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Contact us and we'll help you figure out the right package for your company:

Kameka Redley
Director of Classified/Reprint Sales

Use IAs unique editorial to support your message to advisors.
Reprints offer a unique opportunity to use existing editorial or advertising material to create a new and effective marketing message. Take an article or ad, professionally reprint it in a customized format, and redirect it to your marketing audience.

Reprints can be a strong part of your individual marketing plan. Your message earns credibility because of objective content from Investment Advisor's top quality editorial team.

Investment Advisor can customize your reprint with a logo, advertisement, custom cover or additional copy. We can change graphics and photos, reflow existing type, add a company logo or add your special company message. Separate pieces of editorial can be combined in one reprint.

How can reprints assist my marketing efforts?

  • Create credible sales literature to distribute at trade shows and conferences
  • Reinforce your position in the market
  • Follow up to prospect inquiries
  • Direct mail enclosure
  • Handouts at meetings
  • Training aids for educational purposes
  • Customized corporate brochures
  • Sales tools for staff
  • Enhance press releases

What are e-prints or web rights?

  • Electronic reuse of editorial content
  • Can appear on your internet and intranet company ewb site in either PDF, text, or html format
  • Timely, cost efficient and global distribution of the news that is most important to your company



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