
Inherits From:nsISupports

This interface is intended to be used as a service. To create an object implementing this interface:

var obj = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1"].

This interface is implemented by the following components:


PRInt32 kSelectionClipboard = 0
PRInt32 kGlobalClipboard = 1


void emptyClipboard ( PRInt32 whichClipboard ) void getData ( nsITransferable transferable , PRInt32 whichClipboard ) PRBool hasDataMatchingFlavors ( nsISupportsArray flavorList , PRInt32 whichClipboard ) void setData ( nsITransferable transferable , nsIClipboardOwner anOwner , PRInt32 whichClipboard ) PRBool supportsSelectionClipboard ( )

void emptyClipboard ( PRInt32 whichClipboard )

This empties the clipboard and notifies the clipboard owner. This empties the "logical" clipboard. It does not clear the native clipboard.

whichClipboard: Specifies the clipboard to which this operation applies.

void getData ( nsITransferable transferable , PRInt32 whichClipboard )

Given a transferable, get the clipboard data.

transferable: The transferable
whichClipboard: Specifies the clipboard to which this operation applies.

PRBool hasDataMatchingFlavors ( nsISupportsArray flavorList , PRInt32 whichClipboard )

This provides a way to give correct UI feedback about, for instance, a paste should be allowed. It does _NOT_ actually retreive the data and should be a very inexpensive call. All it does is check if there is data on the clipboard matching any of the flavors in the given list.

whichClipboard: Specifies the clipboard to which this operation applies.

void setData ( nsITransferable transferable , nsIClipboardOwner anOwner , PRInt32 whichClipboard )

Given a transferable, set the data on the native clipboard

transferable: The transferable
anOwner: The owner of the transferable
whichClipboard: Specifies the clipboard to which this operation applies.

PRBool supportsSelectionClipboard ( )

Allows clients to determine if the implementation supports the concept of a separate clipboard for selection.

Reference documentation is generated from Mozilla's source.