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Boogie confirmed for DS and PS2

EA's Boogie is coming to DS and PS2 in time for Christmas. First DS screens inside
The singing, dancing, rhythm-action game is no longer exclusive to Wii - as new versions are bound for PS2 and DS before the end of the year.

Boogie on DS comes packaged with 3D glasses - something we last got free in Kellogg's Cornflakes about a billion years ago when Jaws 3D came out at the cinema - so you can view the game in, er, 3D - while wearing the glasses - and it features new modes and mini-games.

(Note to self: don't wear the glasses in public places, or private).

EA tells us more: "The game's unique modes include DS Download Play and Multi-Card Play, three main dancing gameplay modes including Copycat, Freestyle and Choreography as well as more than 10 mini-games. Players can also dive into the career mode for a deeper experience as they embark on a quest to become the Boogie Master."

Sadly for PS2 owners, it appears you don't get any 3D glasses, but EA says the version "showcases the game's signature dancing and singing gameplay".

We've uploaded the first Boogie DS screenshots here. read the Wii review here.




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