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The Importance of Getting a "Patent Pending" for Your Invention

Inventor Jim LowranceInventor Jim Lowrance

Our Guest Blogger, Jim Lowrence, is an inventor who successfully marketed, licensed and sold his inventions to stores like Wal-Mart and Bass Pro Stores . Jim now helps other inventors through his inventor consulting business, as well as work as a self-employed salesman.

Jim wanted to share his invention story and the things he learned along the way with the inventors at in a series of articles. Here's his second article on patents:

Entrepreneur Creates "Kinko's For Inventors!"

Most inventors dream of licensing their inventions to big companies and then sitting back and collecting their royalties. But for entrepreneurial inventors, the invention or idea is but a part of a large business plan. Maybe Jim Newton, founder of Tech Shop, didn't have a grand business plan when he started his own dream shop just a year ago, but he sure does now!

Read about what Jim Newton has created and about how he approaches his inventions...

Advice from the Inventor of the Rod Floater

Inventor Jim LowranceInventor Jim Lowrance

Our Guest Blogger, Jim Lowrence, is an inventor who successfully marketed, licensed and sold his inventions to stores like Wal-Mart and Bass Pro Stores . Jim now helps other inventors through his inventor consulting business, as well as work as a self-employed salesman.

Jim wanted to share his invention story and the things he learned along the way with the inventors at in a series of articles. Here's his first article:

Inventor, Entrepreneur, Salesperson, Spy...

Yes, I absolutely recommend that every inventor who's decided to go out on his own with his invention spy on other companies. Spy on all the businesses that have great products, great service and great reputations, and figure out what they're doing right. Put your detective hat on, smoke a pipe, do whatever it is that gets your own product and ego out of the way while you discover what makes other companies successful.

Trippin’ The Green Fantastic Casting Calls

Invented anything “green” lately? Good! How about showing the rest of us what your eco-creation can do on Trippin’ The Green Fantastic. Trippin the Green Fantastic is a new environmental TV series coming to the Science Channel in the late fall. The show is a team effort between the Science Channel and Peace Point Entertainment Group. The goal: to find inventors who have made life a little greener with their eco-inventions.

ShoeBeDoBeDoo : Brain Reps 3

Peter Mucha, our Guest Blogger, is an online editor and writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer, who shares more of his zany ideas on . He thought the readers of may enjoy discussing the process of inventing. Here's his article:

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Shoes have untapped potential.

Biking for Better Biceps : Brain Rep 2

Peter Mucha, our Guest Blogger, is an online editor and writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer, who shares more of his zany ideas on . He thought the readers of may enjoy discussing the process of inventing. Here's his article:

Although hill-climbing can be a workout for your arms, most bike-riding does little for your upper bod. I realized this while lugging a watermelon in a bag back from a parking-lot produce market. Really added to the exercise. Could there be a gizmo that creates the same effect? Brain Reps, begin ....

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Brain Reps 1: How to Invent Excuses for Inventing

Peter Mucha, our Guest Blogger, is an online editor and writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer, who shares more of his zany ideas on . He thought the readers of may enjoy discussing the process of inventing. Here's his article:

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Ouch. Brain cramps, again?! Yeeow. That's what I get. For not stretching my mind first. For jumping right into a drill, still on a full stomach.

3 Steps To Maximize Your Press Release Placement

Like the poor soul who’s all dressed up with nowhere to go, a good press release doesn't want to sit on your desk.

Though your press release must blare "This is a great story!" its true success is determined by who pays attention to it, who prints it, and who decides to follow up and write a story about your new product or business.


Press releases are more formulaic than the modern romance novel... and that's a good thing for those of us who want to keep press writing simple. I'll show you the formula and suggest a few tips to increase your chances of getting your releases published. Oh, did I mention that you should be writing your own press releases? (see 10 Marketing Tips For Inventors And Entrepreneurs )

A 117-year-old silver spoon, innovative at the time, inspired me to write a short press release as an example for you. Can you guess why this spoon is innovative in both concept and manufacturing process?

TV, Or Not TV: That Is The Question (For Inventors)

Direct Response Television, also called "DRTV" is an avenue of distribution many inventors consider for their inventions, but most don't really know much about.

Our Guest Blogger, Marty M. Fahncke, is President of FawnKey & Associates , a product development, marketing, and business advisory firm. By utilizing Direct Response Television, E-commerce, and many other forms of marketing, Mr. Fahncke has personally developed hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for his clients. He had some great advice on avenues of distribution for inventors and other entrepreneurs. Here's his article:

Reproduce Almost Anything : Product Review:

Reproduce Almost AnythingReproduce Almost AnythingSo you're at the prototyping stage with your latest great idea, but have no clue how to actually make it? Time to learn a new skill...silicone mold making. This video and workbook give you everything you need to get started on the path to production.

10 Marketing Tips For Inventors and Entrepreneurs


Let's face it. If you're not Microsoft, a rock star, or a presidential candidate you can't afford to hire a public relations firm. And frankly, even if you could afford one, PR firms are not likely to do the down and dirty work you need.

While a stash of dough is always very nice, with or without it you'll need tons of energy, unfaltering passion for your product, and unrelenting perseverance to overcome any obstacles, to be a winner! Here are some things you can do yourself without a big marketing budget. So, let's get going!

Working with Buyers and Others: Interview with Barbara Carey

Our Guest Blogger, Ashton Udall, is a partner at Global Sourcing Specialists. Ashton recently interviewed Barbara Carey for his blog Barbara has written articles for us as a Guest Blogger for us in the past. She is the inventor of Hairgami® and dittieTM feminine protection brand, as well as over 100 other products. He wanted to share the interview with the readers of

Here's Part III of his 3 part interview.:

Getting Your Product to Market: Interview with Barbara Carey





Our Guest Blogger, Ashton Udall, is a partner at Global Sourcing Specialists, a product development and sourcing firm that assists businesses, inventors, and start-ups tap overseas resources to succeed in the global economy.

Ashton recently interviewed Barbara Carey for his blog Barbara has written articles for us as a Guest Blogger for us in the past. She is the inventor of Hairgami® and dittieTM feminine protection brand, as well as over 100 other products. He wanted to share the interview with the readers of

Here's Part I of his 3 part interview. Part II will be published next Monday:

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