
Last page of search results in Google

An interesting question - how do you see the last page of results, the least relevant ones, on google?

The answer is - you can't. Google only serves the first 1000 results, which you can go look at if you click all the way to the last search result. OR, you can do the smart thing and:


Type the above URL replacing SearchTerm with your own word. A lot of other URLs are actually incorrect, since in order to do this well, you need to keep the "omitted search results" in, which the above link does.

New Google Interface

Google seems to have changed its search interface. This is what it looks like now - with the search options bar on the left, and the ads at the very bottom of the page.

Wonder how the response will be.

How to restore a corrupt Thunderbird address book

Yes, as the title suggests, I was recently hit by a corrupt address book error in Thunderbird, my primary email client. Of course, the fact that I've got a a minimum of 200 addresses in regular use caused me more angst than anything else.

A simple google search reveals nothing - there IS a link about how to restore it from a corrupt *profile*, but nothing about the address book itself. Well, I found a solution to it.

The address book is backed up in the abook.mab,bak file, which is what Thunderbird creates when it detects the corruption. A new abook.mab takes its place instead. Now, the kind of data error in the file may vary depending on what caused it - but normally, its a set of junk characters which starts off from a line which should look like this:

Google desktop 2

For a company which is being touted as the 'Microsoft Killer', google sure knows how to avoid being tagged. They've been releasing a slew of software, the most current of them being Desktop (v2). All said and done, its the usual google functionality and clean interface which should make this one a winner too.. except that Linux and MacOS come nowhere in the picture.

Why's this?

From slashdot
That's purely logical. They are bombarding people with Google apps running on Windows (Google Talk, Gmail notifier, Google Desktop, soon a Google Browser and Google Office Applications). You are getting used to them.

Bug on Google Video?

I was recently doing searches on google video for the google factory tour video, and i used a couple of keywords which i remember using the first time I came across the video.


[The keywords were : google factory tour]

Surprising, I thought. So, I did a more general search for just Google, and and then started putting in terms related to it, including but not limited to Eric Schmidt, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Well, the first two gave up absolutely NO results, atleast, the ones which were relevant.

Which is pretty weird - considering, that they worked before. Anyway, so I went ahead and went further with Sergey's name. And on the second page of results, I DID get the link I was looking for.

Linux India Website Design

Here's the Linux India Website design I've been doing. Time to put all the detractors to rest ;)



Let me know what you think.. Comment on this node!




The perfect way to save server space, and link my blog to this website!

On your left, you see the menu for "and Then there was vIkSiT". Thats my blog running on LiveJournal. The cool thing is, it is now completely reflected on this site. Which means, that everything i blog on LJ can bee seen here, as well as my tech blog which goes on as part of *this blog.

The best part however, is that these entries remain on the server for only 2 weeks (or whatever time i choose to keep them in). Thus, before getting newer content from LJ, the existing stuff is cleared out. It can be retrieved anytime you like too!

Thoughts on module creation

I'm considering what could turn out to be a pretty nifty module for drupal.

The requirement for such a module is that I have space constraints on my server and being the kind of person who needs every penny he can save [:-)] I want to integrate an external blog into the drupal system. Thus, I'd be using a blog server's space, and yet have it fully integrated into the main site.

The aim of this module would be to link a lot of RSS feeds obtained from various blog sites, and integrate it into drupal. The difference between this and a news aggregator would be that the feed content would be maintained in a local cache, for a particular time period, set by the user. The content, being part of drupal, could be manipulated as desired, and thus cross referenced with any of the taxonomies on the site. The comments system too, would function in one of 2 ways - either the inbuilt comment module could be used, or an xml-rpc interface to the external commenting system might be implemented.

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