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A princess amongst women...

I saved this mail because it made my day.   Most of the mails I answer through my blog disappear into the ether.  In 99% of cases I never get to hear whether my answer was any use at all, but this mail made me smile all day.

Steve was on holiday, and his OOF message advised people to contact me for help.  Lester sent me this:  

Sometime in the last few days, you(i.e.microsoft) have loaded a flashing icon representing SECURITY plus I get constant pop ups warning me about Viruses and Worms etc plus downloads trying to sell me anti virus systems; anti worm systems etc, etc.  If I go to Start/Control Panel/Security Centre(Related Topics) to Click = Change the way Security Centre Alerts Me - Clear Check Boxes - then Click OK,   ALL THE ABOVE HAS BEEN SWITCHED OFF and I cant use it

The point is that I have (Symantec) Norton Anti everything, which has cost me a lot of money. Furthermore it automatically stops me downloading everything from Microsoft and I am very happy with Norton.

I am sure that something can be done to stop all this flashing and pop ups.  What can I do? What can you do?  Please, please help me as soon as you can manage it.

It was late, I was still working, so I responded...

Microsoft NEVER send anything that will install on your machine and flashes.  We only send information that points you to our www.Microsoft.com  site.  From your description, you may have introduced a worm onto your machine.  I’d recommend that you install Windows Defender which will check your system for any worm or suspicious activity occurring on your PC. Also, check that your Norton antivirus signatures are up to date and that you have continued with the paid (annual) subscription

And received this response...

Dear Eileen - You are a princess amongst women. Loud and long are the hosannas shouted in your honour for saving my sanity.

Bless you for being smart and efficient.

Sweet. And well worth me staying online a little bit later...

Published Thursday, June 28, 2007 1:45 PM by Eileen_Brown

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