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Updated: 1:59 p.m. ET Sept. 24, 2007
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Newsweek War in IraqNewsweek 
Iraqis Demand Checks on U.S. Security Firms
A noonday shoot-out in Baghdad prompts angry calls for Western security contractors to be reined in.
For Iraqis, Helping Americans Can Be Deadly
The Iraqis who signed up to help the Americans are losing faith—and often their lives. One family's story.
Hirsh: Blackwater and the Bush Legacy
How Bush has created a moral vacuum in Iraq in which Americans can kill for free.
Kokesh: The Face of Iraq Vets Against War
Adam Kokesh has become a charismatic spokesman for a small but growing number of Iraq veterans who now oppose the war.
Troops Cuts: Which Unit Leaves First?
Now that President Bush has approved a plan to gradually bring home some U.S. troops from Iraq, some of the families of the first unit to ship out are, surprisingly, not happy.
A Haunting Play on the Iraq War
The Iraq experiences of Scotland's famed Black Watch regiment, told in their words, make a landmark night of theater.
In Iraq, Nothing Succeeds Like Failure
Gen. Petraeus is a smart and capable leader. But he's not the savior Congress imagines him to be—and his strategy won’t work.
Q&A: Gen. Sir Mike Jackson Speaks Out on Iraq
The former head of the British Army is outspokenly critical of U.S. military policy in Iraq. Gen. Sir Mike Jackson discusses planning for the Iraq War, the problem with Washington's neocons and the military withdrawal from Basra City.
Deconstructing Petraeus
A critic and a champion review the general's Capitol Hill testimony.
As Sunnis Flee, Shiites Now Dominate Baghdad
Shiites now dominate the once mixed capital, and there is little chance of reversing the process.
Iraqi Insurgents Using Bigger Rockets
Bigger rockets are raining down on coalition forces in southern Iraq, and U.S. officials point the finger at Tehran.
War Has Made Baghdad Pre-Industrial
War is pushing Baghdad out of the 21st century and back to a bygone age of ferrymen, midwives, donkey drivers and shepherds.
Why We Need a Draft: A Marine's Lament
He was in the firefights of Fallujah. He saw gaps in America's arsenal that he believes can only be filled when America's elite puts its sons on the battlefield. A plea for selective service.
A 'Bin Laden' Anyone? Cocktails for Wartime
Every major American military conflict has inspired a cocktail. What will be the signature drink of the Iraq War?
Iraq Blackouts Get Worse, Fuel Anger
Iraq has been plagued by electrical shortages since the U.S. invasion, but the blackouts have gotten worse this summer. Besides decaying infrastructure and insurgent attacks, a bumbling bureaucracy and local power rebellions are to blame.
Iraq: Can American Military Stop Deadly IEDs?
How do you stop foes who kill with devices built for the price of a pizza? Maybe the question is, can you stop them?
U.S. Soldier’s Guide to Iraq—Circa 1943
A War Department handbook published in 1943 stressed that respect for a people and their culture was a key to victory.
Iraqi Prison Tries to Un-Brainwash Radical Youth
Inside Iraq’s notorious Camp Cropper, an unusual pilot program is trying to reform youths who’ve been brainwashed for jihad. NEWSWEEK gets an exclusive look.
Did Soldier Fake Iraq Story for Magazine?
The New Republic is standing by a disturbing account written by a GI in Iraq, even as the Army says the stories are not true.
Suicide Bombers: Iraq's 'Martyr' Factory
The Iraq war has turned into a veritable 'martyr' factory, unlike any seen in previous conflicts.
Iraq: On the Ground With an Anti-IED Unit
The troops who defuse Iraq’s deadly IEDs are an elite, tightly knit group whose dangerous job can exact a deadly toll. On the ground with an Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit.
Who Are the Bombers?
In spite of the stereotypes, there is no typical suicide bomber. A look at those who believed they would find paradise by sending others to their deaths.
The One Who Survived
A Saudi bomber who lived to tell his tale is back home denouncing jihad.
Iraqi Minister on Bombs, U.S. Withdrawal
Iraq’s interior minister discusses the identity of the suicide bomber who attacked Parliament, a timetable for U.S. withdrawal and the success of the Baghdad security plan.
Iraq: Can New Shiite Leader Break Logjam?
A 36-year-old cleric now runs the country's most powerful party. But is he any more likely to break the logjam in Baghdad?
Deadly Decisions
A devastating new documentary traces the course of the Bush administration's massive missteps in Iraq.
Q&A: Iraq Shiite Leader on U.S. Withdrawal
The new leader of Iraq’s most powerful Shiite party says an immediate U.S. withdrawal would be harmful. Amar Hakim’s views on America, Iran and the more radical Moqtada al-Sadr.
Could Benchmarks Make Things Worse?
President Bush says that Iraq has had some success in meeting 18 U.S.-mandated benchmarks. But on the ground in Baghdad, the oil debate suggests that artificial milestones could make things worse.
The Stradivari of Ramadi
Some Americans in Iraq spend the off-duty hours on their game machines; others keep blogs or work on their abs and pecs. Sgt. Geoffrey Allison made violins.
A Patch That Could Threaten the Troops
An infrared patch that allows easy nighttime identification of U.S. soldiers is widely available in the United States. That's a big problem.
  June 2007  
Friends in Need: Although Maliki and Bush are both running out of time, neither has any real alternative but to stick with the other, come what may
Bush Keeps Faith in Iraqi Prime Minister
Patience with Iraq's prime minister is running out among most everyone, except George W. Bush.

  May 2007  
Moqtada al-Sadr, appearing for the first time in public in Iraq in months, prays in the Shiite city of Kufa on May 25
Why has Sadr resurfaced in Iraq?
Radical Shiite leader Moqtada al-Sadr has returned to fill a vacuum on Iraq's political stage. The question now is whether he's come as a voice of opposition or reconciliation.

  April 2007  
Iraq: Is Anyone Planning for U.S. Pullout?
Everyone is talking about whether the United States should withdraw from Iraq. But is anyone actually planning for that day?

  MARCH 2007  
Nadia McCaffrey: 'If I have to walk to Iraq, I will'
When Training Iraqi Troops Turns Deadly
Iraqi troops turned their rifles on Americans on a joint patrol, exposing the risks for embedded U.S. military advisers. One mother’s quest for justice.

  FEBRUARY 2007  
On the hit list: Iraqi vice president Tareq al-Hashemi, shown here next to a photo of his murdered brother
Checkpoint Baghdad: Counting the Bombs
There's security everywhere, but there are still so many explosions that it's hard to keep track--let alone the toll they take.


