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Updated: 2:53 p.m. ET Aug. 30, 2007
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  Pres. Bush's surprise visit to Iraq
Sept. 3: Pres. Bush says he came to see the "remarkable turnaround" in Anbar province. NBC's John Yang reports.

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A place for gays in the GOP?
Aug . 31:  Sen. Larry Craig's situation, like Mark Foley's before, focuses attention on gays and the Republican party, and more broadly, the party's position on gay issues.  A “Hardball” panel debates whether there is a place for gay Republicans in the party.

Video: TODAY
Leave your kids home alone?
Sept. 3: Securty expert Bill Stanton shows the ways predators can target children.

NBC video: Meet the Press
Dangerous for Democrats to nominate Hillary?
Sept. 2: Politicial strategists from both sides discuss how a presidential nomination for Sen. Clinton could be advantageous for each party with NBC's Tim Russert on "Meet The Press."

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A shot in the dark
Kathy Augustine was driven in her political career but unlucky in love

*Video from the show is usually available on the Web site within 12 hours of the broadcast.

Video: In the news
Man pulls train with teeth
Aug. 30: A Malaysian man, nicknamed 'King Tooth' tries to set a world record by pulling a 327-ton train more than nine feet with his teeth.'s Dara Brown reports.
Chaos erupts in Santiago
Aug. 30: Police use water cannons to disperse protesters in Chile. Labor workers are calling for higher wages and better working conditions.'s Dara Brown reports.
Chocolate covered worms
Aug. 30: Chocolate lovers in South Korea discover worms in their candy. The chocolates were counterfeits of a popular international brand made in China.'s Dara Brown reports.
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Bin Laden or Jesus?
Aug. 30: Controversy surrounds an art exhibit in Australia where both Jesus and Osama Bin Laden are seen in a hologram and the Virgin Mary is shown in a burqa.'s Dara Brown reports.
Desert tortoises thrive in habitat
Aug. 30: A California couple is helping the threatened desert tortoise species survive by building a habitat.'s Dara Brown reports.
Naked hula for a beer
Aug. 30: Two men are charged with shoplifting and indecent exposure after doing a naked hula dance to steal a case of beer.'s Dara Brown reports.
Cooker helps Kenya’s poor
Aug. 29: A giant cooker that burns trash and provides cooking fuel is giving new hope to locals in Nairobi.’s Dara Brown reports.
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NBC News update
Sept. 4: The latest news update from NBC Mobile.
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The ZeitGeist blooper reel
Aug. 28: Even Edward R. Murrow made a mistake once in a while.  Imagine how many blunders Willie Geist makes on a daily basis.
TechWatch: Gaming Expo
Aug. 23:  A gaming convention in Leipzig, Germany debuts 503 exhibitors from around the world.’s Dara Brown reports.
Business video
Lifting restrictions on Mexican trucks
Aug. 31: A Bush administration move would allow them unrestricted access to U.S. highways. Labor and consumer advocates say it would hurt American jobs and be unsafe. "On the Money's" Scott Cohn reports.

Countdown’s Oddball
The naked hula robber
Aug. 30:  In Missouri, two men went into a liquor store. While one guy stole a beer, the other took off his clothes and did a hula dance to distract the clerk.