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Virtual Race on a High-Tech Stationary Bike

I'm not a big fan of video games and on-line games. I think they are partially to blame for the obesity dilemma we have in the world, but I will admit I once was a Mario Brother addict. Yes I know I've dated myself admitting this, but my point is I understand how addicting games can be. So if you must play games at least play them while working out aboard the Ergo Bike Premium 8i.

Ever Wish For A Voice-Controlled Computer Mouse?


Researchers at the University of Washington have designed "Vocal Joystick," an alternative to a handheld mouse based on the human voice.

The 2007 Nobel Prize In Physics - IPod Today; Tomorrow, Who Knows?

Giant MagnetoresistanceGiant Magnetoresistance

The two winners of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics -- Albert Fert, of the Université Paris-Sud in Orsay, France, and Peter Grünberg, of the Institute of Solid State Research at the Jülich Research Center in Germany - made their contributions to the computer age as far back as 1988. Now that the smallest commercially available hard drive is an IPod, the inventors that led to its development, and many yet to come, have received the grand prix of awards.

Asian Politics Goes Virtual

Asian gamers stage a political protest - virtually.

10 Most Brilliant Inventions of 2007 - R&D Magazine

Functionalized Nanoporous Thin FilmFunctionalized Nanoporous Thin Film

R&D Magazine has sponsored the "Oscars of Inventions" for 45 years. These research and design awards are coveted by government as well as private industry inventors. The 100 winners selected by R&D Magazine for 2007 are stunning innovations - resourceful, effective, inspiring. A significant portion of the 2007 awards are homeland security/military innovations; others are environmental, health, and there's even innovations for kids, like a must-have-Holiday-toy robot!
Here are my picks for the top 10 inventions from R & D Magazine's list of the best of 2007:

Japan's InfoBar 2 Outclasses Apple iPhone

The Apple iPhone may be at the top of everyone's holiday gift list this year, but the fact remains is that it's NOT the best cell-phone you can buy - by far! Japan's KDDI has introduced the InfoBar 2, a sleek and sexy cell-phone that can do things Apple's product planners - and iPhone owners - can only dream about. Pity it's only available in Japan...

Robots See Optical Illusions Just Like People


Robots are teaching us humans about our own physiology, enabling scientists to understand what goes on in the brain when we see an optical illusion.

Gadgets 4 Gals Make Being a Geek Oh So Chic!

Today, geeks can be gals 'cuz it's cool to click when you're a chick. Forget what you thought you knew about geeks & nerds... girls just wanna have fun with high tech gadgets!

Golden Era of Islam Becomes Video Game

Our Guest Blogger, Lee Nunley, is a recent college graduate who has
lived in Cairo and Budapest. He currently resides in Denver and is
working on a book-centered Web 2.0 project. He wanted to share news about the innovations in the Middle East with the readers of

Here's his article:

* * * * *

A new video game allows players in the Middle East to experience the historical period of the rise of Islam.

Learn Your Genetic Ancestry With a Saliva Swipe

While we're waiting on the thousand-dollar genome sequencing, researchers have recently designed a new program that lets you learn your genetic ancestry right now with a quick cheek swab. The results take just minutes, and are 99% accurate.

2007 Tokyo Game Show - Heaven on Earth for Gamers

With exhibitors from 51 countries showing off software, hardware and over 700 game titles from a record 1,708 booths, the 2007 Tokyo Game Show is definitely the place to be for gamers, geeks and gadget lovers for whom nothing beats something new!

New Device Could Make DVDs Obsolete









What if you could condense your entire DVD collection into a single box?

New Robots May Soon Have Your Face and Your Expressions

With a name like "WD-2," this robot may sound like a robot's robot: all gears and metal. But WD-2 is actually a "face robot"-with a face that is realistically human-looking.

Hydrogen Bike Better Than Electric?

Another great bike has recently made its appearance this year. In Shanghai at the 9th China International Exhibition on Gas Technology, Equipment and Applications the hydrogen prototype bike was introduced.

Never Wash Dishes Again! New Technology Can Simply Melt Them and Create New Ones

What if you didn't have to worry about cleaning your dishes? Or finding storage space to put them away? What if you could make your dishes on demand when you needed them (like a party) and then recycled them at home when you were done? An innovative prototype called the DishMaker may make this a possibility in the future.

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