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After doing a firmware upgrade and a driver upgrade to 10.24.0... reboot your server. ISA will will block the traffic and not let it out. I had a feeling it would freak out just a smidge with that firmware/nic driver upgrade...and it did. Now on to see...
Posted by bradley | 1 comment(s)
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http://simultaneouspancakes.com/Lessons/2007/01/15/isa-and-dhcp/ When you start using ISA to restrict things... be careful about restricting too much..... Depending on where you put that ISA rule set you could end up shutting off DHCP services as a result...
Posted by bradley | with no comments
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So I'm looking in my ISA log files because for the last couple of days my Scorpion Software Firewall da shboard has indicated I've been getting ntp attacks from two IP addresses: and and it's now where I have some time on my...
Posted by bradley | 3 comment(s)
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The recent closure of the Open Relay Database as reported by incidents.org points out how email and spam have changed over the years. Once upon a time Open Relays abounded and was the main way that spam attacks were launched. Now spam comes and attacks...
Posted by bradley | 1 comment(s)
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As a FYI a blog post I did on how to use ISA 2004 to better close your SMTP connection to the outside world ... especially when you are connnected to ExchangeDefender.com is up on the ISA server blog http://blogs.technet.com/isablog/archive/2006/12/28...
Posted by bradley | 3 comment(s)
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WSUS Product Team Blog : New Product Category for ISA Firewall client: http://blogs.technet.com/wsus/archive/2006/12/12/new-product-category-for-isa-firewall-client.aspx How to obtain the version of Firewall Client for ISA Server (December 2006) that...
Posted by bradley | 2 comment(s)
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Question Several days ago when i install ISA 2004 in SBS 2003 R2 i get the following error in the ISAWRAP_*.log file... and installation setup stops"Installer activated, command-line='/v"/qn FULLPATHANSWERFILE=\"C:\Program Files\Microsoft...
Posted by bradley | with no comments
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I don't allow everyone in my office to have external IM in the office. I happened to catch Exchange 2000/SBS 2000 on software assurance and caught Live Communication for internal only instant messenging. If you do allow your firm to have external...
Posted by bradley | 1 comment(s)
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So there are times when you get a weird answer to a weird problem.... We've seen before that ISA/RRAS/MSfirewall won't start with a event id 7001, 7024 and 7..... ..and believe it or not the KB article that does the trick is this one: You cannot use the...
Posted by bradley | with no comments
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On the download site is a program that allows you to do ISA and IIS on the same box.. there's just one problem... while it's a cool tool for SBS.. the fact is that you cannot install ISA 2006 on a SBS box. For one we're not licensed for it... and for...
Posted by bradley | 1 comment(s)
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Phil had installed SBS 2003 on a 2 processor, Dual core Xeon so = 8 logical processors... he then installed ISA 2004 and got the message: The ISA Server Standard Edition cannot run. Either the server is using more than 4 processors, or it is configured...
Posted by bradley | 2 comment(s)
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Just a reminder that while ISA 2006 has recently RTM'd... the CEICW doesn't work with it and we're not licensed for it...So play with it for testing purposes for standalone installs....but don't try to install it on SBS. Check out Tristan's blog for more...
Posted by bradley | with no comments
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