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New Site Launch

Our new site offers a virtual film festival for aspiring film-makers. Members of our site will find a host of...

Public Beta Launch

Whilst using the same technology that powers modern computer games, Moviestorm is not a game but a dedicated movie...

BBC Blast Master Class

Short Fuze is delivering a master class at BBC Blast on tour in Cambridge on Saturday 8th July 2007...


27 June 2007

Our new site offers a virtual film festival for aspiring film-makers. Members of our site will find a host of competitions, awards ceremonies, store and additional downloads that will help extend their Moviestorm experience.

Registration to the Moviestorm site allows users to upload, download and view movies, create Directors pages, vote, comment, chat and take part in competitions and polls. At a later date Moviestorm will also be offering a Premium web membership service, giving access to advanced features and services, including modding tools and a modders' marketplace.

Every uploaded movie will be given its very own movie page where users will be able to post their ratings and comments! Directors will have their own unique homepages to personalise, this will function as a hub for all visitors to view their cinematic creations and post their comments and scores.

Those who just want to watch will be able to select movies by a range of criteria (genre, length, format, language, user rating, and author/contributor). We'll have charts of the top movies, forums where they can talk about the movies they have seen or are making as well as interviews with top Moviestorm directors, and lots to download.

We will incorporate more customized features as the site develops so that members can personalize their profiles and find new ways to engage with the content on our site. We will be listening carefully to your comments as we develop new features, because it is your feedback and insights that will help us build the community you want to be part of.

It's also here that we'll be hosting an array of competitions, awards and events.

Don't miss out: Register today.