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June, 2007

Anti-Smoking Mat Direct Mail Campaign - Inventive Marketing

As we all know, quitting smoking is hard because nicotine is so addictive. Along with this, we have also learned that anti-smoking advertising campaigns can be very difficult to ignore because of the vast creativity. Take for example, this direct mail piece.

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Patently Pointless: Sexual Fitness Machine

A patent has been issued for a new way for couples to fit and get fit together.

Our Guest Blogger, Jennifer Lane, has lived in an array of places, from a monastery in the Himalayas to the "Entertainment Capital of the World." She currently works as an attorney in Las Vegas, Nevada. She wanted to share the fun side of patents with the readers of

Here's her article:

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Ten Rules Every Inventor Should Know

Want to learn what every inventor should know from an industry expert?

Our Guest Blogger, David Pressman is a patent attorney in San Francisco. He is also the author of the best-selling book and well-known guide for inventors, "Patent It Yourself". He wanted to share some valuable advice with the readers of

Here's his article:

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Gear Box Pen with Memo Pad in Wood Base Drives On The Write

The Princess PI-1118-70 Gear Shift Pen Set with Memo Pad has got what it takes to drive any desk jockey wild!
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ABC's American Inventor - Episode 2 Season 2 Live Blog and Show Recap


Hi everyone and welcome back for Episode #2 of ABC's American Inventor. As we saw last week, there is quite the spread of wanna-be-inventors this season. Tonight auditions in Los Angeles and San Francisco continue, and I've got an equal amount of hope for some terrible inventions and some great ones. Ya gotta love the bad ones simply for their entertainment value, right?

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Update on the Anecia Survival Capsule - Winner of American Inventor Season One

Watching the first episode of the second season of American Inventor this week made me wonder what ever happened to season one's winner of American Inventor? I bet a lot of people are asking the same question.

The grand finale of Season One of the American Inventor show aired on May 19, 2006 and Janusz Liberkowski won the title American Inventor. Janusz is the inventor of the Anecia Survival Capsule (a safer car-seat).

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Say Goodbye to Powerstrips As You Know Them

Powercast is one start-up company that appears to have found the keys to small-company success in a corporate world. Their technology enables literally hundreds of electronic devices to be powered and/or recharged...wirelessly.

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Star Wars Weekend - Inventive Marketing


As Darth Vader once said, "Don't underestimate the Force" (of just good, ole' creative advertising).

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Female Robot Makes Science Friction A Reality

The FT "Female Type" Robot just may be the curvaceous shape of things to come - and she doesn't come with a voice processor, either. Be afraid, ladies, be VERY afraid...
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Reminder: Live Blog of Episode 2 of American Inventor - Season Two on Tomorrow

Just wanted to remind our readers that Episode 2 of the reality television show American Inventor will be showing tomorrow night ( Wednesday, June 12, 2007) at 9 pm est and 8 pm central time.

Remember to join us as Seth Plattner gives you his unique perspective on the show on his live blog event and episode recap every Wednesday during the whole season of American Inventor here at at 9 pm eastern standard time.

See you there.

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Scientists Get Closer to Having Living Computers

Want to be a cyborg? Your neurons may one day store information as a "cybernetic organism." For the first time, scientists have demonstrated the successful data storage on live neurons.


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'Hanging Harry' Light Pull Reinvents Gallows Humor

Just when you thought it was safe to go to the bathroom again, the 'Hanging Harry' Light Pull arrives to bring the curtain down on party poopers far and wide!
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Marubeni Infotec "Branches" Out With Wooden Keyboards & Peripherals

Marubeni Infotec "branches" out, introducing keyboards & peripherals displaying a variety of attractive wood finishes at Computex Taipei 2007.
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"Wow, The Internet is Old!": Said Seth

Surely since the Internet's comprehensive conception way back in 1996 (over a decade, yikes!) you've had the sudden need to find some random website from years past. But, the only problem is that website doesn't exist anymore and you desperately need to show your friends whatever it was that was so funny it made you blow milk out of your nose. Fear not, Internet Archive is here for ya.

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Velcro Reinvented

Can you think of something more universal and handy than Velcro? If you look around your house and your closet, I am sure you can find hundreds of items that use it. Well, soon those items may be replaced by something better.

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7 Gadget Gifts to Get Dad to Like You Again

Father's Day 2007 is fast approaching, but fear not - we're certain that a quick browse of our 7 Gadget Gifts to Get Dad to Like You Again will inspire you to gift-giving glory - while erasing memories of last year's lame-o gift!!
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13 Perfect Gifts for the Imperfect Dad


Father's Day is the worst. Every year, it's the same lame presents. Come on, you know what I am talking about! If I never see another tie, cologne, BBQ set, belt, wallet socks, underwear, shirt, sweater or lame ass book, I will die happy.

Listen up, guys and let me know if you agree with me. I think I have come up with some really novel gift ideas for dear old dad (other than the obvious stuff he really wants but I can't afford like a Porsche, the model girfriend or the giant flat screen tv). Here's my picks for what to get the old man...

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Apex Program Gives Free Soda for Watching Commercial

Soda displaySoda display

A soda company in Japan has discovered a way to make people read their ads. Simply give them a free soda. Sound too good to be true? No such thing as a free lunch? Whatever cliche you apply here, you can't do something like this and pretend that it won't affect us, economically and morally.

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Israeli Team Develops Robot Helps to Save Lives

Miniature robots can now help with surgery.

Our guest blogger, Tamara Warta, lives with her husband in Sacramento where she works as a writer and a director of a Christian dance company. Her work can be seen in several publications and websites such as,, and She wanted to share international invention stories with the readers of

Here's her article:

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Intestines Made of Yarn : Wacky Product of the Week

Pink IntestinesPink IntestinesLast week, I shared with you something I thought a bit weird, a knitted Fetus Coin Purse.

This week, I found another knitted bit of weirdness. I present to you for your viewing astonishment inner organs made from yarn.

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10 Marketing Tips For Inventors and Entrepreneurs


Let's face it. If you're not Microsoft, a rock star, or a presidential candidate you can't afford to hire a public relations firm. And frankly, even if you could afford one, PR firms are not likely to do the down and dirty work you need.

While a stash of dough is always very nice, with or without it you'll need tons of energy, unfaltering passion for your product, and unrelenting perseverance to overcome any obstacles, to be a winner! Here are some things you can do yourself without a big marketing budget. So, let's get going!

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Up To You: A New Shopping Experience









By shopping internationally Up To You customers can expect to be introduced to amazing pieces, while taking an active role in influencing trends and refining a distinct lifestyle.
Is this a shop or something much more?
Read on to know more...

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Have Money to Burn? Pay $98 Million for a Skull











First off, who in their right mind goes out and buys a skull. Ok, don't answer that. I don't want to know. But if you were to buy a skull, why buy an ordinary one. Why not buy one with over 8,600 diamonds encrusted in it. If you're going to do it, you may as well do it right. Right?

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Direct Mail and the Best Known Cholesterol Drug - Inventive Marketing


It is well known that the most difficult part of a sending out direct mail is getting the target to open it; and who would have ever thought that a drug company would be behind this very creative, one of a kind marketing tool.

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The Sit-N-Stroll® Deluxe Portable Foot Exerciser: Product Review




The Sit-N-Stroll® Deluxe Portable Foot Exerciser was developed for people whose feet and legs are mobility-restricted due to diabetes or other health impairments... And too, for those of us with lack of mobility due to desk jobs, TV watching, video-game playing, and airplane travel...


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