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Winners for the Best in Wacky Science Research Get Ig Nobel Award


Winners included the discovery that Viagra helps hamsters overcome jetlag, a method for extracting vanilla flavor from cow dung, and a study of the word "the."

I Maid Café Serves Up Japanese Weirdness in Cold Canada

Japan has exported cars and electronics to the West for decades, but it's only recently that the nation's dynamic culture, led by Pokemon and other Anime has also made the trip. Their success has led a few enterprising types to try transplanting some of the more offbeat aspects of Japanese culture into foreign soil. Can it work? Your on-the-scene reporter visited the I Maid Café in Toronto, Canada today to find out first hand! 

Climb It, Ride It, Run It - 8 Crazy Escalator Ads

Advertising is literally everywhere, including on escalators. It seems that many products can use the unique features of escalators to their marketing advantage.

2007's Funniest Adult Halloween Costumes

Sumo WrestlerSumo Wrestler

Becoming nostalgic for your childhood? If so, you'll find hundreds of
childrens' costumes in adult sizes this year, like the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. And if you want to rewind to your infancy, there's no shortage of adult infant costumes. Then there are the childish adult costumes, and here's where I bring you some of the best for a good laugh!

Solution To Pet Separation Anxiety: Stay Home!


Doggles Comfort HeartsDoggles Comfort Hearts

Does your dog have anxiety attacks when you leave home? Does he tear down your window coverings, bite your door frames, scratch your doors? Does your cat pee in your favorite shoes? Refuse to eat or drink until you come home?

Doggles LLC claims to have a solution to pet anxiety with its new Comfort line. The products contain “hearts” that beat like your pets' very own mothers.


13 Halloween Pet Costume Winners 2007: Coolest, Scariest, Weirdest, and more...

Finally, I'm ready to present Lady Bee's Halloween Pet Costume Winners for 2007. Read on, and you'll find my picks for Coolest, Weirdest, Funniest, Scariest, Classiest, Best Pimp, Most Pious, Most Flirtatious, Most Realistic, Most Surprising, Best Retro, Best Pirate, and Most Adorable costumes for pets. (Dog, cat, ferret, and bird costumes were considered).

Best Poopy Stuff of All Time

Well, I was having a poopy day and it got me thinking that the world is full of poop ....literally. So I went on my merry way to prove my hypothesis true...and I have.

Here are my best finds for all the things inspired by the poop in people's lives:

World's Most Freaky Door Handle

What would you do if you walked up to a door and you saw a hand reaching out to you like this one?


Where Rich Cats Poop

Vaso by KattbankVaso by Kattbank

More and more cats are staying home and pooping indoors these days. But, what do you do with the litter box, especially if Kitty can't have a room of her own? Well, maybe these designer litter boxes will give you some ideas... It's always nice to see where rich cats are pooping.

Meowlingual Cat Translation Device is Purr Insanity

One might think cats don't need to communicate much with their human "owners", but the folks at Japan's Takara Tomy beg to disagree. That's why they've introduced the Meowlingual Cat Translation Device, which follows on the success of the Bowlingual Dog Translator. No, I'm NOT making this up...

10 Perfect Drinks To Serve Your Dog .... In A Dog Bar

Bobby, The Official Wine Taster (photo permission: Alice Wang)Bobby, The Official Wine Taster (photo permission: Alice Wang)

The buzz is that dog bars ("bars" as in taverns) will be the next big thing for dogs and their owners. In the bars, our dogs would be seen, sniff each other and exchange (other) pleasantries, and (why not?) have a drink or two.

Let's see what we can serve them...

Pee On It, Pull It, and Rub It - Top 10 Most Brilliant Bathroom Ads

Advertising really is everywhere...EVERYWHERE. Look what great ads appear in public restrooms.

Ever Want to Put a Pillow Over Your Head? Try the Pillow Wig

I know lots of folks who really love their bed and would like nothing more than to be able to live life from their beds. It's so comfortable.

But as you well know it's just not practical to take your bed with you wherever you go. Trust me on that one.

New Look-alike Dolls Combine Creepy and Cute

A Japanese toy company called Grand Chariot will produce, for just $208 and in a month's time, a look-alike doll figurine from a submitted photo. Call it cool, cute or creepy... just don't call it Mini Me!

Hillary Nut Cracker: Wacky Product of the Day

I wrote this very clever piece several weeks ago on the 10 Ways to Buy Hillary Clinton . Well, no one read and I don't know why. I guess it was lame? Well, if I had this product to add to the list of Great Hillary Clinton products, perhaps my article would have gotten a better reception. The merchant for this calls it "Completely Nuts".

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