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  Schools Marketing Items: Prospective Family Contact Form
  Using a form that documents all contacts with prospective families is important to your recruitment efforts because you can:
record and track information;
keep information an easy-to-find place;
document follow-up contacts;
cover all steps of the inquiry process, from the initial contact to enrolling a student in your school.

Various members of your school community may have contact with a prospective family, so it is important to use a comprehensive form that records all contacts. The suggested inquiry form identifies the key components of the inquiry process. One form per family should be used and all people who have contact with a family should record their information on the same form. Forms should be kept in a central location and be identified as PROSPECTIVE FAMILY CONTACT FORMS

Your school may have other steps in the inquiry process that can be integrated with these steps.

Section 1 - Demographics - #1-18

This information helps identify the family and the prospective students. Accurate demographic information will be helpful during follow-up contacts made by members of the school staff (principal, secretary, teacher) or by the school community (School Board, Parent-Teacher Organization, school family).

Determining how the prospective family learned about your school helps measure your recruitment efforts. If numerous prospective families were referred by current school families, you may want to recognize the referring families by sending them a thank you note or mentioning them in a school newsletter.

Demographic information already may be on file if the prospective family is a member of your parish, but it is preferred to have data that is school specific.

Section 2 - Recruitment - #19-24

A prospective family should be sent your school brochure, the most recent newsletter and any other items that share the good things that are happening within your community as soon as possible following the initial contact (See Recruitment Guide - School Publications). A personalized letter from the principal thanking the family for its interest in your school should be included. You may want to include a letter from the current School Board or Parent-Teacher Organization chair as well (See Recruitment Guide - Developing Your Recruitment Plan).

If the prospective family does not belong to your parish, including parish information such as the most recent bulletin and newsletter may be helpful.

If the prospective family has contacted you before your Open House, be sure to tell them the date of the open house and include an invitation with the school/parish packet.

You should cross check your Open House attendance list against the list of families who have made initial inquiries. A follow up telephone call should be made to prospective families who attended the Open House. The caller (principal, referring family, person that toured them during Open House, School Board chair, Parent-Teacher Organization chair) should ask if the family had any questions after they left the Open House, if they would like to come back for a tour, or if their child/children would like to spend part of day at the school. This follow-up contact should be documented in Section 4.

Not all families will be able to attend your Open House, but don't be dismayed. You can still reach out to those families. Follow-up telephone calls should be made to prospective families to see if they are still interested in your school. The caller (principal, referring family, School Board chair, Parent-Teacher Organization chair) should ask if the family would like to come for a tour or if their child/children would like to spend part of day at the school. This follow-up contact should be documented in Section 4.

If a family visits for a school tour, a follow-up contact should be made. The caller (principal, referring family, person that toured them during Open House, School Board chair, Parent-Teacher Organization chair) should ask if the family had any questions after they visited the school. This follow-up contact should be documented in Section 4.

Registration materials should be sent to all families who attend Open House or visit for a school tour. The registration packet should explain your school's registration process thoroughly and include all paperwork a family may need to complete to register.

Section 3 - Registration/Enrollment - #25-28

A staff member should document when registration materials are received and when a child/children has been enrolled.

When a child/children has been enrolled, a personalized letter from the principal should be sent to the family. In addition to acknowledging enrollment, the principal should express how happy he/she is that the family is joining the school community.

If your school has a mentor family program, share the mentoring family's name and telephone number with the new school family. This outreach helps make the new family feel a part of your school community.

Section 4 - Follow-Up Contacts - #29

You can learn from families who do not enroll their child/children in your school. Prospective families who do not return registration materials or choose another school should be contacted, preferably by someone who is not a member of the school staff. In the follow-up contact, find out what school their child/children will be attending. Also ask for the reason(s) the family did not choose your school. Families may be more candid if they are speaking with a school family, as opposed to the principal.

There is space in this section to document numerous follow-up contacts.

Contact: Kathleen Hohl Phone: 414-769-3494
E-Mail: Group: Communication Services
  - ProspectiveFamilyContactForm