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Looking to reach people who are innovative and think out of the box?

Do you have a product or services you want inventors to know about?
Do you have something innovative and ingenious to share with the world?
Do you have a cool or ingenious new product?
Do you have an invention you are trying to market or promote?

Then, you should advertise at!

Our Advertising Offers the Best Value You Will Find Anywhere! is a unique blend of blog and website focused on the latest inventions, innovations and interesting ideas.

InventorSpot .com is the #1 most popular website for individual inventors and for fans of the popular television show the American Inventor. Our site is a hub for anyone with a creative edge and a curious mind to discover new things, to share their ideas with the world and find useful resources.

Traffic and Readership

Technorati 2872Technorati 2872InventorSpot's growth has been amazing. We launched our site in late March 2006. In less than 12 months, we have grown from 0 to approximately 400,000 unique visitors per month. (This annualizes to over 5 million readers per year!) is a site that has grabbed the attention of its rapidly growing and engaged readership. On May 15, 2007, we were ranked by as the top 3,124 blogs out of the 56 million or so ranked by them.

Alexa 11/01/06Alexa 11/01/06In addition, on, we have a popularity ranking of approximately 65,000 (based on a three month average) out of the 3 million sites Alexa measures. Weekly rankings have put us at within the top 40,000 and we even had a daily ranking within the 10,000 sites in the world. This in less than 12 months, and we're only just getting started!

Ad Types And Delivery

We offer all types of advertising programs, including banners, text links, editorial reviews, and custom advertising.

If you are interested in advertising at InventorSpot, please contact us to discuss tailored ad plans for your company. For our fellow inventors, we offer discounts so please ask us for the details.

(Info as of May 15, 2007)