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  Presentations: Now and at the Hour of Our Death
  Health care continues to be a dynamic enterprise in the United States. It is marked by numerous and extraordinary changes both in technology, and in the delivery system itself. Because of its dynamism, health care institutions have at their disposal a compendium of treatments and procedures that are directed toward the alleviation of human suffering and disease. It is this compendium of treatments which also presents families with agonizing decisions regarding end of life care.

This PowerPoint presentation is offered by Mark Repenshek, PhD, Health Care Ethicist for Columbia St. Mary’s Health System, as a way to present the Bishop’s new pastoral letter, “Now and at the Hour of Our Death” to your local parishes. We hope this presentation serves as a helpful tool when addressing the difficult issue of end-of-life care planning.

For more information regarding this presentation, contact Rob Shelledy in the Office of Catholic Social Action at 414-769-3402 or via e-mail at

To contact Mark Repenshek, PhD directly, please send an e-mail request to, or phone him at 414-326-2659.

Contact: Rob Shelledy Phone: 414-769-3402
Group: Catholic Social Action