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City Homicide

City Homicide

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About the show
The Seven Network's police drama City Homicide gives viewers a sneak peek inside the grisly world of murder investigation.

Under the watchful eye of Detective Senior Sergeant Stanley Wolfe and his fearsome boss, Detective Superintendent Bernice Waverley, the detectives of this inner-city Melbourne precinct have to solve some seriously horrific murder cases. But first they must conquer their own demons...

Meet the characters
Bernice Waverley played by Noni HazlehurstBernice Waverley played by Noni Hazlehurst
Title: Detective Superintendent
Tough and fiercely competitive, Waverley's goal is to get the top job — Commissioner. She believes that women have as much of a right to be in the top ranks of the service as their male counterparts, but she also thinks they have to earn their place like she did. Behind the tough professional exterior, Bernice is a compassionate single mother to 14-year-old Josh.

Claire Jackson played by Kat StewartClaire Jackson played by Kat Stewart
Ex-fashion model Claire is Duncan's fiancée. Now a fashion buyer, she provides Duncan with an upscale lifestyle. As much as he enjoys the benefits, he isn't so thrilled about Claire's use of illicit substances, which is shaking up their relationship.

Duncan Freeman played by Aaron PedersenDuncan Freeman played by Aaron Pedersen
Title: Detective Senior Constable
Ambitious and focused, Duncan entered the police force at the age of 19 and worked his way up to Homicide. Everything was going according to plan until he killed a man while on duty. Although the investigation into the shooting cleared him of wrongdoing, there's a dark cloud hanging over him and his boss is constantly on his back.

Jennifer Mapplethorpe played by Nadine GarnerJennifer Mapplethorpe played by Nadine Garner
Title: Detective Senior Constable
Jennifer was filling in for Duncan in Homicide during his shooting investigation, and she finds herself pushed back to Fraud when he returns. Fortunately, Stanley Wolfe is on her side and pushes to get her back in Homicide. On a personal level, Jennifer had always hoped that the modern woman could have a career and a family, but her failure to find a partner has her doubting her beliefs.

Lorraine Sparkes played by Alyce PlattLorraine Sparkes played by Alyce Platt
Detective Senior Sergeant Wilton Sparkes's wife Lorraine believes that the 40s are the new 30s. She has given up on her marriage and knows that divorce is imminent, but she isn't sure how to proceed. In the meantime, she enjoys nights out with her girlfriends and discreet affairs, including her current one with the much younger Simon Joyner.

Matt Ryan played by Damien RichardsonMatt Ryan played by Damien Richardson
Title: Detective Senior Constable
Matt has always wanted to be in Homicide and wouldn't dream of doing anything else with his life. He often gets emotionally involved in his cases, which can have the positive effect of making him determined to find the killer, but can also negatively cloud his judgement. His boss, Stanley Wolfe, is the only person to know about his past and to understand why Matt reacts the way he does. Despite this flaw, Wolfe believes that Matt can make an excellent Homicide investigator.

Simon Joyner played by Daniel MacPhersonSimon Joyner played by Daniel MacPherson
Title: Detective Senior Constable
A close friend of Matt's, Simon is a private-school boy turned bad. After dropping out of uni, he decided to enter the police force in order to break free from his kamikaze lifestyle. He's the master of one-liners and is just as adept with women. The quintessential ladies' man, Simon loves chasing every skirt in town.

Stanley Wolfe played by Shane BourneStanley Wolfe played by Shane Bourne
Title: Detective Senior Sergeant
Stanley believes he was put on the Earth to be a Homicide investigator, which he considers to be a noble profession. He is extremely good at his job, having solved several major cases over the years. Stanley can be warm and understanding at times, but he can also be tough and ruthless with his young charges. In his private life, Stanely is married to his childhood sweetheart, Linda, with whom he has three children, Joseph, Stephanie and Susan.

Terry Jarvis played by David FieldTerry Jarvis played by David Field
Title: Detective Superintendent (Armed Robbery and Drug Squad)
Jarvis is Waverley's equal — he runs Armed Robbery and Drugs, while she runs Homicide and Vice. Unfortunately, the two powerhouses can't stand each other. Although those within Jarvis's circle are loyal to him, everyone outside his group is suspicious of his friendly veneer — with reason.

Wilton Sparkes played by Marshall NapierWilton Sparkes played by Marshall Napier
Title: Detective Senior Sergeant
Sparkes might once have been a good detective, but the only thing he has in mind these days is his retirement, which is 14 months away. When he's finally out of the service, he plans on getting a part-time security job, losing some weight and trying to fix his marriage. But will it be too late?

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