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Food and Drink

Outdoor Campaigns - Inventive Marketing

According to, and many others in the advertising industry, outdoor campaigns are suddenly cool…again.

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Fast Food: The Advertising Versus The Reality

Have you ever received a "less than perfect" looking meal from your favorite fast food restaurant? For example, have you ever received this?

When based on the Arby's magazine ad you were expecting your roast beef and cheddar to look like this?

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The Top Ten Weird and Bizarre Japanese Soft Drinks

Japan has a drinking problem... but if you've got a thirst for adventure, it's where you want to be.

In honor (or in horror) of these bizarre beverages seemingly not fit to rinse your septic tank, raise a cracked glass to the Top Ten Bizarre Japanese Soft Drinks, our first ten inductees into the Soft Drink Hell of Fame... Jeers!

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Cell Phone Cameras Coach Calorie Conscious Chubbies & Chubbettes

Tempted by that tasty-looking desert but concerned about keeping fit and healthy? Wonder no longer - with a simple snap of your cell phone camera you can enlist a diet expert to weigh in on whether that pie will go right to your thighs.
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Apple Video iPods-Movies in Your Pocket Campaign-Inventive Marketing

Throughout the last decade, we have come to realize that bigger isn't always better in the world of handheld electronics. In order to prove this, and to promote the movie function of their product, iPod ran a "Movies in Your Pocket" Campaign.

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13 Perfect Gifts for the Imperfect Dad


Father's Day is the worst. Every year, it's the same lame presents. Come on, you know what I am talking about! If I never see another tie, cologne, BBQ set, belt, wallet socks, underwear, shirt, sweater or lame ass book, I will die happy.

Listen up, guys and let me know if you agree with me. I think I have come up with some really novel gift ideas for dear old dad (other than the obvious stuff he really wants but I can't afford like a Porsche, the model girfriend or the giant flat screen tv). Here's my picks for what to get the old man...

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Apex Program Gives Free Soda for Watching Commercial

Soda displaySoda display

A soda company in Japan has discovered a way to make people read their ads. Simply give them a free soda. Sound too good to be true? No such thing as a free lunch? Whatever cliche you apply here, you can't do something like this and pretend that it won't affect us, economically and morally.

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PUR Flavored Water

Whenever you get thirsty, do you go for the plain water, or is it the Gatorade or soda you seek? Most people, if given the choice will take the liquid refreshment with the flavor. PUR has created a filter that adds the flavor right to your tap, but I wonder if we will lose our taste for ordinary water.

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Inventive Packaging - Hot You Can See!

Want to see a brilliant new way to package hot liquids?

Amy Gifford, our Guest Blogger, works in PR for a group of nonprofits after previously working in media and advertising in the auto industry. She wanted to share her smart marketing finds with the readers of

Here's her article:

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Inventive Advertising - Lipton Tea Party

Amy Gifford, our Guest Blogger, works in PR for a group of nonprofits after previously working in media and advertising in the auto industry. She received a Bachelors Degree in PR and five certificates in areas of Marketing, Advertising and E-commerce. She wanted to share her smart marketing finds with the readers of

Here's her article:

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Lipton Tea held a so called tea party in Cairo.

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