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Custom Schemas are the key for interoperability with your business data

Doug had a great post last week discussing the importance of custom defined schemas. Check it out: http://blogs.msdn.com/dmahugh/archive/2007/05/19/custom-schemas-revisited.aspx
Posted by BrianJones | 5 Comments

Working with XBRL

Doug Mahugh had a post last week showing how you could leverage the custom schema support in OpenXML to create a report based on XBRL data. http://blogs.msdn.com/dmahugh/archive/2007/03/09/xbrl-and-open-xml.aspx#comments Here's a screenshot of the document

How microformats relate to custom XML

I've blogged a few times about the support for custom defined schema in the OpenXML formats. ( http://blogs.msdn.com/brian_jones/archive/tags/Custom+Schema+Solutions/default.aspx ) I've had a few folks ask me if there are similarities between the custom

The power of data-view separation in your documents

There is an excellent post over on the Word team blog that goes into details on how the new content controls feature (when parred with XML mapping) allows for powerful data-view separation in you wordprocessing documents. I've talked many times about

Custom Defined Schemas

I've talked a lot about the value of "Custom Schema" support in Office. Anytime I give talks on the file formats, I make sure to spend some time also talking about the support for custom schema. I don't think I've really given the basic intro though on

Create a rich Word document based on your own custom XML (without the need for XSLT)

I hope everyone had a great new year. Sorry I've taken so much time off from blogging. I was pretty busy last week just getting caught up on e-mail. For those of you who posted comments, or sent comments to me directly, I'll try to get to them all (sorry

Integrating with business data: Store custom XML in the Office XML formats

As I've already talked about a number of times on this blog, there are two core pieces to the XML support in Office. The first piece is what we call our "reference schemas." The reference schemas are the schemas we've defined in Office to represent our

Custom schema support in all Office "12" SKUs!

I haven't seen much mention of this yet so I wanted to call it out in case folks weren't aware yet. For Office "12", all of the XML functionality will be enabled in all SKUs. In Office 2003, the XML file formats were enabled in all versions, but the support

Intro to Word XML Part 6: Locking down your XML structures

What a busy week. I've been trying to keep up with all the news while also getting ready for PDC (and still keeping up with all my regular responsibilities helping to ship Office 12). I'm heading down to PDC on Monday, and my session is Tuesday afternoon.

Intro to Word XML Part 5: Opening custom XML

Intro to Word XML Part 5: Opening custom XML files I've been talking for awhile now about the support for custom defined schemas in Office. I'm actually going to pull together a post in the next week or so that addresses the uses and motivations behind

Intro to Word XML Part 3: Using Your Own Schema

When we built the support for customer defined schemas into Word 2003 there were a couple scenarios we had in mind. The main goal though was that we wanted people to take existing Word documents and existing Word solutions, and make them more powerful.