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Spreadsheet formula bugs

I saw this blog post from Rob Wier the other day, and I thought it would be worth drilling into a bit more. While Rob tends to have a flare for the dramatics he does point out a couple of good bugs in the formulas piece of the Open XML spec. Rob's actually

Open XML timeline

I posted on this earlier in the year, but I thought it was worth repeating, as I've seen a number of threads lately that question why Microsoft originally created Open XML rather than going with ODF. As you'll see from the timeline below, both formats

Friday links (July 6, 2007)

A couple interesting topics I wanted to link to today: Rick Jelliffe makes my week – Rick has a great post called "Slashdotters: all together now… 'Doh!'" that pretty well sums up my experiences over the past several years. When we first announced the

Back from vacation with some good Open XML news

Hey folks, sorry for not posting in awhile. I was initially going to be on a two week vacation (starting June 15 th ), but some stuff came up with work where I had to fly out to Singapore and Japan for the first week of my planned time off. My wife met

Microsoft Office *not* dumped by Science and Nature

I saw this article today, and wanted to make sure that folks weren't confused about the latest with some of the publishers out there like Science as well as Nature. As I said last week, Murray and I have been talking with them trying to better understand
Posted by BrianJones | 20 Comments

Open XML in Science and Nature; Deploying Office 2007; and more…

Here are a few interesting links I came across this week: Open XML in Science and Nature - Murray Sargent gives another update on the discussions we've been having with the folks from Science as well as Nature. They have some really cool publishing processes,

IBM shows off solutions for OpenXML

Stephen was telling me about this article that IBM had written that demonstrated: "consuming and repurposing MS Office 2007 documents is easy with IBM DB2 pureXML features. There really is not much code involved which is conducive to great performance."

Article on “Using Java to Crack Office 2007”

There is an article up on InfoQ showing how you can use Java to work with the Open XML formats. Go ahead and take a look: http://www.infoq.com/articles/cracking-office-2007-with-java While the title of the article says Office 2007, you all know that Open

Open XML Java Library

The OpenXML4J project website is now up and running: http://www.openxml4j.org/ This is an open source project to create a Java library for consuming and generating files in the Open XML formats. Here's a diagram of their planned architecture: As they

German standards body creates new working group to focus on interoperability

I was having lunch with Jean Paoli today and he told me about this press release that came out this morning from the German national standards body ( DIN ), where they've formed a working group that will focus on the translation of document formats in

OpenXML Community Growing

Wow, I've been trying to pull together my next " Intro to SpreadsheetML " post for over two weeks now but it's pretty slow going when you only get 10 mins at a time to focus on it. I thought it would have been ready last week but other things kept coming

A few updates on the OpenXML formats

Sorry I've been offline for the past couple weeks. I've been meaning to post some content for awhile but I've been swamped with Office 14 planning. I was trying to stay up on the comments from my last post , but still ended up slacking there as well (I'm

Breaking free of the politics

It's good to see the latest news out of Malaysia , where they have decided to take a step back from the previous rush towards mandating ODF. It was clear that many of the anti-OpenXML folks out there were pushing too hard on the process and were actually

Differences in vocabulary

The workshop I attended last week at Harvard was a really great learning experience for me. I spend most of my time focused on technology, but not always as often on the policies and practices that need to be put in place to best leverage those technologies.
Posted by BrianJones | 7 Comments

Standards in Government

It's been a really exciting first day out here at Harvard. Jerry Mechling and the rest of the folks at the Kennedy School have put together an outstanding workshop . There are a whole host of impressive attendees (from CIOs of major departments to ambassadors).
Posted by BrianJones | 2 Comments
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