Kabaka of Buganda

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The Kabaka is the title of the King of Buganda. Under the traditions of the Baganda, they are ruled by two kings: one spiritual and the other - a human-being prince.

The spiritual (supernatural being) king is represented by the Royal Drums; these are regalia called Mujaguzo and always exists, thus Buganda at any single time will always have a king. Mujaguzo, like any other king in the world, has his own palace, officials, servants and guards assigned to his palace. The human being prince has to perform special cultural rites on the Royal Drums before he can be declared King of the Kingdom of Buganda. Upon the birth of a royal prince or princess, the Royal Drums are sounded by specially nominated drummers (by birth) from a specified clan, as a means of informing the subjects of the Kingdom, of the birth of new member of the royal family. The same Royal Drums are sound upon the death of a reigning king in the same way, to officially announce the death of the human being king.According to Buganda culture, a king does not die but gets lost in the forest. Inside the tomb for example Kasubi Tombs and Wamala Tombs, one is shown the entrance of the forest, though it is a Taboo to look beyond the entrance.

[edit] Election of Kings

Buganda has no Crown Prince concept. All the princes are equally treated prior to the coronation of a new king following the death of a reigning king. However, during the period of a reigning king, a special council has the mandate to study the behaviour and characteristics of the young princes. The reigning king, informed by the recommendation of the special council, selects one prince to be his successor. In a secret ceremony, the pre-elected prince is given a special piece of bark cloth by the head of the special verification council. The name of the 'king-to-be' prince is kept secret by the special council until the death of the reigning king. When all the princes and princeses are called upon to view the body of the late king lying in state, the pre-elected prince lays the special piece of bark cloth over the body of the late king, revealing himself as the successor to the late king.

By tradition, Baganda children take on the clan of their biological fathers. However, princes and princesses take on the clan of their biological mothers. This is to ensure that each of the 52 clans of Baganda gets a chance of producing a future king of Buganda, since a reigning king can marry from any of the 52 clans except that of his biological mother.

The first born prince, by tradition called Kiweewa is not allowed to become king. This was carefully planned to protect him against any attempted assassinations in a bid to fight for the crown. Instead he is given special roles to play in the matters of the Royal family and kingdom. Thus, the name of the possible successor to the throne remains anonymous.

[edit] Kings of Buganda

[edit] External links

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