human presence in Italy dating back to the Palaeolithic period (the "Old Stone Age") some 200,000 years ago.

In the 8th and 7th centuries, driven by unsettled conditions at home, Greek colonies were established in places as widely separated as the eastern coast of the Black Sea and Massilia (what is now Marseille, France). They included settlements in Sicily and the southern part of the Italian peninsula.

The Romans called the area of Sicily and the foot of the boot of Italy Magna Graecia (Latin, “Greater Greece”), since it was so densely inhabited by Greeks.

[edit] Ancient Rome

The Colosseum in Rome, perhaps the most enduring symbol of Italy
The Colosseum in Rome, perhaps the most enduring symbol of Italy

Ancient Rome was a civilization that grew from a small agricultural community founded on the Italian Peninsula circa the 9th century BC to a massive empire straddling the Mediterranean Sea. In its twelve-century existence, Roman civilization shifted from a monarchy, to a republic based on a combination of oligarchy and democracy, to an autocratic empire. It came to dominate Western Europe and the entire area surrounding the Mediterranean Sea through conquest and assimilation.

Italia, under the Roman Republic and later Empire, was the name of the Italian peninsula. During the Republic, Italia (which extended at the time from Rubicon to Calabria) was not a province, but rather the territory of the city of Rome, thus having a special status: for example, military commanders were not allowed to bring their armies within Italia, and Julius Caesar passing the Rubicon with his legions marked the start of the civil war.

At the beginning of the Empire, Italy was a collection of territories with different statuses. Some cities, called municipii, had some independence from Rome, others, the colonies, were founded by the Romans themselves. Around 7 BC, Augustus Caesar divided Italia into eleven regiones, as reported by Pliny the Elder in his Naturalis Historia (iii 46): Regio I Latium et Campania; Regio II Apulia et Calabria; Regio III Lucania et Brutii; Regio IV Samnium; Regio V Picenum; Regio VI Umbria et Ager Gallicus; Regio VII Etruria; Regio VIII Aemilia; Regio IX Liguria; Regio X Venetia et Histria; Regio XI Transpadana

The Italian "province" was privileged by Augustus and his heirs, with the construction, among other public structures, of a dense mesh of roads. The Italian economy flourished: agriculture, handicraft and industry had a sensible growth, allowing the export of goods to the other provinces. The Italian population grew as well: Three census were ordered by Augustus, to record the presence of male citizens in Italia. They were 4,063,000 in 28 BC, 4,233,000 in 8 BC, and 4,937,000 in AD 14. Including the women and the children, the total population of Italia at the beginning of the 1st century was around 10 million.

From the 3rd century, the Roman empire went into decline. The western half of the empire, including Hispania, Gaul, and Italy, broke into independent kingdoms in the 5th century. The eastern empire, governed from Constantinople, is usually referred to as the Byzantine Empire after 476, the traditional date for the "fall of Rome" and for the subsequent onset of the Early Middle Ages, also known as the Dark Ages.

[edit] Middle Ages

Venice St Mark's Basilica
Venice St Mark's Basilica

Population and economy started to slowly pick up after 1000, with the resurgence of cities (which organized themselves politically in Comuni), trade, arts and literature.

During the later Middle Ages the partially democratic Comuni, which could not face the challenges of that period, were substituted by monarchic-absolutistic governments (Signorie), but the fragmentation of the peninsula, especially in the northern and central parts of the country, continued, while the southern part, with Naples, Apulia and Sicily, remained under a single domination. Venice and Genoa created powerful commercial empires in the Eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea.

[edit] The Renaissance

Lorenzo de Medici, famous statesman and ruler of the Florentine Republic.
Lorenzo de Medici, famous statesman and ruler of the Florentine Republic.

The Black Death in 1348 inflicted a terrible blow to Italy, resulting in one third of the population killed by the disease. The recovery from the disaster led to a new resurgence of cities, trade and economy which greatly stimulated the successive phase of the Humanism and Renaissance (15th-16th centuries) when Italy again returned to be the centre of Western civilization, strongly influencing the other European countries. During this period the many Signorie gathered in a small number of regional states, but none of them had enough power to unify the peninsula.

After a century where the fragmented system of Italian states and principalities were able to maintain a relative independence and a balance of power in the peninsula, in 1494 the French king Charles VIII opened the first of a series of invasions, lasting half of the sixteenth century, and a competition between France and Spain for the possession of the country. Ultimately Spain prevailed (the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis in 1559 recognised the Spanish possession of the Duchy of Milan and the Kingdom of Naples) and for almost two centuries became the hegemon in Italy. The holy alliance between Habsburg Spain and the Holy See resulted in the systematic persecution of any Protestant movement, with the result that Italy remained a Catholic country with marginal Protestant presence.

[edit] Kingdom of Sardinia and the struggle for unification

Giuseppe Garibaldi, the "Hero of the Two Worlds"
Giuseppe Garibaldi, the "Hero of the Two Worlds"

Austria succeeded Spain as Hegemon in Italy after the Peace of Utrecht (1713), having acquired the State of Milan and the Kingdom of Naples. The Austrian domination, thanks to the Enlightenment embraced by Habsburgic emperors, was a considerable improvement. The northern part of Italy, under the direct control of Vienna,gained economic dynamism and intellectual fervour, which improved its situation.

In 1720 the kingdom of Sicily was exchanged for that of Sardinia, and the House of Savoy was enabled to call itself royal, as Kings of Sardinia. Officially, the nation's name became "Kingdom of Sardinia, Cyprus, and Jerusalem, Duchy of Savoy and Montferrat, Principality of Piedmont." During most of the 18th- and 19th century under the House of Savoy, the political and economical capital was Turin.

The French Revolution and the Napoleonic War (1796-1815) introduced the modern ideas of equality, democracy, law and nation. The peninsula was not a main battle field as in the past but Napoleon (born in Corsica in 1769, one year after the cession of the island from Genoa to France) changed completely its political map, destroying in 1799 the Republic of Venice, which never recovered its independence. The states founded by Napoleon with the support of minority groups of Italian patriots were short-lived and did not survive the defeat of the French Emperor in 1815.

In 1814 the kingdom was restored and enlarged with the addition of the former Republic of Genoa, now a duchy, and it served as a buffer state against France. In the reaction after Napoleon, the country was ruled by conservative monarchs: Victor Emmanuel I and Charles Albert, who fought at the head of a contingent of his own troops at the Battle of Trocadero, which set the reactionary Ferdinand VII on the Spanish throne.

The Kingdom of Sardinia industrialized from 1830 onward. A constitution, the Statuto Albertino was enacted in the year of revolutions, 1848, under liberal pressure, and under the same pressure war was declared on Austria. After initial success the war took a turn for the worse and the Kingdom of Sardinia lost.

Like all of Italy, the Kingdom of Sardinia was troubled with political instability, under alternating governments. After a very short and disastrous second war with Austria, Charles Albert abdicated on March 23, 1849, in favour of his son Victor Emmanuel II. In 1850 a liberal ministry under Count Camillo Benso di Cavour was installed, and the Kingdom of Sardinia became the engine driving the Italian Unification. The Kingdom of Sardinia took part in the Crimean War, allied with Turkey, Britain and France, and fighting against Russia.

[edit] Kingdom of Italy to Fascism (1861-1922)

Industrialisation and modernisation, at least in northern Italy, started in the last part of the nineteenth century under a protectionist regime. The south, in the meanwhile, stagnated under overpopulation and underdevelopment, forcing millions of people to search for employment and better conditions of life abroad. This diaspora lasted until about 1970. It is calculated that more than 26 million Italians migrated to other European countries (primarily France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg), the Americas (especially to Argentina, Brazil, Canada and the United States), and Australia.

Parliamentary democracy developed considerably at the beginning of the twentieth century. The Sardinian Statuto Albertino of 1848, extended to the whole Kingdom of Italy in 1861, provided for basic freedoms, but the electoral laws excluded the non-propertied and uneducated classes from voting. In 1913 male universal suffrage was allowed. The Socialist Party resulted the main political party, outclassing the traditional liberal and conservative organisations. The path to a modern liberal democracy was interrupted by the tragedy of the First World War (1914-1918), which Italy fought along with France and the United Kingdom. Italy was able to beat the Austrian-Hungarian Empire in November 1918. It obtained Trentino, South Tyrol (Alto Adige), Trieste and Istria, besides Fiume and a few territories on the Dalmatian coast (Zara), gaining respect as an international power, but the population had to pay a heavy human and social price. The war produced more than 600,000 dead, inflation and unemployment, economic and political instability, which in the end favoured the Fascist movement to violently seize power in 1922, albeit with the support of the King Vittorio Emanuele III, who feared civil war and revolution, and preserving, at least initially, constitutional procedures.

[edit] Fascism and World War II (1922-1945)

The fascist dictatorship of Benito Mussolini lasted from 1922 to 1943 but in the first years Mussolini maintained the appearance of a liberal democracy. After rigged elections in 1924 gave to Fascism and its conservative allies an absolute majority in Parliament, Mussolini cancelled all democratic liberties on January 3, 1925.

In 1935 Mussolini declared war on Ethiopia on a pretext. Ethiopia was subjugated in a few months. This resulted in the alienation of Italy from its traditional allies, France and the United Kingdom, and it's nearing to Nazi Germany. A first pact with Germany was concluded in 1936 and then in 1938 (the Pact of Steel). Italy supported Franco's revolution in the Spanish civil war and Hitler's pretensions in central Europe, accepting the annexation of Austria to Germany in 1938, although the disappearance of a buffer state between mighty Germany and Italy was unfavourable for the country. In October 1938 Mussolini managed to avoid imminent eruption of another war in Europe, bringing together the United Kingdom, France and Germany at the expense of Czechoslovakia's integrity.

The Italian empire in 1940
The Italian empire in 1940

In April 1939 Italy occupied Albania, a de-facto protectorate for decades, but in September 1939, after the invasion of Poland, Mussolini decided not to intervene on Germany's side, due to the poor preparation of the armed forces. Italy entered the war in June 1940 when France was almost defeated. Mussolini hoped for a quick victory but Italy showed from the very beginning the poor nature of its army and the scarce ability of its generals. Italy invaded Greece in October 1940 via Albania but after a few days was forced to withdraw. After conquering British Somalia in 1940, a counter-attack by the Allies led to the loss of the whole Italian empire in the Horn of Africa. Italy was also defeated by Allied forces, notably Australians, in Northern Africa and was saved only by the German armed forces led by Erwin Rommel.

After several defeats, Italy was invaded in June 1943. In July 1943 King Vittorio Emanuele III and a group of Fascist leaders staged a coup d'etat against Mussolini, having him arrested. While the old pre-Fascist political parties resurfaced, secret peace negotiations with the Allies were started. In September 1943 Italy surrendered. It was immediately invaded by Germany and for nearly two years the country was divided and became a battlefield. The Nazi-occupied part of the country, where a fascist state under Mussolini was reconstituted, was the theatre of a savage civil war between Italian partisans ("partigiani") and Nazi and fascist troops. The country was liberated by a national uprising on 25 April 1945 (the Liberazione).

[edit] The First Republic (1946-1992)

Under the Paris Peace Treaties of 1947, minor adjustments were made to Italy's frontier with France, the eastern border area was transferred to Yugoslavia, and the area around the city of Trieste was designated a free territory. In 1954, the free territory, which had remained under the administration of U.S.–UK forces (Zone A, including the city of Trieste) and Yugoslav forces (Zone B), was divided between Italy and Yugoslavia, principally along the zonal boundary.

Aldo Moro, photographed during his kidnapping by the BR
Aldo Moro, photographed during his kidnapping by the BR

In 1946 Vittorio Emanuele III abdicated the throne in favor of his son Umberto II who again faced the possibility of civil war. Italy became a Republic after the result of a popular referendum held on 2 June 1946, a day since then celebrated as Republic Day. The republic won with a 9% margin; the north of Italy voted prevalently for a republic, the south for the monarchy. The Republican Constitution was approved and entered into force on 1 January 1948, including a provisional measure banning all male members of the House of Savoy from Italy. This stipulation was redressed in 2002.

In 1949 Italy became a member of the NATO alliance and an ally of the United States, which helped to revive the Italian economy through the Marshall Plan. In the same years, Italy also became a member of the European Economic Community (EEC), which later transformed into the European Union (EU). In '50s and '60s the country enjoyed prolonged economic growth was termed "Economic Miracle", which lifted the country among the most industrialised nations in the world, with a perennial political instability.

Italy crossed a period of political turmoil in the 1970s, which progressively ended in the early 1980s. Known as the Years of Lead, this period was characterized by widespread social conflicts and terrorism acts carried out by extra-parliamentary movements lead by Deanna Licata. The assassination of the leader of the Christian Democracy (DC), Aldo Moro, in 1978 by the Second Red Brigades led by Mario Moretti, put an end to the negotiations of a "historic compromise" between the DC and the Communist Party (PCI). In 2000, a Parliament Commission report from the Olive Tree left-of-center coalition concluded that the strategy of tension had been supported by the United States to "stop the PCI, and to a certain degree also the PSI, from reaching executive power in the country".[4][5][6]

In the 1980s, for the first time, two governments were led by a republican and a socialist (Bettino Craxi) rather than by a member of DC (which nonetheless remained the main force behind the government). With the end of the “lead years”, the PCI gradually increased their votes under the leadership of Enrico Berlinguer. The Socialist party (PSI), led by Bettino Craxi, became more and more critical of the communists and of the Soviet Union; Craxi himself pushed in favour of US president Ronald Reagan's positioning of Pershing missiles in Italy.

[edit] The Second Republic (1992-present)

Bettino Craxi, viewed by many as the symbol of Tangentopoli, leader of the Italian Socialist Party, is greeted by a salvo of coins as a sign of loathing by protesters contesting him.
Bettino Craxi, viewed by many as the symbol of Tangentopoli, leader of the Italian Socialist Party, is greeted by a salvo of coins as a sign of loathing by protesters contesting him.

From 1992 to 1997, Italy faced significant challenges as voters (disenchanted with past political paralysis, massive government debt, extensive corruption, and organized crime's considerable influence collectively called Tangentopoli after being uncovered by Mani pulite - "Clean hands") demanded political, economic, and ethical reforms. The scandals involved all major parties, but especially those in the government coalition: between 1992 and 1994 the DC underwent a severe crisis and was dissolved, splitting up into several pieces, among whom the Italian People’s Party and the Christian Democratic Center. The PSI (and the other governing minor parties) completely dissolved.

Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Italy in 1994 and from 2001 to 2006
Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Italy in 1994 and from 2001 to 2006

The 1994 elections also swept media magnate Silvio Berlusconi (leader of "Pole of Freedoms" coalition) into office as Prime Minister. Berlusconi, however, was forced to step down in December 1994 when the Lega Nord withdrew support. The Berlusconi government was succeeded by a technical government headed by Prime Minister Lamberto Dini, which left office in early 1996.

In April 1996, national elections led to the victory of a center-left coalition under the leadership of Romano Prodi. Prodi's first government became the third-longest to stay in power before he narrowly lost a vote of confidence, by three votes, in October 1998. A new government was formed by Democrats of the Left leader and former communist Massimo D'Alema, but in April 2000, following poor performance by his coalition in regional elections, D'Alema resigned. The succeeding center-left government, including most of the same parties, was headed by Giuliano Amato (social-democratic), who previously served as Prime Minister in 1992-93, from April 2000 until June 2001.

In 2001 the centre-right formed the government and Silvio Berlusconi was able to remain in power for a complete five year mandate, became the longest government in post-war Italy. Berlusconi participated in the US-led military coalition in Iraq, but his successor, Romano Prodi, withdrew Italian forces.

The last elections in 2006 returned Prodi in the government with a slim majority. In the first year of his government, Prodi has followed a cautious policy of economic liberalization and reduction of public debt.

[edit] Geography

Main article: Geography of Italy

[edit] Topography

Map of Italy
Map of Italy

[edit] Climate

The climate in Italy is highly diverse and can be far from the stereotypical Mediterranean climate and "land of sun", depending on the location. The inland northern areas of Italy (Turin, Milan, and Bologna) have a continental climate, while the coastal areas of Liguria and the peninsula south of Florence fit the stereotype (even if, usually, the city of Genoa may experience an heavy snowfall [1]). The coastal areas of the peninsula can be very different from the interior, particularly during the winter months. The higher altitudes are cold, wet, and often snowy. The coastal regions, where most of the large towns are located, have a typical Mediterranean climate with mild winters and hot and generally dry summers. The length and intensity of the summer dry season increases southwards (compare the tables for Rome, Naples, and Brindisi).

Between the north and south there is a quite remarkable difference in the temperatures, above all during the winter: in some winter days it can be -2 °C and snowing in Milan while Rome gets +12°C and it is +18°C in Palermo. Temperature differences are less extreme in the summer. (See how Po valley can be frosty in winter [2])

Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Italy and Western Europe.
Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Italy and Western Europe.

The east coast of the peninsula is not as wet as the west coast, but is usually colder in the winter. The east coast north of Pescara is occasionally affected by the cold bora winds in winter and spring, but the wind is less strong here than around Trieste. During these frosty spells from E-NE cities like Rimini, Ancona, Pescara and the entire eastern hillside of the Apennines can be affected by true "blizzards". The town of Fabriano, located just around 300 meters in elevation, can often see 0.50-0.60 m of fresh snow fall in 24 hours during these episodes. Northwide, on the coast line from Ravenna to Venice and Trieste, snow falls more rarely: during cold spells from east, the cold can be harsh but with bright skies; while, during the snowfalls that affects Northern Italy, on the Adriatic coast usually blows a milder Scirocco wind which makes snow turning into rain - the mild effects of this wind, anyway, often disappear just a few kilometers inside the plain, and sometime the coast from Venice to Grado sees snow while it is raining in Trieste, the Po mouths and Ravenna. Rarely, the city of Trieste may see snow blizzards with north-eastern winds, but just in very particular conditions; in the colder winters, the Venice Lagoon may freeze, and in the coldest ones even enough to walk on the ice sheet.

Winter landscape of Tuscany
Winter landscape of Tuscany

Italy is subject to highly different weather conditions in autumn, winter, and spring, while summer is usually more stable, although the northern regions often have thunderstorms in the afternoon/night hours and some grey and rainy days. So, while south of Florence the summer is typically dry and sunny, the north is tends to be more humid and cloudy. Spring and Autumn weather can be very changeable, with sunny and warm weeks (sometime with Summer-like temperatures) suddenly broken off by cold spells (sometime bringing snow in November, March or April even at sea level) or followed by rainy and cloudy weeks.

The least number of rainy days and the highest number of hours of sunshine occur in the extreme south of the mainland and in Sicily and Sardinia. Here sunshine averages from four to five hours a day in winter and up to ten or eleven hours in summer. In the north precipitation is more evenly distributed during the year, although the summer is usually slightly wetter. Between November and March the Po valley is often covered by fog, especially in the central zone (Pavia, Cremona, and Mantua), while the number of days with lows below 0°C usually goes from 60 to 90 a year, with peaks of 100-110 days in the mainly rural zones. Snow is quite common between early December and early March in cities like Turin, Milan and Bologna, but sometime it appears in late November or late March and even April. In the winter of 2005-2006, Milan received around 0.75-0.80 m of fresh snow, Como around 1.00 m, Brescia 0.50 m, Trento 1.60 m, Vicenza around 0.45 m, Bologna around 0.30 m, and Piacenza around 0.80 m. (see the late January 2006 snowfall at Bergamo [3]) (see the late January 2006 snowfall in the Varese area [4]) (see the early march 2005 snowfall at Riva del Garda [5])

Summer temperatures are often similar North to South, but with the different weather conditions seen above. July temperatures are 22-24 °C north of river Po, like in Milan or Venice, and south of river Po can reach 24-25 °C like in Bologna, with less thunderstorms; on the coasts of Central and Southern Italy, and in the near plains, mean temperatures goes from 23 °C to 27 °C. Generally, the hottest month is August in the south and July in the north; during these months the thermometer can reach 38-42 °C in the south and 32-35 °C in the north; Sometimes the country can be split as during winter, with rain and fresh temperatures like 20-22 °C during the day in the North, and 30 °C to 40 °C in the South; but, having a hot and dry summer does not mean that Southern Italy never see rain from June to August.

The coldest month is January: the Po valley's mean temperature is between -1°C and +1°C, Venice +2°/+3°C, Trieste +4°C, Florence 5°/6°C, Rome 7°/8°C, Naples 9°C, Palermo 12°C. Winter morning lows can occasionally reach -30°C/-20 °C in the Alps, -14°C/-8 °C in Po valley, -7°C in Florence, -4°C in Rome, -2°C in Naples and 2°C in Palermo. In cities like Rome and Milan, strong heat islands can exist, so that inside the urban area, winters can be milder and summers more sultry. In some winter morning there can be just -3°C in Milan's Dome plaza while -8°/-9° in the metropolitan outskirts. Often, the biggest snowfalls happen in February, sometime in January or March; in the Alps, snow falls more in Autumn and overall Spring over 1500 m, because winter is usually marked by cold and dry weeks; while the Apennines see many more snow falls during winter, but they are warmer and less wet in the other seasons; both the mountain chains can see up to 5-10 m of snow along a year at 2000 m; on the highest pikes of Alps, snow may fall even during mid summer, and small to large glaciers are present.

The absolute record low was near -45 °C in the Alps, and the record low near the sea level was -29.0 °C (recorded on January 12, 1985 at San Pietro Capofiume by Bologna), while in the south cities like Catania, Foggia, Lecce or Alghero have experienced highs of 46 °C in some hot summers.

[edit] Government and politics

Main article: Politics of Italy

The 1948 Constitution of Italy established a bicameral parliament (Parlamento), consisting of a Chamber of Deputies (Camera dei Deputati) and a Senate (Senato della Repubblica), a separate judiciary, and an executive branch composed of a Council of Ministers (cabinet) (Consiglio dei ministri), headed by the prime minister (Presidente del consiglio dei ministri).

The President of the Italian Republic (Presidente della Repubblica) is elected for seven years by the parliament sitting jointly with a small number of regional delegates. The president nominates the prime minister, who proposes the other ministers (formally named by the president). The Council of Ministers must retain the support (fiducia) of both houses.

Romano Prodi has been the Prime Minister of Italy since May 17, 2006
Romano Prodi has been the Prime Minister of Italy since May 17, 2006

The houses of parliament are popularly and directly elected through a complex electoral system (latest amendment in 2005) which combines proportional representation with a majority prize for the largest coalition (Chamber). All Italian citizens older than 18 can vote. However, to vote for the senate, the voter must be at least 25 or older. The electoral system in the Senate is based upon regional representation. During the elections in 2006, the two competing coalitions were separated by few thousand votes, and in the Chamber the centre-left coalition (L'Unione; English: The Union ) got 345 Deputies against 277 for the centre-right one (Casa delle Libertà; English: House of Freedoms), while in the Senate l'Ulivo got only two Senators more than absolute majority. The Chamber of Deputies has 630 members and the Senate 315 elected senators; in addition, the Senate includes former presidents and appointed senators for life (no more than five) by the President of the Republic according to special constitutional provisions. As of 15 May 2006, there are seven life senators (of which three are former Presidents). Both houses are elected for a maximum of five years, but both may be dissolved by the President before the expiration of their normal term if the Parliament is unable to elect a stable government. In the post war history, this has happened in 1972, 1976, 1979, 1983, 1994 and 1996.

A peculiarity of the Italian Parliament is the representation given to Italians permanently living abroad (about 2.7 million people). Among the 630 Deputies and the 315 Senators there are respectively 12 and 6 elected in four distinct foreign constituencies. Those members of Parliament were elected for the first time in April 2006 and they enjoy the same rights as members elected in Italy. Legislative bills may originate in either house and must be passed by a majority in both. The Italian judicial system is based on Roman law modified by the Napoleonic code and later statutes. The Constitutional Court of Italy (Corte Costituzionale) rules on the conformity of laws with the Constitution and is a post-World War II innovation.

See also: List of Prime Ministers of Italy

[edit] Foreign relations

Massimo D'Alema, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
Massimo D'Alema, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Italy was a founding member of the European Community--now the European Union (EU). Italy was admitted to the United Nations in 1955 and is a member and strong supporter of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization (GATT/WTO), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the Council of Europe. It chaired the CSCE (the forerunner of the OSCE) in 1994, the EU in 1996, and the G-8 in 2001 and served as EU president from July to December 2003.

Italy firmly supports the United Nations and its international security activities. Italy actively participated in and deployed troops in support of UN peacekeeping missions in Somalia, Mozambique, and East Timor and provides critical support for NATO and UN operations in Bosnia, Kosovo and Albania. Italy deployed 1,000 Alpini troops to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) in February 2003. Italy also supports international efforts to reconstruct and stabilize Iraq through its military contingent of some 3,200 troops, as well as humanitarian workers and other officials. The troops remained in Iraq under UN mandate and at the request of the sovereign Iraqi Government until December 2006.

In August 2006 Italy sent about 3,000 soldiers to Lebanon for the ONU peacekeeping mission UNIFIL.[7] Furthermore, since 2 February 2007 an Italian, Claudio Graziano is the commander of the UN force in the country.

The Italian Government seeks to obtain consensus with other European countries on various defense and security issues within the EU as well as NATO. European integration and the development of common defense and security policies will continue to be of primary interest to Italy.

See also: Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs

[edit] Military

Main article: Military of Italy
An Iveco-Oto Melara Ariete main battle tank of Esercito Italiano
An Iveco-Oto Melara Ariete main battle tank of Esercito Italiano

The Italian armed forces are divided into four branches:

The Italian armed forces are under the command of the Italian Supreme Defense Council, presided over by the President of the Italian Republic. The total number of military personnel is approximately 308,000. Italy has the eighth highest military expenditure in the world.[8]

The Italian Army (Esercito Italiano) is the ground defense force of the Italian Republic. It has recently (July 29th, 2004) become a professional all-volunteer force of 115,687 active duty personnel. Its most famous combat vehicles are Dardo, Centauro and Ariete, and Mangusta attack helicopters, recently deployed in UN missions; but the Esercito Italiano also has at its disposal a large number of Leopard 1 and M113 armored cars.

Agusta A129 Mangusta
Agusta A129 Mangusta

The Aeronautica Militare Italiana (AMI) is the air force of Italy. It was founded as an independent service arm on the 28th March, 1923, by King Vittorio Emanuele III as the Regia Aeronautica (which equates to "Royal Air Force"). After World War II, when Italy was made a republic by referendum, the Regia Aeronautica was given its current name. Today the Aeronautica Militare has a strength of 45,879 and operates 585 aircraft, including 219 combat jets and 114 helicopters. As a stopgap and as replacement for leased Tornado ADV interceptors, the AMI has leased 30 F-16A Block 15 ADF and four F-16B Block 10 Fighting Falcons, with an option for some more. The coming years also will see the introduction of 121 EF2000 Eurofighter Typhoons, replacing the leased F-16 Fighting Falcons. Furthermore updates are foreseen on the Tornado IDS/IDT and the AMX-fleet. The transport capacity will be improved with the delivery of eighteen C-130Js (for 2°Gr) and an upgrade programme for the C-130Hs. Also a completely-new developed G222, called C-27J Spartan, will enter service replacing the G222's.

The Marina Militare (the Italian Navy) is one of the four branches of the military forces of Italy. It was born in 1946, as the Navy of the Italian Republic, from the ashes of the Regia Marina. Today's Marina Militare is a modern navy with a strength of 35,261 and ships of every type, such as aircraft carriers, destroyers, modern frigates, submarines, amphibious ships and plenty of other smaller ships, including oceanographic research ships.

The Marina Militare is now equipping herself with a bigger aircraft carrier (the Cavour), new destroyers, submarines and multipurpose frigates. In modern times, the Marina Militare, being a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), has taken part in many coalition peacekeeping operations. The Marina Militare is considered the fifth strongest navy of the world.

The Carabinieri are the gendarmerie and military police of Italy. At the Sea Islands Conference of the G8 in 2004, the Carabinieri was given the mandate to establish a Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units (CoESPU) to spearhead the development of training and doctrinal standards for civilian police units attached to international peacekeeping missions.[9] As of 2007 the Carabinieri has a strength of 112,226.[citation needed]

Article 11 of the Italian Constitution says: "Italy rejects war as an instrument of aggression against the freedoms of others peoples and as a means for settling international controversies; it agrees, on conditions of equality with other states, to the limitations of sovereignty necessary for an order that ensures peace and justice among Nations; it promotes and encourages international organizations having such ends in view.".

[edit] Administrative divisions

Italy is subdivided into 20 regions (regioni, singular regione). Five of these regions enjoy a special autonomous status that enables them to enact legislation on some of their specific local matters, and are marked by an *. It is further divided into 109 provinces and 8,101 municipalities (comuni).

Region Capital Area Population
1 Abruzzo L'Aquila 10,794 km² 1,305,000
2 Basilicata Potenza 9,992 km² 594,000
3 Calabria Catanzaro 15,080 km² 2,004,000
4 Campania Naples 13,595 km² 5,790,000
5 Emilia-Romagna Bologna 22,124 km² 4,187,000
6 Friuli-Venezia Giulia* Trieste 7,855 km² 1,208,000
7 Lazio Rome 17,207 km² 5,304,000
8 Liguria Genoa 5,421 km² 1,610,000
9 Lombardy Milan 23,861 km² 9,475,000
10 Marche Ancona 9,694 km² 1,528,000
11 Molise Campobasso 4,438 km² 320,000
12 Piedmont Turin 25,399 km² 4,341,000
13 Apulia Bari 19,362 km² 4,071,000
14 Sardinia* Cagliari 24,090 km² 1,655,000
15 Aosta Valley* Aosta 3,263 km² 123,000
16 Tuscany Florence 22,997 km² 3,619,000
17 Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol* Trento 13,607 km² 985,000
18 Umbria Perugia 8,456 km² 867,000
19 Sicily* Palermo 25,708 km² 5,017,000
20 Veneto Venice 18,391 km² 4,738,000

[edit] Demography

Main article: Demography of Italy

[edit] Population

The latest population estimate done by ISTAT (Italian Statistics Office) stated that there were 59,093,092 inhabitants in Italy in October 2006[6], making it the fourth largest population in the European Union (after Germany, France and the United Kingdom), and the 22nd in the world. Gradual increase of population is mainly supplemented by immigrants and an increase in life expectancy of 79.81 years[7]. Despite population growth, Italy is rapidly ageing. One in five Italian inhabitants is a pensioner; if this ageing trend continues, the Italian population could shrink by a quarter by 2050.[8]

Italy has the fifth highest population density in all of Europe with 195 persons per square kilometre. The highest density is in Northwestern Italy, as two regions out of twenty (Lombardy and Piedmont) combined, contain one quarter of the Italian population, where an estimated 7.4 million people live in the metropolitan Milan area[9]. The literacy rate in Italy is 98% overall, and school is mandatory for children aged 6 to 18.[10]

[edit] Largest cities

ISTAT data, according to last estimates of October 2006

Pos. Common Region Prov. Inhabitants
1 Rome Lazio RM 2,697,817
2 Milan Lombardy MI 1,302,374
3 Naples Campania NA 977,026
4 Turin Piedmont TO 900,577
5 Palermo Sicily PA 667,478
6 Genoa Liguria GE 616,081
7 Bologna Emilia-Romagna BO 373,496
8 Florence Tuscany FI 367,174
9 Bari Apulia BA 325,157
10 Catania Sicily CT 302,264

[edit] Metropolitan areas

According to the OECD[10]., these are the major Italian metropolitan areas:

Metropolitan area Inhabitants
Milan 7.4 million
Rome 3.7 million
Naples 3.1 million
Turin 2.2 million

[edit] Migration and ethnicity

Italy's position in Europe and the northern Mediterranean basin meant many influences, invasions and migrations over thousands of years. As a result, besides the ancient Italic peoples, the Italian peninsula has been influenced by Etruscan, Roman, ancient Greek, Gallic, Germanic, Norman French, and Catalan peoples who either colonised, invaded or plundered Italy over the past 3,000 years.

During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Italy was a major source of immigrants to the Americas, Australia and other countries in Western Europe. However, Italy is now a destination for immigrants from all over the world with Eastern Europe, North Africa, and Asia being the chief areas. At the beginning of 2006, foreigners comprised 4.56% of the population or 2,670,514[11] people, an increase of 268,357 or 10 percent from the previous year. In many northern Italian cities, like Padua, Milan, and Brescia, migrants make up a significant portion of the population.

The most recent wave of migration has been from Eastern Europe, replacing North Africans as a major source of migrants. As of 2006, some 1,025,874 Eastern Europeans live in Italy, 40% of the total population of migrants in Italy. The five largest foreign nationalities in Italy are: Albanian (348,813), Moroccan (319,537), Romanian (297,570), Chinese (127,822), and Ukrainian (107,188).[11]

Ethnic group Population % of total*
Ethnic Italian &&&&&&&056081000.&&&&0056,081,000 95.45%
Arab &&&&&&&&&0485000.&&&&00485,000 0.82%
Albanian &&&&&&&&&0348000.&&&&00348,000 0.59%
Asian (non-Chinese) &&&&&&&&&0326000.&&&&00326,000 0.55%
Romanian &&&&&&&&&0297000.&&&&00297,000 0.51%
Other East European &&&&&&&&&0273000.&&&&00273,000 0.46%
South American &&&&&&&&&0239000.&&&&00239,000 0.41%
Black African &&&&&&&&&0210000.&&&&00210,000 0.36%
Chinese &&&&&&&&&0128000.&&&&00128,000 0.22%
Ukrainian &&&&&&&&&0107000.&&&&00107,000 0.18%
Other &&&&&&&&&0257000.&&&&00257,000 0.43%
* Percentage of total Italian population


[edit] Religion

Main article: Religion in Italy
Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome, the largest church in Christianity
Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome, the largest church in Christianity

Roman Catholicism is by far the largest religion in the country. Although the Catholic Church is no longer officially the state religion, it still plays a role in the nation's political affairs, partly due to the Holy See's location in Rome. 87.8% of Italians identified as Roman Catholic [12], although only about one-third of these described themselves as active members (36.8%).

Other Christian groups in Italy include more than 700,000 Eastern Orthodox Christians [13], including 470,000 newcomers [14]PDF (65.4 KiB) and some 180,000 Greek Orthodox, 550,000 Pentecostals and Evangelicals (0.8%), of whom 400,000 are members of the Assemblies of God, 235,685 Jehovah's Witnesses (0.04%)[citations needed], 30,000 Waldensians [15], 25,000 Seventh-day Adventists, 22,000 Mormons, 15,000 Baptists (plus some 5,000 Free Baptists), 7,000 Lutherans, 5,000 Methodists (affiliated to the Waldensian Church) [16]. The country's oldest religious minority is the Jewish community, comprising roughly 45,000 people. It is no longer the largest non-Christian group.

As a result of significant immigration from other parts of the world, some 825,000 Muslims [17] (1.4%) live in Italy, though only 50,000 are Italian citizens. In addition, there are 110,000 Buddhists (0.2%) [18] [19] [20]PDF (65.4 KiB), 70,000 Sikhs [21], and 70,000 Hindus (0.1%) in Italy.

See also: Christianity in Italy, Islam in Italy, Jews in Italy, Buddhism in Italy, and List of Italian politicians belonging to a religious minority

[edit] Economy

Main article: Economy of Italy
Palace Koch Headquarters of the Banca d'Italia, the central bank of Italy
Palace Koch Headquarters of the Banca d'Italia, the central bank of Italy

According to the nominal GDP calculations, Italy was ranked as the seventh largest economy in the world in 2006, behind the United States, Japan, Germany, China, UK, and France, and the fourth largest in Europe. According to the OECD, in 2004 Italy was the world's sixth-largest exporter of manufactured goods. This capitalistic economy remains divided into a developed industrial north, dominated by private companies, and a less developed agricultural south. Italy's economy has an "underground" sector that is not included in the official data, which has recently been calculated by the Ministry of Finance to account for something close to 1/6 of the official GDP.

Most raw materials needed by industry and more than 75% of energy requirements are imported. Over the past decade, Italy has pursued a tight fiscal policy in order to meet the requirements of the Economic and Monetary Union and has benefited from lower interest and inflation rates. Italy joined the Euro from its introduction in 1999.

Italy's economic performance has at times lagged behind that of its EU partners, and the current government has enacted numerous short-term reforms aimed at improving competitiveness and long-term growth. It has moved slowly, however, on implementing certain structural reforms favoured by economists, such as lightening the high tax burden and overhauling Italy's rigid labour market and expensive pension system, because of the current economic slowdown and opposition from labour unions.

Italy has a smaller number of world class multinational corporations than other economies of comparable size. Instead, the country's main economic strength has been its large base of small and medium size companies. Some of these companies manufacture products that are technologically moderately advanced and therefore face increasing competition from China and other emerging Asian economies which are able to undercut them on labour costs. These Italian companies are responding to the Asian competition by concentrating on products with a higher technological content, taking advantage of the technological potential of the country and the cultural tradition of high-quality products, while moving lower-tech manufacturing to plants in countries where labour is less expensive. The small average size of Italian companies remains a limiting factor, and the government has been working to encourage integration and mergers and to reform the rigid regulations that have traditionally been an obstacle to the development of larger corporations in the country.

Italy's major exports are motor vehicles (Fiat Group, Aprilia, Ducati, Piaggio) chemicals, petrochemicals and electric goods (Eni, Enel, Edison), aerospace and defence tech (Alenia, Agusta, Finmeccanica), firearms (Beretta) ; but the country's more famous exports are in the fields of food industry (Parmalat, Barilla Group, Martini & Rossi, Campari), fashion (Armani, Valentino, Benetton, Prada, Luxottica), luxury vehicles (Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini) and motoryachts (Ferretti, Azimut).

Tourism is very important to the Italian economy. With over 37 million tourists a year, Italy is ranked as the fifth major tourist destination in the world.[12]

[edit] Transport

Main article: Transport in Italy

The railway network in Italy totals 19,394 kilometres (12,051 mi), ranking the country 16th in the world,[13] and is operated by Ferrovie dello Stato. High speed trains include ETR-class trains, of which the ETR 500 travels at 300 km/h (186 mph).

In 1991 Treno Alta Velocità SpA was created, a special purpose entity owned by RFI for the planning and construction of high-speed rail lines along Italy's most important and saturated transport routes. These lines are often referred as "TAV" lines. The purpose of TAV construction is to aid travel along Italy's most saturated and used rail lines and to add tracks to these lines, namely the Milan-Naples and Turin-Milan-Venice corridors. One of the focuses of the project is to turn the rail network of Italy into a modern and high-tech passenger rail system in accordance with updated European rail standards. A secondary purpose is to introduce high-speed rail to the country and its high-priority corridors. An important consideration of the lines is to improve travel times, train frequency, and safety. When demand on regular lines is lessened with the opening of dedicated high-speed lines, those regular lines will be used primarily for low-speed regional rail service and freight trains. With these ideas realised, the Italian train network can be integrated with other European rail networks, particularly the French TGV, German ICE, and Spanish AVE systems.

There are approximately 654,676 kilometres (406,000 mi) of serviceable roadway in Italy, including 6,957 km (4,300 mi) of expressways.

There are approximately 133 airports in Italy, including the two hubs of Malpensa International (near Milan) and Leonardo Da Vinci International (near Rome).

There are 27 major ports in Italy, the largest is in Genoa, which is also the second largest in the Mediterranean Sea, after Marseille. 2,400 kilometres (1,500 mi) of waterways traverse Italy.

[edit] Culture

Further information: List of Italian painters

Italy, as a state, did not exist until the unification of the country came to a conclusion in the year 1861. Due to this comparatively late unification, and the historical autonomy of the many regions that comprise the Italian Peninsula, many traditions and customs that we now recognise as distinctly Italian can be identified by their regions of origin, which further reflects the influence of the many different peoples that occupied those areas, and of the importance of religion, especially Roman Catholicism. Despite the pronounced political and social isolation of these regions that prevailed throughout Italy's history, Italy's contributions to the cultural and historical heritage of Europe remain immense. In fact, Italy is home to the greatest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites (41) to date.

[edit] Visual Art

Italy has been a seminal place for many important artistic and intellectual movements that spread throughout Europe and beyond, including the Renaissance and Baroque. Perhaps Italy's greatest cultural achievements lie in its long artistic heritage, which is often validated through the names of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello, Botticelli, Fra Angelico, Tintoretto, Caravaggio, Bernini, Titian and Raphael, among many others. Beyond art, Italy's contributions to the realms of literature, science, and music cannot be overlooked.

Dante, author of the Divine Comedy
Dante, author of the Divine Comedy

[edit] Literature

With the basis of the modern Italian language established through the eminent Florentine poet, Dante Alighieri, whose greatest work, the Divina Commedia, is often considered the foremost literary statement produced in Europe during the Middle Ages and one of the greatest works of world literature ever, there is no shortage of celebrated literary figures; the writers and poets Boccaccio, Giacomo Leopardi, Alessandro Manzoni, Tasso, Ludovico Ariosto, and Petrarch, whose best known vehicle of expression, the sonnet, was invented in Italy. Prominent philosophers include Bruno, Ficino, Machiavelli, and Vico. Modern literary figures and Nobel laureates are nationalist poet Giosuè Carducci in 1906, realist writer Grazia Deledda in 1926, modern theatre author Luigi Pirandello in 1936, poets Salvatore Quasimodo in 1959 and Eugenio Montale in 1975, satiryst and theatre author Dario Fo in 1997.

[edit] Science

In science, Galileo Galilei made considerable advancements toward the scientific revolution, and Leonardo da Vinci was the quintessential Renaissance Man. Italy has been the home of many great scientists and inventors: the physicist Fermi, one of the fathers of quantum theory and head of the Manhattan Project; the astronomer Cassini; the physicist Volta, inventor of the electric battery; the mathematicians Lagrange and Fibonacci; Nobel Prize in Physics laureate Marconi, inventor of the radio; and Antonio Meucci, disputable inventor of the telephone.

[edit] Music

From folk music to classical, music has always played an important role in Italian culture. Having given birth to opera, for example, Italy provides many of the very foundations of the classical music tradition. Some of the instruments that are often associated with classical music, including the piano and violin, were invented in Italy, and many of the existing classical music forms can trace their roots back to innovations of sixteenth and seventeenth century Italian music (such as the symphony, concerto, and sonata). Some of Italy's most famous composers include the Renaissance composers Palestrina and Monteverdi, the Baroque composers Corelli and Vivaldi, the Classical composers Paganini and Rossini, and the Romantic composers Verdi and Puccini. Modern Italian composers such as Berio and Nono proved significant in the development of experimental and electronic music.

The Azzurri exulting after they won FIFA 2006 Germany World Cup
The Azzurri exulting after they won FIFA 2006 Germany World Cup

[edit] Sport

Italians are renowned for their love of sports. Their zeal for sports events is, indeed, no less than legendary; from the Gladiatorial games of Ancient Rome, to the Stadio Olimpico of contemporary Rome, where prestigious football clubs compete regularly, the impact that sports has had on Italian culture is enduring and undeniable. Towards the alps, the popularity of winter sports grows, with many Italians from that region competing in international games and Olympic venues. Moving downwards the peninsula, the disparity between participation in sports becomes less regional. The incorporation of sports in many Italian festivities like Palio (see also Palio di Siena), and the Gondola race (regatta) that takes place in Venice on the first Sunday of September, affirms the role sports play in everyday Italian life. Popular sports include football, volleyball, rugby, cycling, and auto racing (a sport which shares its renown with a staple of Italian design, Ferrari), among others.

[edit] Languages

Main article: Languages of Italy
Gondolas in Venice; Rialto Bridge in background
Gondolas in Venice; Rialto Bridge in background
Dialects and languages of Italy
Dialects and languages of Italy

The official language of Italy is Standard Italian, a descendant of Tuscan dialect and a direct descendant of Latin. Some 75 percent of Italian words are of Latin origin.

When Italy was unified in 1861 Italian existed mainly as a literary language. Many Romance regional languages were spoken throughout the Italian peninsula (Italian dialects), with many local variants.

Following Italian unification Massimo Taparelli, marquis d'Azeglio, one of Cavour's ministers, is said to have stated that having created Italy, all that remained was to create Italians (a national identity). The Tuscan dialect (or Florentine dialect) spoken in Tuscany was promoted as the standard dialect in large part due to its literary heritage (Dante's Divine Comedy is often credited with the emergence of the Tuscan dialect as standard). Pietro Bembo, influenced by Petrarch, also promoted Tuscan as the standard literary language (volgare illustre). The spread of the printing press and literary movements (such as petrarchism and bembismo) also furthern Italian standardization.

The estbalishment of a national education system led to a decrease in variation in the languages spoken across the country. Standardization was also hastened in the 1960s because of economic growth leading to the popularization of television (the state broadcaster RAI set an Italian standard).

Today, despite regional variations in the form of accents and vowel emphasis, Italian dialects are almost always mutual intelligible. Nevertheless variety remains, and is often used in idioms and folk songs.

Some languages spoken in Italy are not considered Italian dialects but are different languages entirely, such as Venetian, Neapolitan, and Sicilian.

In addition to the various regional linguistic varieties and dialects of standard Italian, a number of languages enjoying some form of official recognition are spoken:

[edit] Notes

1 According to Mitrica, an October 2005 Romanian report estimates that 1,061,400 Romanians are living in Italy, constituting 37.2% of 2.8 million immigrants in that country [22] but it is unclear how the estimate was made, and therefore whether it should be taken seriously or not.
2 See also (in Italian): L. Lepschy e G. Lepschy, La lingua italiana: storia, varietà d'uso, grammatica, Milano, Bompiani
3 Official French maps show the border detouring south of the main summit, and claim the highest point in Italy is Mont Blanc de Courmayeur (4,748 m), but these are inconsistent with an 1861 convention and topographic watershed analysis.

[edit] References

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