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Kavita Mathur's blog

Spy Blocker Gadget









Having written about Listen-Up got me seriously thinking that in today's world there seem to be no concept of privacy. Technology has provided all kinds of snoop machines and gadgets to poke and pry. What does one do if one wants to keep one's conversations private? Even the corners are no more sacrosanct.  read more »

A Floating Picture In A Frame











After virtual frame, talking frame, digital frame etc., technology has reinvented the whole concept by introducing a photo frame which is not a frame.The photo simply floats within the periphery of the frame.  read more »

The House Sitting Robot











The House Sitting Robot is a cute gadget that will take care of your house when you are not there.

Now don't think that this robot will water your plants, take your pet out and look after your kids when you are not there. No it does something far more important. It protects your house against robbery. Wow!

You can go on an extended holiday without a single worry.  read more »

11 Alarm Clocks to Wake the Living Dead

Do you hate your alarm clock?

The snooze button is one of my favorite things. Whoever invented the snooze button must surely be the most popular guy in the Land of The Living Lazies! I mean imagine the alarm clock ringing at an unearthly hour in the morning and all you have to do is press the snooze button. Uninterrupted sleep for another 5-10 minutes! Ahh... a few minutes more of precious sleep.  read more »

Intelliscanner Mini- An Easy Way To Get Organized

Intelliscanner - MiniIntelliscanner - Mini

If you have an attic full of old comics, a pantry full of all kinds of food stuff, and perhaps a wine cellar with wines whose vintage you no longer remember...

You need an Intelliscanner Mini to organize your stuff and your life for you.

The Intelliscanner Mini simply scans barcodes, loads the info on your computer and organizes it.

Easy Living Indeed.  read more »

Listen Up To All The Things That You Shouldn't

Listen Up Personal Sound AmplifierListen Up Personal Sound AmplifierWife is sleeping but you just cannot miss that fav match. It's too loud. Listen Up!

Those two are chatting away with a side glance at you every now and then.You'd give anything to know the topic of their conversation.

Well, Listen Up!



Poke, Pry, Snoop and much more with the Listen-Up Personal Sound Amplifier.

   read more »

USB Keylogger: A Spy for your Keyboard

USB KeyloggerUSB KeyloggerSpying was never so easy or so much fun.

No need to snoop around or try to be discreet.

The USB Keylogger shall do it effortlessly stroke for stroke.

No Software, No Installation.

Just Plug and Spy!!  read more »

Eco-Friendly Millet Mobile Charger

The Millet Mobile Charger is like any other charger, just another gadget.

But it's special as it works anywhere and everywhere. And, more importantly, it requires no electricity!  read more »

The Global Warming Mug

If you still don't know what global warming is all about then I would advise you to simply pick up the global warming mug to savor your morning coffee! Soon it will be all clear. 

This is one cup of coffee that is sure to get the conversation rolling as it shows off the adverse effects of global warming.  read more »

The Remote Door Key

A remote door key! Why didn't we think of it before.

After all the same gadget for a car has been around for years and years. Standing at my door in the wee hours of the night, often have I cursed my bunch of keys for getting lost in all the traffic inside the bag. Goodbye to those troubled times. This simple remote from Locca functions exactly like a car remote.  read more »

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