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July 2007 - Posts

Spreadsheet formula bugs

I saw this blog post from Rob Wier the other day, and I thought it would be worth drilling into a bit more. While Rob tends to have a flare for the dramatics he does point out a couple of good bugs in the formulas piece of the Open XML spec. Rob's actually

WordprocessingML Document Model

I thought it might be worthwhile to give a bit of an overview of the WordprocessingML model that you see in the Open XML standard. There are some people who've played with other formats like HTML or DocBook that are curious why WordprocessingML doesn't

Open XML timeline

I posted on this earlier in the year, but I thought it was worth repeating, as I've seen a number of threads lately that question why Microsoft originally created Open XML rather than going with ODF. As you'll see from the timeline below, both formats

Friday links (July 6, 2007)

A couple interesting topics I wanted to link to today: Rick Jelliffe makes my week – Rick has a great post called "Slashdotters: all together now… 'Doh!'" that pretty well sums up my experiences over the past several years. When we first announced the

Back from vacation with some good Open XML news

Hey folks, sorry for not posting in awhile. I was initially going to be on a two week vacation (starting June 15 th ), but some stuff came up with work where I had to fly out to Singapore and Japan for the first week of my planned time off. My wife met