Self-Awareness A Must!Spirituality - Indiatimes
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Self-Awareness A Must!

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Painting courtesy: Saadhak Shivaanand Saraswati (Udayraj A. Gadnis)
Some " trance channels" are fond of saying that, because they are in trance, the material they bring through is 'purer' and less distorted than material brought through by 'lesser' channels, who are conscious or semi-conscious.
Their reasoning is that supposedly they can 'get out of the way' of the message better, or 'let the entity through' better; that is, they allow the entity to more fully possess their bodies, and that the conscious mind, with its filters and programming and beliefs, is safely out of the way, so that the entities can therefore to speak more directly. This is not necessarily so.
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The fact is that whether you are a fully conscious channel or a full-blown out-like-a-light trance channel, you are still translating for the entity with the same set of tools you have available in any state of consciousness, and with the same beliefs, rationalisations, filters, biases, and so on, (which go much deeper than the conscious mind.) It is just easier, when you are in a trance, to pretend that you had nothing to do with the translation, and to therefore claim to yourself and others that the information is less fallible.
Any trance channel who claims this, is denying his or her contribution to the message, and is denying any responsibility for what comes through. This can lead to an amusing circular verification process, which goes something like this:
1. Channel (speaking as her/himself): "My opinion is X."
2. Channel (in trance, speaking as entity): "Yes, X is true."
3. Channel (speaking as her/himself again): "Since the entity said X is true, it must be true and not just my opinion." You must be    on the lookout for this kind of thing. You should always be ready to admit that if they seem to be agreeing with the channel, it     could be the mediums own filters getting in the way of the message.
This rigorous self-policing is a necessary component of any psychic practice.
The quality (high or low) of a channeled message will be the same for a given channel whatever form the Channeling takes.
A good channel will produce good, clear messages whatever the Channeling method, and a muddy channel will produce muddy messages. Some of the very best trance channelers alive today are known to occasionally bring through some (not a lot, but some, still) fear-based and judgmental material, just as he would if fully conscious. It is inescapable that the medium imparts his or her own flavoring to the message.
In a very real sense, the medium is the message!

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