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Charter Bodies

Human Rights Council

Commission on
Human Rights

Special Procedures assumed by the Human Rights Council

for the Promotion
and Protection
of Human Rights

HRC Complaint Procedure
































Human Rights Bodies

Mechanisms for the protection and promotion of human rights

The United Nations system for the promotion and protection of human rights consists of two main types of body: bodies created under the UN Charter, including the former Commission on Human Rights, and bodies created under the international human rights treaties. Most of these bodies receive secretariat support from the Treaties and Commission Branch of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

Charter bodies

Treaty bodies

There are seven human rights treaty bodies that monitor implementation of the core international human rights treaties:

Click here for a general overview of the human rights treaty bodies.

Four of the Committees (HRC, CERD, CAT and CEDAW) can, under certain conditions, receive petitions from individuals who claim that their rights under the treaties have been violated. More information.

The treaty bodies coordinate their activities through an annual meeting of chairpersons of human rights treaty bodies and through the Inter-Committee Meeting. More information.

The treaty bodies are continually seeking ways to enhance their effectiveness through streamlining and harmonization of working methods and practices. More information.

Other UN human rights bodies

There are several other important United Nations bodies which are concerned with the promotion and protection of human rights. These bodies are not serviced by OHCHR and include:

Other UN entities involved in human rights promotion and protection

Many United Nations agencies and partners are also involved in the promotion and protection of human rights and interact with the main human rights bodies:
Treaty Bodies











Chairpersons and Inter-Committee Meetings

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