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Virtual Race on a High-Tech Stationary Bike

I'm not a big fan of video games and on-line games. I think they are partially to blame for the obesity dilemma we have in the world, but I will admit I once was a Mario Brother addict. Yes I know I've dated myself admitting this, but my point is I understand how addicting games can be. So if you must play games at least play them while working out aboard the Ergo Bike Premium 8i.

Grocery Shopping Out of a Vending Machine

With technology and tenacity, Japan has managed to all but eliminate employment for convenience store workers.

The Importance of Getting a "Patent Pending" for Your Invention

Inventor Jim LowranceInventor Jim Lowrance

Our Guest Blogger, Jim Lowrence, is an inventor who successfully marketed, licensed and sold his inventions to stores like Wal-Mart and Bass Pro Stores . Jim now helps other inventors through his inventor consulting business, as well as work as a self-employed salesman.

Jim wanted to share his invention story and the things he learned along the way with the inventors at in a series of articles. Here's his second article on patents:

Entrepreneur Creates "Kinko's For Inventors!"

Most inventors dream of licensing their inventions to big companies and then sitting back and collecting their royalties. But for entrepreneurial inventors, the invention or idea is but a part of a large business plan. Maybe Jim Newton, founder of Tech Shop, didn't have a grand business plan when he started his own dream shop just a year ago, but he sure does now!

Read about what Jim Newton has created and about how he approaches his inventions...

15 Absolutely Brilliant Billboard Ads ...Really

Some of the following are great examples of outdoor advertising, specifically billboards, at their best.

Advice from the Inventor of the Rod Floater

Inventor Jim LowranceInventor Jim Lowrance

Our Guest Blogger, Jim Lowrence, is an inventor who successfully marketed, licensed and sold his inventions to stores like Wal-Mart and Bass Pro Stores . Jim now helps other inventors through his inventor consulting business, as well as work as a self-employed salesman.

Jim wanted to share his invention story and the things he learned along the way with the inventors at in a series of articles. Here's his first article:

Shochu Liquor Residue Recycled into Potent Ethanol Fuel

Who says alcohol and driving don't mix? A new cooperative venture between five Japanese shochu liquor producers is yielding ethanol fuel and livestock feed from waste that was previously dumped in the ocean.

A Leg Up On Mealtime Booster Seats

Here's super-cool new option for frustrated parents whose obstinate kiddos refuse to sit in a special seat or booster chair during mealtime...

Inventor, Entrepreneur, Salesperson, Spy...

Yes, I absolutely recommend that every inventor who's decided to go out on his own with his invention spy on other companies. Spy on all the businesses that have great products, great service and great reputations, and figure out what they're doing right. Put your detective hat on, smoke a pipe, do whatever it is that gets your own product and ego out of the way while you discover what makes other companies successful.

Japanese Bank Features Ads, Slots and Cellphone Access

Caught between fierce competition for customers and constant pressure to reduce fees, Japan's Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank is now featuring short commercial ads at some of its ATMs in exchange for half-price fees. The ads are just the latest attempt by OK to lure new business by using innovative marketing techniques.

Japan's Internet Cafés House the Homeless

With affordable housing in Tokyo nearly nonexistent, both the desperate and the destitute have discovered a viable alternative to cramped apartments and capsule hotels: full featured Internet cafés!

Unusual and Unique Business Cards Make for Smart Marketing


What better way to market yourself than your business card.


3 Steps To Maximize Your Press Release Placement

Like the poor soul who’s all dressed up with nowhere to go, a good press release doesn't want to sit on your desk.

Though your press release must blare "This is a great story!" its true success is determined by who pays attention to it, who prints it, and who decides to follow up and write a story about your new product or business.

Moving Teeth Signal Moving Orthodontist - Inventive Marketing

This local orthodontics office is packing up and moving...literally.

Cell Phone Recycling Drop-Boxes a Golden Opportunity

There's gold in them thar cells! Japanese telecom giant NTT recovered 320 pounds of pure gold from junked cell phones in 2005 and hopes that making recycling easier will increase the glittering haul.

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