
A win, sort of, on Wicks Law

In a classic case of half a loaf being better than none, lawmakers have agreed to dramatically blunt the impact on taxpayers of an 86-year-old state law that has added billions of dollars to public construction projects.

Open space in Suffolk

Somehow, Suffolk legislators fell into a bizarre time warp last week. At a public hearing on legislation to extend a major program for open-space acquisition, too many asked questions rooted in an East v. West mentality, as though they had not seen the program helping the whole county for two decades. It's time for them to renew and improve it.

Short takes


LIPA's gambit

Just when air conditioners are going on full time and power costs are increasing, the new chairman of the Long Island Power Authority wants to reassure customers about future bill hikes. While any move that makes the opaque operating practices of LIPA more understandable is welcome, asking the Public Service Commission to review new increases sidesteps the larger question of what the proper regulatory oversight of LIPA should be, and why current electric bills are so high.


Civil rights fight is losing time

Time is running out on the U.S. Justice Department's attempts to resurrect old civil rights murder cases.

Spitzer's first session underwhelming? No

Yawn and whine.


Passenger cars

Seven Days of Editorials
Tuesday, June 19

Monday, June 18

Sunday, June 17

Saturday, June 16

Friday, June 15

Thursday, June 14

Wednesday, June 13
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The Future of Long Island

There's no guarantee that our future will be as good as our past. And there are troubling signs of storm clouds ahead. So we are launching a new project to start a conversation with Newsday's readers about what we all need to do to secure the future of Long Island.

Read more: Can we talk? A series about Long Island's future
See Newsday's 1978 series, Long Island at the crossroads, here (PDF)
We want to hear from you.

  Podcast: LI's Future

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