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About is a fun and informative website focused on Inventions, Innovations and Interesting Ideas.

We believe we are the most popular and most referenced invention related website on the internet.

Our website was originally named It was inspired and formed in March 2006 by an inventor to discuss the reality television show American Inventor. We are now a website that helps, informs and entertains independent inventors, innovators and others who think outside the box.

On, we are typically one of the Top 3000 most referenced blogs in the world (out of the 71 million blogs tracked by Technoratic worldwide). On several occasions, we have been included in the Top 2500 blogs. On, we are typically one of the Top 50,000 websites in the world (of the several millions websites tracked by worldwide). (Our information is a bit confusing to track due to the recent change of our website name from in May 2007. To get accurate data on our site, you now need to look at the data for both and

The Team includes:

Think Outside the Circle - Creative Director, Founder, and Inventor
Alexis Blu
- Editor-in-Chief and Chief of Bossiness
Blu - Master of All Business Affairs
Simmons - Webmaster and Tech Guru

together with our wonderful Topic Writers and Featured Bloggers:

Aditi Simlai Tiwari - writes on innovations for the home and pets, and innovative foods
Amused and Bemused - writes on all things wacky, weird or amusing
Amy Gifford - writes about innovative marketing, packaging and promotion
Boomer Babe - writes on great products for the boomer generation and for seniors
Body Beauty - writes on innovations in clothing and health and fitness
Gloria Campos-Hensley - writes on innovations affecting our environment
- writes on innovative products for parents
Kavita Mathur -
writes on innovative gadgets
Lady Bee - writes about innovations for pets
Lisa Zyga
- writes about innovations in science
Matt Wood
- writes about gaming and video games
Mia Levine - writes on innovative products for babies and kids
Mike Daisy -
writes on the history of inventions and inventors
Myra Per-Lee
- writes about the invention process
Seth Plattner - writes about innovative websites and live blogs the American Inventor reality television show
Steve Levenstein - writes on Innovations from Japan
Tamara Warta - writes on innovations from around the world

If you are interested in becoming a writer and joining our team, please contact us. is a site powered by Aha Cafe, LLC , a privately held website company.

It is an independent website not affiliated in any way with the ABC TV show, "American Inventor". 

We are not trying to steal from inventors or to scam inventors. This website does NOT solicit product ideas from inventors or provide a fee based service for inventors with product ideas. We are not affiliated with any other company providing services to the inventor community. There is NOTHING we are trying to sell. All we provide is news, information, entertainment and inspiration. All of the revenues to run the site are made solely from advertising to our visitors and voluntary donations from the inventor community.