
Microsoft Vista Quote

Talking about Vista.

"It's rather like dealing with an overexcited Boy Scout ... who has a lifetime supply of chocolate-covered espresso beans."

Hehe. Very True. I recently installed Vista on parallels, and it was an interesting experience using it, but .. meh.

Using End/Home keys to perfection in on Mac OS X

This guide is meant to help you out with changing terminal settings to get default linux like functionality of page up/down and home/end keys on Mac OS X.

I would suggest getting your terminal to behave properly first, so swap some keys in 'Terminal', 'Window Settings...', 'Keyboard', namely the 'end' and 'shift end', 'home' and 'shift home', 'page down' and 'shift page down' and 'page up' and 'shift page up'.

Then edit the home key: delete all that is there and type the following keys:
ctrl + [, [, 1, ~ it should now say: \033[1~
Do the same for the end key, it should say: \033[4~

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