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Lisa Zyga's blog

Say Goodbye to Powerstrips As You Know Them

Powercast is one start-up company that appears to have found the keys to small-company success in a corporate world. Their technology enables literally hundreds of electronic devices to be powered and/or recharged...wirelessly.

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Scientists Get Closer to Having Living Computers

Want to be a cyborg? Your neurons may one day store information as a "cybernetic organism." For the first time, scientists have demonstrated the successful data storage on live neurons.


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New Type of Interactive Paper Makes and Plays Sounds

No, there are no hidden wires here. It really is just the paper, along with a special conductive ink, that makes this paper listenable.

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Inventor Creates Way to Build Houses with Pollution

Henry LiuHenry LiuA 70-year-old retired civil engineer has built a new kind of brick-stronger, cheaper, cleaner-out of a waste byproduct of coal plants called "fly ash." Henry Liu, the inventor, will be selling the bricks to manufacturers next year, so environmentalists will have a clean option to brick buildings.

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Hydrogen-fueled Cars Enhanced with 13 Lucky Enzymes

Thirteen enzymes have been discovered-found in as diverse objects as plants, rabbits, bacteria, and yeast-which, when mixed together, could solve three major challenges on the road to a hydrogen economy. Ultimately, the chemistry experiment could enable a car to run for 300 miles for as little as $8.

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Robot Demonstrates Self-Awareness

Do you know thyself? Nico does.

This robot has recently passed the self-recognition test that scientists use to determine if an animal species can recognize itself in a mirror. Only a handful of animals have passed this test, and now robots appear to be among this elite clique...or else, the test may not be all that it was once thought to be.

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Robot as Smart as a Kindergartener

Leonardo, the creation of MIT scientists, looks like a cuddly toy with movable appendages. But this "toy" is, in at least one way, more intelligent than a human pre-schooler.

Our Guest Blogger, Lisa Zyga, is a science writer who is interested in many areas of science and technology, including the impact of science on society. She is excited about exploring new inventions in science, medicine, and space, and inspiring and fascinating readers interested in the creative frontier of science with the readers of Here's her article:

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Scientists Create "Real" Tornadoes

How can a tornado form inside an "igloo"?

Our Guest Blogger, Lisa Zyga, is a science writer who is interested in many areas of science and technology, including the impact of science on society. She is excited about exploring new inventions in science, medicine, and space, and inspiring and fascinating readers interested in the creative frontier of science with the readers of Here's her article:

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Google Earth Takes On Fourth Dimension

How will 15,000 creatures add their voices to your online map?

Our Guest Blogger, Lisa Zyga, is a science writer who is interested in many areas of science and technology, including the impact of science on society. She is excited about exploring new inventions in science, medicine, and space, and inspiring and fascinating readers interested in the creative frontier of science with the readers of Here's her article:

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GPS Cell Phone Creates an Invisible Fence for Kids

Ever wish for a better way to keep track of your children?

Our Guest Blogger, Lisa Zyga, is a science writer who is interested in many areas of science and technology, including the impact of science on society. She is excited about exploring new inventions in science, medicine, and space, and inspiring and fascinating readers interested in the creative frontier of science with the readers of Here's her article:

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