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Lisa Zyga's blog

Graffiti Research Lab: Using A Projector to Take Over The World

The science here is an extremely bright laser, a laptop, a digital camera and a (quite expensive) projector. But these indie techs have their own agendas, and most of it is illegal...  read more »

Solar-Powered Water Heater Made of Beer Bottles







Who needs photovoltaic cells when you have 66 beer bottles to capture the sun's rays? Ma Yanjun, a farmer from China, designed this simple technology, which works surprisingly well.  read more »

Microwave Turns Plastic Into Oil

This new recycling machine has negligible fuel costs, zero emissions, and can recover extra metal for profit. Fighting global warming has never sounded so easy.  read more »

Liquid Telescopes Expand Ability to See Deep Space

In this long-term project, researchers have made another optics discovery that could eventually open the doors to objects far beyond what we currently see.  read more »

Three In One: Stove, Refrigerator, and Generator

This quaint-looking device could bring some "essential" ammenities to millions in the world's poorest countries with its cutting-edge technology.  read more »

Crops Ask For and Receive Water

"I'm Thirsty" is the motto of this product-straight from the corn's mouth.  read more »

New Type of Air Disinfector Can Create Fresh Air Indoors

If you’ve ever felt that a deep breath of fresh air is good for you, you may have been closer to the truth than you thought. Scientists have created a device that mimics some key components of outdoor air that also kills the “superbugs” that plague hospitals and kill thousands of patients per year. The invention is currently for sale in the UK, with plans to launch in the US, especially in hospitals.  read more »

Hypersonic Jet "Breathes" Oxygen To Exceed Mach 10 Speeds

Researchers from Australia and the US have built a hypersonic scramjet that "breathes" in oxygen rather than carrying it as fuel. The group predicts that hypersonic airplanes may be a reality in the near future.  read more »

Say Goodbye to Powerstrips As You Know Them

Powercast is one start-up company that appears to have found the keys to small-company success in a corporate world. Their technology enables literally hundreds of electronic devices to be powered and/or recharged...wirelessly.  read more »

Scientists Get Closer to Having Living Computers

Want to be a cyborg? Your neurons may one day store information as a "cybernetic organism." For the first time, scientists have demonstrated the successful data storage on live neurons.

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