The British National Party, BNP, is the only hope for the survival of British people in these islands. The BNP is not just a political party standing in elections, it is the only movement which encompasses political, community and cultural aspects to ensure that the British folk nations have a future.
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The BNP is developing into areas which other political parties have the inability or the lack of imagination to develop. We are now offering our web visitors the ability to pay and view from a selection of our multi-media productions. We will continue to publish material that is free of charge but "nothing is for nothing" in this life (unless you are a Labour minister of course!) and the efforts that have gone into creating the music, filming and editing the footage and developing the payment mechanism need developing and for that we need money...vast amounts of it. This may not be MTV, in fact it is of better cultural quality that the disposable factory-produced music that glorifies violence, drug use and sexual depravity, but this is our first steps towards developing our own music broadcast channel. Your help is needed. If YOU have some musical or film production ideas and skills contact our BNPTV team. (

  Audio   Video   PDFs


Buying online could not be easier.

Simply add the item to you basket, just click on the button which says "Add to cart". A "shopping cart" page appears. If that is the only item you which to purchase then click on the Secure Checkout button that appears on that page. If you wish to purchase other items click on the button that says "Continue Shopping".

You will need a Paypal account to purchase these items.

If you encounter problems with PayPal AFTER you have been directed away from the BNP site, please contact Paypal, as we are unable to provide answers for PP problems.

On completion of payment you will recieve an email from the BNP which provided you with a link to download the music/video file. You will need the password that is contained in that email to access the file.

The files are yours to keep on your hard drive or portable storage device and can be played back in either:

Windows Media Player
Real Player



"We are one" - Battlecry, an American based rock band have produced this powerful track with patriotic lyrics.


"Menace" - Singer/songwriter Dave Hannam plays the guitar on this jolly number. Running time 1'45.


"Set our people free " - Singer/songwriter Dave Hannam plays the guitar on this track on his own composition. Running time 2'29.


"Patriot" - Singer/songwriter Dave Hannam plays the guitar on this cover of a very popular song which was also used as the theme to the 2004 film "Fahrenheit 9/11". Running time 2'26.



Daily News Update

0906 553 2245
Calls cost £1/min
PO Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria,

British national party monthly newspaper is called Voice of Freedom
Land and people website
BNP and the peak oil crisis

Great White Records for first class music

Excalibur is the place for merchandise, books, ornaments, household goods and clothing based on celtic and european designs.

digitaldownloads from BNPtv

British National Party monthly journal is called Identity

British national lottery
© ® 2004, 2005 British National Party, PO Box 287, Waltham Cross, Herts, EN8 8ZU. Telephone: 0870 7576 267