Dolmens Are a Girls Best Friend


The result of over 30 years extensive fieldwork by Anthony Weir, author of Early Ireland: A Field Guide, this CD-ROM contains information on the vast wealth of Irish prehistoric monuments, offering over 1,000 photographs of megalithic tombs, stone circles, phallic pillars, holed stones, bullauns and stone-rows.

There are also pages covering more recent monuments such as cross-pillars, ogham stones, sculptured crosses and sweathouses.The core of this CD-ROM is the unique, illustrated county-by-county Gazetteer of hundreds of sites all over Ireland, giving descriptions and map references.

This is 'the most comprehensive and lavishly illustrated [Irish gazetteer] ever published.'

There is also a section on some of the lesser known megalithic sites of France.

ISBN: 0 9520451 7 6

Ireland: 25 Euros

Rest of the World:28 Euros

Monu-Mental About Prehistoric Dublin - BOOK

There is no shortage of general guidebooks featuring selections of popular megalithic sites throughout greater Ireland, but, for some strange reason, there is an absence of information about places to go to around Dublin, where an overwhelmingly large proportion of the population lives and works. This is not due to a lack of such sites.

Monu-Mental About Prehistoric Dublin addresses this shortfall by concentrating on the ancient sites in County Dublin. Despite hundreds of years of development and more recent suburban sprawl the county still has many prehistoric monuments. These include megalithic tombs, stone circles, barrows and standing stones.The first section is an in depth discussion of the county's monuments detailing their relationship to each other and the surrounding landscape by dividing the county into three areas, which can be considered alone, but still interrelate.

In order to help visitors understand the remains of the monuments they visit, section two outlines the defining characteristics of each classification of monument.

The final section is the fully indexed gazetteer of Dublin's monuments that can be used as a field guide to visit them. Each entry contains a description, directions when appropriate, positional information using the National Grid and a list of selected nearby monuments.

Ireland: 20 Euros

Rest of the World:22 Euros

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