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Theneva, a sixth century Scottish saint, is the daughter of King Lleuddun of Gododdin, an ancient kingdom located probably in Lothian, Scotland. She is the mother of Saint Mungo (also known as Saint Kentigern).

Theneva is also known as Denw and Thanea.

[edit] Early life

Theneva fell pregant after being seduced by Owain mab Urien. Her angry father threw her off Traprain Law; she survived and escaped across the River Forth to Culross, where she sought shelter in the community of Saint Serf. Here she raised her son, Mungo.

[edit] Veneration

Her Saint's Day is July 18. She is one of the patron saints of Glasgow.

[edit] Theneva in literature

Theneva (Thanea) is the subject of an historical novel by Nigel Tranter: Druid Sacrifice (1993, Hodder & Stoughton).

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